10 Reasons America Will Be Judged as the Most Brutal Empire in History

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Activist Post
November 7, 2011

Good and evil doesn’t have a grey zone.  Killing and stealing is bad.  Violence is never “good” or necessary unless it is used to defend against killers and thieves. Indeed, that is the morality behind the “just war” principle as defined by international laws and treaties.

Yet, this simple concept of right and wrong gets muddled by differing ideas about religion, patriotism, economics and many other divisions.  The “just war” rule has crumbled under the ambitions of empires throughout history.  The American-led Anglo Saxon empire is no different.

This empire has been brutally conquering and colonizing territory since the fall of Rome.  However, it has only gained an American face in the last century.  The United States quickly emerged as the world’s “superpower” primarily through its economic might.  For some time, many believed the U.S. to be a shining example of economic freedom for other nations to emulate.  Indeed, America was eager to promote “economic freedom” globally to open new markets for U.S.-based corporations.

When foreign leaders refused to allow these corporate interests into their country, those leaders were replaced through a variety of covert actions.  The form of government that would be installed did not matter to the empire makers so long as the corporate interests were served.  In most cases these nations simply surrendered to the seemingly unlimited power of the almighty dollar, thus camouflaging the traditional method of forceful empire building.

However, some nations, especially in the last two decades, remained stubborn and have refused to alter their banking systems while also shunning Western companies.  Despite the empire’s best efforts to diplomatically bribe or sanction them into submission, they ultimately required an iron military fist to force their compliance.  Until recently, military action remained the last resort.  But now, preemptive military action seems to have become the preferred, and perhaps necessary, method to conquer the last resource-rich nations out of their grasp.

The empire’s populations cheered this strategy out of fear of being attacked by these rogue nations who never attacked or even threatened to attack them.  In the fog of fear, killing and stealing became acceptable. In fact, detention without charges and even torture became acceptable in the former capital of freedom. America has determined that the means justifies the end — which is more power.

As with all empires, these “means” have become increasingly violent and destructive in the face of resistance.  Yet, only a few more dominoes are left to knock over for America to complete a plan set in motion well before they were one of the colonies.  That is unless, of course, other world powers break ranks and attempt to stop the conquerors, which could lead to a large scale conflict.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
  • 10 Reasons America Will Be Judged as the Most Brutal Empire in History

Regardless, when the dust settles and moral history is written, America and her Western cohorts will likely be viewed as the most brutal empire in history.  Here are ten reasons why this is already the case:

10 Reasons America Will Be Judged as the Most Brutal Empire in History rumsfeld+saddam
Rumsfeld with Saddam Hussein 1983

1. Support of Dictators: For all the happy talk of spreading Democracy and protecting human rights, the empire has repeatedly not only supported dictators, but in many cases overthrew popularly elected leaders and replaced them with puppet tyrants.  Examples range from secretly funding the Nazis, to installing the Shah in Iran, Pinochet in Chile, supporting Musharraf in Pakistan, and their everlasting love affair with the brutal Saudi royal family, to name a few.  Actions speak louder than words to those who can navigate the storm of propaganda with a moral compass set to recognize good from evil.  Dictators and freedom cannot coexist.
2. Preemptive Wars of Aggression: It could be said that all wars are preemptive in nature because so many entities benefit from war.  Yet, even before America’s latest crusades, they covertly and surgically attacked countries that never threatened them.  This allowed them to maintain the moral high road in the public’s eye while constructing the foundation of their empire.  That was until the Bush Doctrine; the use of preemptive military action to confront possible threats was unofficially adopted to be the new foreign policy for combating terror.  Since then, America has become the violent aggressors, having officially invaded two countries — Afghanistan and Iraq — without legitimate provocation.  Violent aggressors have always been judged by history as evil. But it gets worse….

10 Reasons America Will Be Judged as the Most Brutal Empire in History dees+waterboarding+bush
Dees Illustration

3. Torture: Torture has never been acceptable by those promoting a high moral standing in the global community.  Nazis and Japanese soldiers were convicted and executed for engaging in the exact same torture techniques that America has redefined as ‘enhanced interrogation’.  “I was just following orders,” was not a justifiable excuse for such inhumane behavior, much like it wasn’t a good enough defense for the low-ranking patsies who took the heat for the sinister Abu Ghraib torture scandal even though their actions were approved at the highest levels.  Can state-sanctioned torture of prisoners held without charges ever be viewed as anything less than brutal?

