Philip Sherwin 

A therapist was arrested and charged after he was caught recording himself sexually abusing a female patient, according to court proceedings in England.

Philip Sherwin touched the victim intimately, whom he was treating for anxiety, while lying on the sofa in his treatment room. He was performing a “Chi massage”, according to court proceedings.

He also took provocative photos of her half naked body while she was reclining on a sofa in a black vest top and skimpy lingerie. The victim told police she had no idea of ​​the abuse or the fact that she was being recorded on video. She said she had felt totally comfortable with Sherwin.

However, she reported him to the police after he told her to remove her top while she was in a semi unconscious state. She later suffered from depression and was too traumatized to attend the University of Manchester, the Leicester Crown Court heard. Police found the images, along with 40,000 images of child pornography on his computer, during a raid.

Sherwin is registered member of the Academy of hypnotics Arts. He usually charged 95 pounds or about $145 per hour. Prosecutors told the court that Sherwin had preconditioned the victim during previous sessions to accept the abuse.

She said that he had warned him during the session that she can feel sexual excitement but do not worry about it.

The images of child porn were found between half a million adult pornographic images Sherwin had downloaded as well on his computer.

Judge Simon Hammond banned him from ever working with children. He will be on a sex offender registry for 10 years. Sherwin was also imprisonment for 18 months. He added: “I am concerned about the lack of formal training required and the lack of regulation for people who work as hypnotherapists.”


Source Article from http://feeds.yourjewishnews.com/~r/yourjewishnews/~3/iLc4LfCNufM/25264.aspx

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