1500 year-old ‘ Syriac ‘ Bible found in Ankara, Turkey : Vatican in shock!

Obama and Putin dogs in video dance – off

19:34 – 01/03/2012 Who want to bring attention to the issue of poverty and work with local communities to highlight their plight

Ohio deer saves woman from assault

17:45 – 01/03/2012 Authorities say a woman under assault got some crucial help from a darting deer.

Lennon and McCartney homes given Grade II listed status

10:35 – 01/03/2012 English Heritage said the two houses were where The Beatles composed and rehearsed many of their early hits.

Marilyn Monroe seduces on Cannes poster

16:40 – 29/02/2012 Monroe was just 36 when she was found dead in bed.

Van Gogh’s London home goes up for sale

16:10 – 29/02/2012 To be auctioned by Savills next month with a guide price of £475,000.

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