10 Reasons America Will Be Judged as the Most Brutal Empire in History dees+activists
Dees Illustration

4. Suppression of Dissent: All tyrannical regimes throughout history have suppressed homeland dissent.  As government oppression grows bolder at home and abroad, more citizens will naturally express outrage, resulting in even more oppressive controls.  This is happening in the United States through the all-seeing eye of the Department of Homeland Security with warrantless spying, arbitrary watch lists, citizen spy campaigns, and TSA molestation to travel anywhere.  Additionally, in an attempt to squash free speech, they arbitrarily seize websites and violently confront peaceful protesters.  Unfortunately, as awareness of the topics in this very article expands, the U.S. will likely become even bolder in their pursuit of stifling dissent.  In other words, the worst is yet to come, and history will judge the U.S. as not quite the beacon of freedom they have pretended to be.

5. Elimination of Habeas Corpus: Say goodbye to the notion of being innocent until proven guilty, the right to face charges and your accuser, and the right to a free and fair trial.  Habeas corpus, considered the only humane path to “which a prisoner can be released from unlawful detention,” has been eliminated for those vaguely labeled ‘enemy combatants’ of the empire.  As Guantanamo prisoners rot under such pretenses, prominent lawmakers in the empire propose the exact same lack of rights for American citizens if they’re labeled an ‘enemy belligerent‘.  Similar to the Spanish Inquisition, now you’re guilty until you’re tortured to admit your guilt.  Can it get more evil? Why yes, it can. Read on.

10 Reasons America Will Be Judged as the Most Brutal Empire in History FredaLibertyUpended
Anthony Freda Art

6. Assassinating Citizens: That’s right.  No judge, no jury, no conviction; just straight to execution. America has set another precedent in their tyrannical march toward empire when they openly assassinated an American citizen and government patsy, Anwar al-Awlaki, and his teenage son on the suspicion of terrorism.  Paul Craig Roberts laments “Now the US government not only can seize a US citizen and confine him in prison for the rest of his life without ever presenting evidence and obtaining a conviction, but also can have him shot down in the street or blown up by a drone.”  Isn’t this the reason America claims to be knocking off dictators around the world — the deliberate killing of their own citizens?

But Awlaki was a bad apple because the intelligence community said so. What’s most telling that America will continue this wickedness is that almost every US lawmaker turned a blind eye to the grotesque violation of Constitutional rights. Only Ron Paul said that assassinating an American citizen without charges is nothing less than an “impeachable offense”.  Too bad most of the country cheered the Awlaki killing as a “victory” in the war on terror, indicating that it is now an acceptable tactic.  Americans beware: you may be moved from a secret watch list to a secret kill list in this brutal empire.

10 Reasons America Will Be Judged as the Most Brutal Empire in History dees+libya
Dees Illustration

7. Unauthorized Drone Wars: Unprovoked wars without authorization, accountability, or independent oversight only seem to be escalating; and with little resistance. The US Congress no longer votes to “declare war”.  They simply give the Commander in Chief broad “authorization” to use force against specific nations. However, even that is not broad enough in the rapid pursuit of empire.  Now, joystick warriors directed by the CIA and Pentagon have targeted at least three countries with “unauthorized” military strikes; Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia.  Even worse, they waged a full-scale war for regime change and resource plundering in Libya without any authority inside the United States.  Under the NATO flag, which is 75% funded by the U.S., they flew over 9200 strike sorties in Libya to illegally topple Gaddafi.  Drunk with success, the bloodthirsty empire marches on to their next preemptive targets, Syria and Iran.  Quick morality check: unprovoked killing and stealing as a first resort is still wrong, right?

8. Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction: How ironic that the world’s policeman for weapons of mass destruction is the only one to use them on a mass scale.  The United States is on record using chemical, biological and even nuclear weapons.  From the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII, to Monsanto’s Agent Orange in Vietnam, to the depleted uranium used in Afghanistan and Iraq, America only condemns itself when speaking about the evils of WMDs. However, killers don’t appear to care how the killing is accomplished, so long as it achieves their goals.  The real firecrackers will likely be brought out in a confrontation with Iran, or if China and Russia are lured into the conflict.  It won’t really matter much what history says if the use of WMD escalates by either side, but the aggressors should rightly be blamed for the ensuing scorched earth, while the defenders against killers and thieves should be viewed as righteous.

