50 Top Astronauts, Scientists, Engineers Sign Letter Slamming NASA For Promoting Man-Made Climate Change Dogma

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P Gosselin
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Update: Now at Fox News!

Eventually the sham is going to give, and the latest letter signed by 50 NASA experts, with more than 1000 years of combined professional experience, is a sure sign the gig’s about over.

…..unproven remarks…..not substantiated…..hundreds of well-known climate scientists…..tens of thousands of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief…..science is NOT settled…..unbecoming of NASA’s history…..advocacy of an extreme position…..damage to the exemplary reputation of NASA…..even the reputation of science itself…”

Letters to the top don’t get any more blunt than that.

And how many tens of billions have these crackpots at GISS cost the taxpayers?

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Here’s the letter:

March 28, 2012
The Honorable Charles Bolden, Jr.
NASA Administrator
NASA Headquarters
Washington, D.C. 20546-0001
Dear Charlie,

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that NASA and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) refrain from including unproven remarks in public releases and websites. We believe the claims by NASA and GISS, that man-made carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on global climate change are not substantiated, especially when considering thousands of years of empirical data. With hundreds of well-known climate scientists and tens of thousands of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief in the catastrophic forecasts, coming particularly from the GISS leadership, it is clear that the science is NOT settled.

The unbridled advocacy of CO2 being the major cause of climate change is unbecoming of NASA’s history of making an objective assessment of all available scientific data prior to making decisions or public statements.

As former NASA employees, we feel that NASA’s advocacy of an extreme position, prior to a thorough study of the possible overwhelming impact of natural climate drivers is inappropriate. We request that NASA refrain from including unproven and unsupported remarks in its future releases and websites on this subject. At risk is damage to the exemplary reputation of NASA, NASA’s current or former scientists and employees, and even the reputation of science itself.

For additional information regarding the science behind our concern, we recommend that you contact Harrison Schmitt or Walter Cunningham, or others they can recommend to you.

Thank you for considering this request.


(Attached signatures)

CC: Mr. John Grunsfeld, Associate Administrator for Science
CC: Ass Mr. Chris Scolese, Director, Goddard Space Flight Center

Ref: Letter to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, dated 3-26-12, regarding a request for NASA to refrain from making unsubstantiated claims that human produced CO2 is having a catastrophic impact on climate change.

