30 North Korean officials involved in South talks die ‘in traffic accidents’

Their task would have been made immeasurably more difficult given North
Korea’s insistence with pushing ahead with its development of nuclear
weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

In spite of universal condemnation of its failed attempt to launch what
Pyongyang claimed was a rocket to put a satellite into orbit in April, North
Korea appears to be putting the finishing touches to a test detonation of a
nuclear device.

Kim Min-seok, a spokesman for South Korea’s Ministry of Defence, said on
Thursday that intelligence reports indicate the North has completed its
technical preparations to carry out the long-awaited test and that it could
go ahead at any time.

Satellite images of the Punggye-ri site and other data show that the tunnel
that had been excavated for the test has been refilled, indicating that the
nuclear device has been put in place.

There is speculation that the test may be timed to coincide with the Memorial
Day national holiday in the United States, which falls in Monday.

“The North Korean regime is hell-bent on being a belligerent actor,”
said Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, chair of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee,
during a visit to Seoul with a congressional delegation. “And I think
that on holidays or sad commemorations like Memorial Day weekend is when the
leadership tries to provoke the democratic allies into action.”

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