9. World’s Largest Drug Dealer: The American empire is the largest drug dealer in the world?  Say it isn’t so. Well, in addition to forcing legal drugs and genetically modified organisms on nations, usually under the cover of foreign aid, America also leads in the illegal drug trade.  In fact, many researchers reveal that the war on drugs is only utilized to control and monopolize the illicit drug trade.  The US government has been caught multiple times shipping in cocainecolluding with certain cartels to control the industry, and now openly protects and transports opium from Afghanistan.  In fact, Global Research points out that in 2001, “according to UN figures, opium production had fallen to 185 tons. Immediately following the October 2001 US led invasion, production increased dramatically, regaining its historical levels.”  This month, the U.N. announcedthat Afghanistan now provides 93% of the world’s opium production; up 61% compared to 2010 to a whopping 5800 tonnes.  Although the empire tries to keep it secret, they can’t hide the hypocrisy forever.

10 Reasons America Will Be Judged as the Most Brutal Empire in History pyramid

10. World Reserve Currency Prison: Although using Weapons of Mass Debt is a non-violent form of expanding the empire, it’s perhaps the most brutal and effective form of control.  Requiring foreign nations to purchase oil and other imported commodities with US dollars wields immense power.  Because all nations must acquire dollars to purchase critical resources, they quickly become indebted to the US Federal Reserve, their affiliate central banks, and the IMF.  Before long, the entire world is colonized by debt.  It seems that only the nations that don’t need or refuse credit from Western banking institutions are the ones in danger of facing the wrath of the imperial war machine. Incidentally, most oil-rich nations in the Middle East have outlawed usury (lending money with interest), making them impossible to conquer diplomatically through debt.  Controlling the world reserve currency means controlling the tap of life itself, which is a dangerous weapon in the hands of an aggressive empire.  Debt is the ultimate WMD the empire uses to enslave the world, which leaves dissidents with two clear choices: slavery or death.

Although this empire is infinitely more powerful than Rome was, it will likely suffer the same fate.  For every negative action the empire commits, there’s an equal and opposite good reaction. And the goodness of humanity will always defeat tyranny when it goes too far.  However, an empire with so much to lose will go down swinging and slinging every weapon in its arsenal, thus putting the final stamp on their status as most brutal empire in history.

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40 Responses to “10 Reasons America Will Be Judged as the Most Brutal Empire in History”

  1. 10 Reasons America Will Be Judged as the Most Brutal Empire in History

    We recognise this now more than ever because for one thing it is so blatant and obvious it can no longer be ignored. We caught them red handed on 9/11 but this is when we found out something of how deep and how entrenched they were. This isn’t the country we were taught of in school.

    emus Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 12:18 pm

    with due respect to all, I believe the Anglo Saxons are far greater criminals than Zionists. I never understood what it means to be “sadistic”. but the behavior of those crooked bunch tells me that majority of them do posses a satanic and sadistic mindset. they are full of intense hatred and intense jealousy. it’s a trick they are so used to where they just pass all the blames onto the Jews. Anglo white people’s psychotic nature is so horrible. they are the occupiers and thieves.

    riot-on Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 2:58 pm

    Emus,were sitting on the van across the harbor the day the towers came down?Were you one of the jews laughing and giggling and filming Silversteins towers come down.With all due respect,I can look into the eyes and lies of Netenyahooooo and see the love,don’t pass your crap along.Both sides are in bed together so don’t act like your devil is a better devil than ours.Makes you appear blind and clueless

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 3:34 pm




  2. Who ever wrote this list of (10) Reasons is a MORON!
    If America sucks so bad, then, why are people immigrating to the US in the Millions?



    Seal the borders, and give the gift of the US Constitution to any foreign Nation that wants to “Startover”. Nuke the UN, and end the World Court!!!! Death to the NWO.

    Let Freedom Ring!

