13 children die in renewed fighting in Syria

Mr Annan brokered a peace deal last month but it has had little impact and
more than 1,500 people have been killed since it was announced, according to
the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Describing the killing in Houla, Rami Abdel Rahman, the head of the monitoring
group, said: “It was a real massacre that took place and the UN observers
are just staying silent.”

He added said helicopter gunships went into action against rebels, strafing
mountain villages in the Latakia area of northwestern Syria, near the
Turkish border, wounding at least 20 people.

At least four policemen were killed in clashes with rebels in Kansebba, in the
same area, he said.

Hours after massive anti-regime rallies across Aleppo, tanks deployed in the
city, Syria’s economic hub, rumbling through the Kalasse and Bustan al-Kasr
neighbourhoods after thousands attended a funeral, it said.

Earlier the group reported that a young man was killed in Aleppo when troops
fired with live rounds and tear gas on protesters in the city, where 12
massive anti-regime rallies took place on Friday.

“Long live Syria! Down with Assad!” demonstrators chanted at the funeral, said
the watchdog.

Another four civilians were also killed by gunfire in Aleppo, the rights
watchdog added, including two children.

Abdel Rahman told AFP in Beirut the protests in Aleppo were “the most
important” in the city since the uprising started in March 2011.

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