5 dead, 29 injured in Woodward tornado

Shortly after midnight on Sunday morning, a large tornado hit Woodward, a city of 12,000 northwest of Oklahoma City, wrecking homes and businesses and killing five people, state emergency management officials said.

The victims died after a tornado touched down at 12:18 a.m. local time (1518 GMT) on Sunday in and around Woodward, a city with a population of 12,000 and located 225 kilometers (140 miles) northwest of Oklahoma City, the Associated Press reported.

The brunt of the damage was reported on the west side of the city and its outskirts, where search teams scoured the rubble for hours for any still trapped or injured.

“We’re hearing of what sounds to be significant damage in the area,” Keli Cain, a spokeswoman for the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, said.

She added, “We have injuries and quite a bit of damage to homes and buildings.”

The high winds reportedly damaged homes, toppled trees and downed power lines in Woodward.

Officials said two people are known to have died in southwest of Woodward near the Tangier area while two children lost their lives at the Hideaway Trailer Park. Another person died at the hospital.

The American Red Cross summoned volunteers to drive relief trucks from Oklahoma City to aid the rescue crews in and around Woodward.

Storms also were reported in Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska as a wide-ranging storm system cut across the midsection of the United States on Saturday and Sunday.

The authorities said that 75 to 90 percent of the homes in the small Iowa town of Thurman were destroyed after a massive tornado battered the area on Saturday night.

“There are not a lot of buildings in town that don’t have some sort of damage,” Mike Crecelius, the emergency management director for Thurman’s Fremont County, said on Sunday.

Crecelius said there were some residents with minor cuts and bruises, but no reports of any serious injuries or fatalities. “Mostly everybody was able to get to cover before it hit,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston suffered roof damage and had some of its windows blown out after a tornado struck the city, situated 120 kilometers (75 miles) southwest of Des Moines.

No injuries were reported and the patients were being moved to a nearby hospital. Creston’s mayor, Warren Woods, said that about half the city remains without power, and there are numerous trees and power lines down.

Elsewhere in southeast Nebraska, a powerful tornado took down barns, large trees and some small rural structures.

Baseball-sized hail also shattered windows and tore siding from houses in and around Petersburg.


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