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 10:58 am



    emus Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 12:21 pm

    European parasites have so much hatred toward Africans and yet they are the ones who are the occupiers and trouble makers in Africa. white men cannot stop being on someone else’s back. they just cannot do it. behind all the assassinations, arming the so called rebels in Africa are the white Anglo Saxons and the Zionists. international Jewry who hides behind Marxism labels all the destabilizations as popular uprisings to serve the same criminal agenda. Anglo Saxons are the most vile and disgusting creature God ever created. their cruelty, parasitic nature and deceit is second to none. this very clever group of people with satanic mindset claims that they are not responsible for the actions of the government. but it’s been hundreds of years and the crooked bunch are still following the same traditions of their great grandparents with rape, torture, genocide, assassination, poisoning, slavery, thievery, deceits and the rest. so, western rulers come from western people and westerners always love their warlords such as George bush who they voted into office for the second time. westerners will never vote for a candidate like Ron Paul and have all kinds of phony excuses and later claim they don’t like what their government does. One Brazilian told me yesterday, “”the white people are very clever. now they invite us and act very friendly because they can make a lot of money from Brazil. they will just come, make money and go away””.

    jfitz Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    Your Brazilian?

    Darnshveed Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 10:58 am

    Here in Oregon farm country, the illegals have all up and split in the last two years, maybe cuz were #2 in unemployed… I hear alot of stories of Americans trying to migrate to Mexico nowadays in fact.

    jfitz Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    No, they are showing up in Louisiana tons of them

    Philippe Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 11:48 am

    Have you ever been anywhere else other than say, Mexico? There’s a reason so many call it Amerika. You don’t even deny the facts presented, you just bypass it and embrace the murder and mayhem. Retardscoutmarine could be forgiven as he is clearly mentally ill, but you should have no excuse unless you end every post with some inane babble like Bravo 2 out.

    Odysseus Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 5:02 pm

    I like reconscoutsniper. What would this forum do without Bravo 2 out? Philippe, this world has been mentally ever since they created psychiatry. The insane run the asylum. Those in the medical profession who have abused patients in the mental hospitals will soon take on those demons with the leaders of the world. I wish them luck in their personal battle with the demons they helped to create. When the elites start going completely crazy, they will understand what the homeless in this world have had to battle their entire lives. The elites have been above suffering until now. It’s their only shot at redemption.

    The power structure of the United States will get exactly what they always deserved. I suspect many of our leaders will suffer even more in death for destroying our country and the world. The US government has an unlimited line of credit with the devil. They take any and every deal that is against world peace. The United States has always been above judgment when it comes to crimes against humanity. That’s because the Christian god has been calling the United States home for far too long. He is going to be forced to come down from heaven and suffer for evil in this world. To play god somebody has to suffer for your mistakes. That is why this world has been a game of master and servant. There is no heaven, they just build castles in the sky.

    Penzman Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 12:15 pm

    Why? Because too many think the U.S is like Disneyland from coast to coast while they know nothing about it’s ghettos, rampant poverty, drugs infested neighbourhoods, guns everywhere and extreme violence and crime infested cities.

    riot-on Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 12:34 pm

    Let Freedom Ring…Oh beautiful for chemtrailed skies,for HMO waves of grain,for purple mountains (with hidden cities), for her majesty,above the droughted plains…Amerika Amerika,God don’t let them tazer me…….. You are going to be fine in your new camp.They will have games and family activities.They love blind obedience.You’ll do just fine.Trust them,it will be better than being free!!!

    riot-on Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 12:36 pm

    I’m gonna go hang 5 more flags in my front yard for you startover!!

    riot-on Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 12:46 pm

    We have the best country and people are clamouring to get in doesn’t cut it anymore.It’s like choosing your form of execution,I think I’ll take the firing squad-that decapitation stuff looks horrible.The country could be a great place to live,a really great place.People flock all around the globe looking for a better place,not just Amerika.That is because everyplaced is screwed up,of course I’m sure you beleive Amerika is bringing love and peace to all those bullet riddled cities.I imagine a much much much better America than you do,and beleive it is possible!!

    notoriouskelly Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 1:44 pm

    Our forefathers never measured themselves in terms of the “rest of the world”.

    The Constitution is our yardstick, and America is an ObamaNation.

  3. The truth probably is somewhere between this article and Startover’s wave the flag post. This country was founded by a bunch of patriots and visionaries that put it on a firm foundation. They did this because many of the evils we are seeing today were in charge in many parts of the world and the people were having revolutions to throw off these evil. Over the next 200 years, We The People, got fat and lazy, and let a lot of these same evil doers again sneak their way back into control. We have let corporation, who were originally allow in a very limited way, because they can be dangerous, get more right than do the citizens. We have let military profiteering get out of control even in ‘none war’ times. We have let government steal our rights and let local citizen control be taken over by centralized federal and soon world government. This country could still be a force for good, but over the past few decades it has totally lost it’s way and allowed a take over by many of the same forces that we fought a revolution to get rid of a wrote a Constitution to prevent in 1776.

