22 Violent Israeli criminals transferred to section of Palestinian female detainees

[ PIC 27/03/2012 – 04:53 PM ]

RAMALLAH (PIC)– Muhjat Al-Quds society for prisoners’ rights said the Israeli jailers of Sharon prison transferred last Monday Israeli female criminals to section 2 where all Palestinian female prisoners are detained.

In a press release on Tuesday, the society highlighted that the presence of violent Israeli criminals in the same section would expose the Palestinian female detainees to constant harassment and attacks.

The society noted that it received a leaked letter from the female detainees in this jail affirming that 22 Israeli criminals were brought to their section.

The Palestinian detainees noted in their letter that their incarceration conditions in this jail is very bad and their privacy is violated by Israeli jailers who keep watching them through surveillance cameras that were installed inside their section and outside in the prison yard.

The society called on the Red Cross to necessarily intervene to have these Israeli criminals removed from section 2 and work on having their prison conditions improved.

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