Heroic Taiwanese TransAsia Rescue Operation is Real – Hoax Claims a Lie

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Heroic Taiwanese TransAsia Rescue Operation is Real – Hoax Claims a Lie

With revelations thanks to freeradiorevolution and contributors

In regard to the TransAsia crash rescue operation it will go down in history as a most heroic effort, one that should set an example for all others. Yet, regarding those who claim that the rescue operation of the TransAsia airplane crash scene was fake the question is what evidence is there for such a claim? Clearly, this was a rescue scene, a desperate, difficult, and tenuous one at that. Even so, it is likely that more people would have died in the TransAsia crash without such an aggressive rescue effort. While by the time rescue arrived most of the passengers had drowned or had died from blunt trauma, there were still many who could be potentially saved. Still, it must be realized that people risked their lives to save others, including, apparently, good Samaritans, not just bone fide rescue personnel.

The greatest issue, though, will be in the aftermath of the rescue. This is the fact that this real, catastrophic event and subsequent lifesaving effort will be scandalized in the most extreme way. It will be diminished and minimized. It’s agents will be accused of fraud, committing a mere fake or hoax: a crisis actor-like event. The actions of the rescuers and their seniors will be questioned and even worse, they will be belittled  and abused. This makes the Taiwanese aid agents not merely heroes but double heroes for risking their lives and their health in this catastrophic event while then being subjected to abuse in consequence.

So, it is a fact. There is an aggressive effort on the Internet to dispute the legitimacy of the rescue cause, as well as the crash itself. That effort is largely orchestrated by a group of psyops-style trolls, who have been apparently assigned to the project a certain image. They are paid agents, and a number of them are Zionist agents, hasbara moles. That image the hasbara agents are to project is one of a fake crash supported by a phony rescue operation, in other words, an arch-hoax. It is a plot to spread great confusion regarding the issue of this real-life, catastrophic airliner crash. Using tactics that include raising their voices, swearing, and making wild, unsubstantiated claims it appears that they have it as their decided purpose to convince the world that this is by no means a real plane crash. They even dispute the real nature of the previous TransAsia crash, that of GE222, creating, once again, doubts about what was an absolute and exceedingly real catastrophe.

Regarding the the aftermath of this most recent crash it is obviously a rescue effort. There is no evidence of this being staged. No one has provided even the slightest degree of evidence for the staging or pre-placement of wreckage. Nor has anyone provided evidence to the least degree that the people awaiting their rescue were put in place, there, in advance.

Great speculation has been made by such arch-Zionist trolls such as those who operate Russian (aka Israeli-) vids and also the operatives behind Davej and Benjamin (arch-Zionist) Donkey. They are merciless. Why not? They have been paid to attack and undermine. This is despite the fact that in this catastrophe there truly were people who were killed and injured, some being killed in a most merciless form of death, drowning to death upside down.

Per a Max Malone video here is the image of a person trapped in the plane. That passenger is rapping on the window, letting the rescuers know of his existence.  It appears that he was eventually removed alive and thus survived.


One of the earliest images available of the rescue involved the effort to create a securing line on the abdomen of the plane. This would act as an anchoring element for the rescuers, so they could operate free of danger, free of falling into the septic and disease-causing river water below. Yet, what do the arch-corrupt Internet trolls claim, in this case so-called Russianvids? Incredibly, this channel claims that this rope, while running through the water, is the “edge of a platform” and that this platform was prefabricated; it’s that, it is claimed, that the survivors are standing on, a most ridiculous claim, indeed.


It was not a pleasant scene by any means. People were severely injured. Others were dead or dying.  A number of people had apparently died on the way to the hospital or were deemed dead upon arrival.

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In the early phases also there were three brave men who put at risk their own health to help the survivors, including the two men in the red helmets as well as the man in the far end of the line, the one in the white T-shirt. All came into play early to aid the survivors. Yet, despite their selfless acts one Internet videographer, Russianvids, here deemed “Israelivids,” could do nothing other than spread additional lies, mere wild speculation about the man, saying he is a fake, a crisis actor:


Here is a screen shot from Israelivids where an issue was made, wrongly so, of the fact that, once, this early rescuer was in the water, then later to be found on the plane. Belittling him, the arch-Zionist channel was used to spread speculation against him. Yet, let it be made clear the man was involved in the rescue operation and never was acting as a survivor. He was merely aiding those passengers by every means possible and was instrumental in establishing the securing line on the turned over belly of the plane.

What were they to do? They knew that the people on the outside were secure and were in relatively good condition. Surely, they realized that they were against time to save any others, who were either drowning or already drowned. So, a priority was to focus on attempting to survive the others. They heard the knocking. They knew others were still in the plane.


Facial abrasions and lacerations, as well as contusions and possibly broken, surely, bleeding noses were among the most common injury patterns which were obvious.

Here, after the people outside were taken on-shore another rescue campaign was initiated, in this case for those who were trapped in the remaining intact carcass of the plane.


In the above a man is finally pulled out of the carcass, apparently alive. Once again, though, some of these people died on the way to the hospital or were merely declared dead on arrival.


The Taiwanese were doing everything they could to be sure that these people made it safely back to shore without further injury. After this man was removed from the plane notice the tight grip that the rescuer has on his arm to prevent him from slipping or falling.


Here, it can be seen that a rescue worker is moving a life-vest into the carcass. People inside the plane had suffered death by drowning. They were hanging upside down; some got loose from their seat belts; others were trapped and ould not get released.


This man suffered a severe injury to the side of his face, a major contusion. It is unknown whether he lived or did not survive. He is obviously severely injured. It is high time for the criminal minds who scandalize this, who abuse these traumatized people and those who sought to aid them, be put to a stop. They should be revealed for who they are and undermined in every way possible. 


The poor man does not look well to any degree, suffering a most massive contusion to his face. Yet, treacherous Zionists are saying no one died to any degree and that, incredibly, no one was even injured. They truly are wretched to a most unfathomable degree.

Still other Internet sources claim that they are all crisis actors, even the wounded. In a video by Peekay22 there is an emphasis on the cards handed to the survivors, this being used as a kind of ‘proof’ of a hoax. In this regard, so these sources claim, the cards are proof that these wounded, stunned passengers are mere crisis actors, receiving a kind of confirmatory card for their roles. This is a fabrication. The card is merely a triage card, standard in-use throughout Taiwan: standardly used throughout the world.


She is holding a card precisely of the same nature as the one seen below:


It is certain, then, that there are forces on the Internet which serve no other purpose other than to cause chaos. This includes arch-liars such as the operators of Davej, Benjamin Donkey, Russian- aka Israeli-vids, and, now, Peekay22. It does not appear that these are catastrophic mistakes but are, rather, malicious. That is the disinformation is being spread purposely and for cause, which includes the necessary role as a result of being paid arch-Zionist Internet moles.

Zionist agents, in particular, are using the hoax claim versus the TransAsia crash as a plot. It is not a matter of making mistakes but, rather, it is their purpose to lie about this and spread great mischief in the land.

Source Article from http://nodisinfo.com/heroic-taiwanese-transasia-rescue-operation-real-hoax-total-lie/

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