    Vic Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 10:58 am

    They unplugged us all from oneness. evil is a negative energy that is multi dimensional.
    They occupy or influence humans minds, they are the ones that manipulate brain wash the good people?

    How can so many people join the military? knowing who rules over this planet?
    only one answer: either they are evil in nature which I do not believe is the case, or they are fooled to believe lies that serve agendas that harm us all in the end?

    the wake up has begun and the NWO knows they must step up the actions before the many in the military do wake up and turn all this madness around. The good people in the military are in grave danger just as the rest of us. Goodness has always been goodness.

    EVIL will always be evil. Where do we all want to stand by choice?

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 11:23 am

    @ akat

    To “identify” with others who are “like minded”, a “symbol” representing the ideals of those like mind people is kept not just as a reminder, but as the symbol of the freedom they are willing to fight for.

    “Rally around the flag”. Unfortunately, as you described, TPTB/NWO have disfigured this symbol and have people running around burning the symbol that our forefathers fought and died for to preserve our freedoms.

    IE A super fine product is “Made in the USA”. It then is taken and others manufacture the same “type” of thing, and place, “Made in the USA” on it, when in all actuality it is not the “original item, but “appears to be. Those in power today are all “counterfeits”.

    Thats what has happened here. For those who are not dullards, we understand this. For the dullard, they never will understand this.

    They fail to recognize to “phony”. Thats why 63 million “dullards” voted a “phony” into the US Presidency. Your post is correct with one slight obtuse statement projecting from it.

    =========== ” Startover’s wave the flag post” ====================

    In the event that we take a “battle flag into the field, it shall be the “stars and bars” of the Confederacy. That war was all about “states rights”, verses, “Federal dictatorship”. “Slavery” was used as the excuse. The “demoncraps” of both “North and South” were all in favor of keeping blacks as slaves. Lincoln had a plan to have the slaves shipped back to Africa. A few boat loads of these blacks ended up in west Africa, where in time , they made slaves of the black indigenous peoples there.

    DC is federal property, not the 50 United states, and let us remember that Hawaii and Alaska were never fully ratified as being states.

    “For the people, of the people and by the people”. Thats called “waiving the freedom flag”.
    Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
    What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
    Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight’
    O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming.
    And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
    Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
    Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
    O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

    On the shore dimly seen, thro’ the mists of the deep,
    Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
    What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
    As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
    Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
    In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream;
    ‘Tis the star-spangled banner: oh, long may it wave
    O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
    That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
    A home and a country should leave us no more?
    Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.
    No refuge could save the hireling and slave
    From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
    O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    Oh, thus be it ever when free men shall stand,
    Between their loved homes and the war’s desolation;
    Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the heav’n-rescued land
    Praise the Power that has made and preserved us as a nation.
    Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
    And this be our motto: “In God is our trust”;
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
    O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    Thats the entire song written by Francis Scott Key.



    Peter Wolf Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 5:08 pm

    You can get them all to rally around the flag for all the wrong reasons because a lot dont realise what the flag actually means and they dont realise that its all fake patriotism supporting the fake US govt and POTUS.


    Do you want to pick a fight with me?? The HAMMER SKINS !! Yes, i have a lot of Asian and Middle Eastern Friends.

    It happens to be i am a white russian – german – and itallian – Die Machen Di’ Furer Magotten !!


    As an Anti-war measure to charge all military occupation $100k per cargo; per aircraft; or ship for the haboring of an base or pre-emptive strikes; meaning each country in the alleigence will charge for the use of “their” airspace, water, and or land for “any” and all military occupation in every country!! It’s called a simple “isolation technique!! You will be forced to recogine with the ordinance; anc all civil or criminal penlaties.

    Isn’t Capiltalism Great?!!

    Have a great day – Iseral!! Ha Ha Ha – Thank you, and God bless You, Hu Jintao !!

    Bankrupt Wall Street- and the NWO Agenda!!

    Dow Jones – down 500 points , Nadaq down 750 points- New NAFTA Trade Agereemnet, LOL?

    If you want to win a war – finacial- control- ; territory control – and an allegience ; to control by isolation- shoot down the fucking planes; and war ships in each and every country that does not obey the laws!!

    WE WILL stop the stupid corporate capitalists!!

    Plus they will shoot down all The US and Isreal’s Spy Satellites – ending the Pentagon’s Vision of the World – the end.

    End Of Report.

    Electronically Signed, Robert Lane Aiassa 11/07/2011 rian.gov.ru, CCCP. the new world wide incorporated, WTO

  5. Good animals and kind nations are a myth. Tooth and claw is a gift from Mother Nature, the best of us get a chance to use it the most.

  6. All of these problems are caused by foreign adventurism for big banks and corporations which has resulted in a lot of needless pain for Americans.

    That’s why I like Ron Paul. When he brings back the troops it will end these STUPID wars and the guarding of drug dealing and oil pipelines.
    That will be a MAJOR change.

    And why can’t we just follow George Washington’s Great Rule of Conduct? We have tried it their way for the last 200 years AND IT STINKS!

    Philippe Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 11:51 am

    Not all of these problems are. There are legions of fools who line up as paid lackeys to earn a living off the suffering and destruction of life and property. Cut off the enablers and then you can deal with the 4th Reich’s elite.

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 1:12 pm

    “Cut off the enablers and then you can deal with the 4th Reich’s elite”.

    No shit? We would never have thought of that….right guys? LOL!

    Duhhh Philippe is really smart Duhhhh


    Philippe Reply:
    November 7th, 2011 at 3:55 pm

    We could forgive your treason if you showed even the most miniscule form of regret for being a tool of the NWO. Until then, wipe the drool from your chin, jarhead.

  7. Do your part for good.

    Rally 11/11/11 DC

    11/11/11 DC.

  8. Yea I’d say it’s fair to call the US “the most brutal empire in history” for all of the horrible things this country has done to other countries and usually at the expense of of foreigners killed and US troops killed so the fat cats making money off the military industrial complex are happy. It’s not America that is bad or brutal, it’s our government that is. Corporatocry rules the US, not leaders or politicians. They are just the puppets in front of huge sums of payoffs with the dictatorship hiding in the shadows.

  9. One must know the bad things done by TPTB are not in the name of the American people! We need to RESET!

  10. Its not an American empire, its always been the Rothschild Empire since the late 1700s. The Rothschilds just put an American face on the same Empire as they gradually took control of America in the late 19th and early 20th century.

  11. Yes, that is EXACTLY how the elites want the history books written once the dust from thermonuclear WW3 settles.

    Bravo PP, you’re doing an excellent job of cementing that false idea in the world’s population at large.

    There is no “American Empire” because there is no America and there hasn’t been one for a very long time. There is, however, a world oligarchy that has created both the communist and capitalist nations for a SPECIFIC purpose.

    That purpose is called “divide and conquer”, and that is exactly what we are seeing today.

    The elites paln to get their world government exactly the same way they got the League of Nations and then the United Nations — WORLD WAR !!! And exactly the same way they funded the nazis they have done the exact same thing with the USA. That’s why the FAKE fall of the Soviet Union was orchestrated by them.

    Yes, once they fry the western nations via thermonuclear war they will tell the surviving population of WW3 that the “good guys” won the conflict and defeated “the most brutal empire in the history of the world”. Pretty much exactly the same thing they did in WW2, except they’ve switched the pieces on the chessboard around.

    It’s the perfect scam, and that is why 911 was INTENTIONALLY sloppy and so obvious as an inside job — because they PLANNED for it to be that way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WAKE UP PEOPLE !!! The NWO are very, very intelligent and are masters of reverse psychology. There’s no way in hell they didn’t PLAN for 911 to be perceived as an obvious inside job. And this is why they actually BENEFIT from sites like PP “spreading the word”. Otherwise they could EASILY have taken it down many years ago, if it wasn’t SERVING a PURPOSE for them and their overall plans.

    The truth is indeed stanger than fiction.



  12. We will go the way of Rome the author says, Rome lasted 2132 years

  13. Oh?

  14. Oh?

    Innocent until proven filthy.

  15. It might have more appeal if Letterman did it, saying it in a funny manner.

    Ja, zis is how ve do zings in Germany.

  16. When the Police Forces are too large and there is little threat most often they turn on the public they are meant to serve and protect to justify their existance. Gibson Guitars, Amish Milk Farmers, a Kansas Game Preserve, a Whole Foods Store in LA – when will this nonsense STOP! They are coming for me, your friends, your family, and you are next! Eric Holder wants to kill as many jobs and people as possible before he goes out the door to leave his mark – Constitution be damned, anyway he can.

    DOJ’s budget needs cut by 75%! TSA and Dept of Homeland Insecurity need to be disbanded entirely! Save Money! Save the United States!

    Like Jesse Ventura said, “The National Anthem and Pledge are like funeral songs for an old friend I once knew but is now gone!”

  17. There was one woman throughout history who can bring Christians to their knee’s. Diana the Roman Goddess. What’s worse rumors has it that Thor is a permanent member of her concubine. Odin had to send Thor because he lost control of Asgard many years ago. Frigg sent Thor to the United States in the 70′s. The Jews gave up on Lilith, she wouldn’t change and she still will not surrender to any man.

    If Hans Gruber from Die Hard teamed up long ago with Batman the world has a serious problem. The Greek goddess Asia belongs to her Prometheus and her son Atlas. Rumor has it that Moses mother sent her son Moses to Thor to protect him from the evil Jews. Thor and Lilith are wiping out the suffering with Diana in Africa and Asia. That explains why there was a black man and an Asian man in the movie Thor.

    Theseus is going to slaughter everyone because of the suffering her mother suffered at the hands of a man. Perhaps the most cunning member of the Avengers is Nastasha Rominov. The smartest and most unappreciated member of the fantastic 4 is Doctor Doom. In this heartless world it will take his legion of doom to save this world from itself.

    Enjoy the show!

  18. That’s the whole problem, we don’t have a President that can really stand up for America ! Ron Paul is the only chance we have left ! You look at all the other weak in the knees Presidents we’ve had, shows we are a spineless bunch of sheepal (s).

  19. There needs to be another article like this article that concludes this article that explains 10 reasons WHY America is the worlds most brutal empire otherwise the uninformed will take it all at face value which is exactly what those who have hijacked America want which is why those who have hijacked America try to generate as much hate for America as possible if its all taken at face value which is the deception.

    The perception of 9/11 as a sloppy inside job on the part of ***govt*** only looks that way to the uninformed as the informed realise that it was foreign bankster globalist NWO filth that were behind it all who used lower level operatives like Cheney and Rumsfeld etc and other interests and agencies to do their dirty work so that the uninformed think it was “rogue elements” within the US govt like NEOCONS/Israel who were fully responsible for it so the uninformed think the buck stopped with them* instead of it being part of a much bigger plan that is way over the heads of Cheney and Rumsfeld etc.

    9/11 was intenionally sloppy because it wasnt planned and executed as well as it could have been[The filth in power were overconfident] and the reason for that was because it was a shock and awe type exercise that had to have the maximum psychological impact i.e collapsing towers* which was executed in such a way that the official explanation was implausable and i dont think that those who planned it expected that there would be such a backlash against it as it was an unprecedented event with nothing to compare the reaction of it with so i think the reaction that it got was unexpected as in the amount of scrutiny it was/is subjected to up until today and beyond.This was because of the internet and a lot of questioning minds that were already around at the time and there are a lot more of them now because of 9/11.

    Personally i think that the filth in power went too far with 9/11 as there is so much heat on them now because of it.They would have got away with 9/11 if it happened say 20 yrs ago as back then there wasnt an informed public that is distrustful of govt and politically aware with access to internet which is why 9/11 finally blew their cover and started off the truth movement becoming mainstream instead of a fringe element resulting in a wider perception of it being an inside job.

    However the situation you have now as a reaction to that is a criminal corporate fascist ruling class that is becoming overtly hostile and blatantly criminal and overtly tyrannical and in your face that basically says to you all “What the fuck are you going to do about it ???” as their backs are against the wall and there is nowhere else for them to go.However if 9/11 wasnt seen as an inside job then the situation would be much as it is now with very little resistance to it as everyone would have bought into the scam which is what they wanted.

    This is why the ‘infowar” is so important because it has destroyed their monopoly of creating an artificial reality and consensus and once that collapses there is no more deception.

    *9/11 would have appeared more plausable if the towers had been hit by planes and nothing else but they went too far in planning the perfect crime and deception

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