1. /s/ Jack Barneburg, Jack – JSC, Space Shuttle Structures, Engineering Directorate, 34 years
2. /s/ Larry Bell – JSC, Mgr. Crew Systems Div., Engineering Directorate, 32 years
3. /s/ Dr. Donald Bogard – JSC, Principal Investigator, Science Directorate, 41 years
4. /s/ Jerry C. Bostick – JSC, Principal Investigator, Science Directorate, 23 years
5. /s/ Dr. Phillip K. Chapman – JSC, Scientist – astronaut, 5 years
6. /s/ Michael F. Collins, JSC, Chief, Flight Design and Dynamics Division, MOD, 41 years
7. /s/ Dr. Kenneth Cox – JSC, Chief Flight Dynamics Div., Engr. Directorate, 40 years
8. /s/ Walter Cunningham – JSC, Astronaut, Apollo 7, 8 years
9. /s/ Dr. Donald M. Curry – JSC, Mgr. Shuttle Leading Edge, Thermal Protection Sys., Engr. Dir., 44 years
10. /s/ Leroy Day – Hdq. Deputy Director, Space Shuttle Program, 19 years
11. /s/ Dr. Henry P. Decell, Jr. – JSC, Chief, Theory Analysis Office, 5 years
12. /s/Charles F. Deiterich – JSC, Mgr., Flight Operations Integration, MOD, 30 years
13. /s/ Dr. Harold Doiron – JSC, Chairman, Shuttle Pogo Prevention Panel, 16 years
14. /s/ Charles Duke – JSC, Astronaut, Apollo 16, 10 years
15. /s/ Anita Gale
16. /s/ Grace Germany – JSC, Program Analyst, 35 years
17. /s/ Ed Gibson – JSC, Astronaut Skylab 4, 14 years
18. /s/ Richard Gordon – JSC, Astronaut, Gemini Xi, Apollo 12, 9 years
19. /s/ Gerald C. Griffin – JSC, Apollo Flight Director, and Director of Johnson Space Center, 22 years
20. /s/ Thomas M. Grubbs – JSC, Chief, Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering Branch, 31 years
21. /s/ Thomas J. Harmon
22. /s/ David W. Heath – JSC, Reentry Specialist, MOD, 30 years
23. /s/ Miguel A. Hernandez, Jr. – JSC, Flight crew training and operations, 3 years
24. /s/ James R. Roundtree – JSC Branch Chief, 26 years
25. /s/ Enoch Jones – JSC, Mgr. SEI, Shuttle Program Office, 26 years
26. /s/ Dr. Joseph Kerwin – JSC, Astronaut, Skylab 2, Director of Space and Life Sciences, 22 years
27. /s/ Jack Knight – JSC, Chief, Advanced Operations and Development Division, MOD, 40 years
28. /s/ Dr. Christopher C. Kraft – JSC, Apollo Flight Director and Director of Johnson Space Center, 24 years
29. /s/ Paul C. Kramer – JSC, Ass.t for Planning Aeroscience and Flight Mechanics Div., Egr. Dir., 34 years
30. /s/ Alex (Skip) Larsen
31. /s/ Dr. Lubert Leger – JSC, Ass’t. Chief Materials Division, Engr. Directorate, 30 years
32. /s/ Dr. Humbolt C. Mandell – JSC, Mgr. Shuttle Program Control and Advance Programs, 40 years
33. /s/ Donald K. McCutchen – JSC, Project Engineer – Space Shuttle and ISS Program Offices, 33 years
34. /s/ Thomas L. (Tom) Moser – Hdq. Dep. Assoc. Admin. Director, Space Station Program, 28 years
35. /s/ Dr. George Mueller – Hdq., Assoc. Adm., Office of Space Flight, 6 years
36. /s/ Tom Ohesorge
37. /s/ James Peacock – JSC, Apollo and Shuttle Program Office, 21 years
38. /s/ Richard McFarland – JSC, Mgr. Motion Simulators, 28 years
39. /s/ Joseph E. Rogers – JSC, Chief, Structures and Dynamics Branch, Engr. Directorate, 40 years
40. /s/ Bernard J. Rosenbaum – JSC, Chief Engineer, Propulsion and Power Division, Engr. Dir., 48 years
41. /s/ Dr. Harrison (Jack) Schmitt – JSC, Astronaut Apollo 17, 10 years
42. /s/ Gerard C. Shows – JSC, Asst. Manager, Quality Assurance, 30 years
43. /s/ Kenneth Suit – JSC, Ass’t Mgr., Systems Integration, Space Shuttle, 37 years
44. /s/ Robert F. Thompson – JSC, Program Manager, Space Shuttle, 44 years
45. /s/ Frank Van Renesselaer – Hdq., Mgr. Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters, 15 years
46. /s/ Dr. James Visentine – JSC Materials Branch, Engineering Directorate, 30 years
47. /s/ Manfred (Dutch) von Ehrenfried – JSC, Flight Controller; Mercury, Gemini Apollo, MOD, 10 years
48. /s/ George Weisskopf – JSC, Avionics Systems Division, Engineering Dir., 40 years
49. /s/ Al Worden – JSC, Astronaut, Apollo 15, 9 years
50. /s/ Thomas (Tom) Wysmuller – JSC, Meteorologist, 5 years

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54 Responses to “50 Top Astronauts, Scientists, Engineers Sign Letter Slamming NASA For Promoting Man-Made Climate Change Dogma”

  1. When Obama made a negroid the director of NASA, our space program officially ended.

    Glen Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 5:39 am


    America HAS ASTRONAUGHTS, you HAVE NO MANNED SPACE PROGRAM so how can you have current Astronauts

    Startover Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 7:32 am

    Bigot is an interesting word.
    It doesn’t mean racist or sexist it means intolerant of other’s opinions

    Which ironically, is more like you Glen!
    You are a Bigot, because you are intolerant of PhillStapely’s opinion.

    Try this Glen:
    Africa has 53 Countries
    It has 53 golden oportunities to show the world it’s capabilities for space travel and scientific achievments. WHY do you think that these people, with unlimited natural resources can’t even develope flush toilets or “the wheel” without help from Europe or USA or China? WHY GLEN?????

    Do you think Germany had help from some one?
    Do you think Henry Ford had to hire some Moron from Africa to show him how to build a car?
    Do you really think we are all “equal”

    Equality is a fraud, Glen!!!!!
    The black race is artificially propped up by Social Workers, and welfare money.
    Left to its own behavior, black society always falls back to Cave Man, living conditions.

    Bolden doesn’t have the credentials to run NASA. He doesn’t have the intelligence to be a parking attendant. He couldn’t design a rocket if his worthless life dependened on it. He is a moron. And a disgrace to Western Civilization.

    The USA is under attack
    IT is being destroyed by SOCIOLOGIC WEAPONS.
    Black agenda politics
    Land Use laws
    Green Science Crap
    And 1000 other viral programs designed to send us back to the stone age

    Glen, please open your eyes

    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 7:56 am


    President Monkey Boy (a.k.a. ‘CLONE OF AKHENATEN’) Responded:


    (www.) youtube.com/watch?v=8gjMHJ8Y90sfeature=related

    harmless as
    a supernova

    Seal Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 9:00 am

    Caucasians, as they are called, are God’s Chosen Servant peoples, brought to Serve all the Earth’s peoples…to be a Blessings, to all! They ARE primarily the lost 10 tribes of Israel from the Holy Bible! Wake up smell the coffee, read the history-book! Hows your attention-span!??

    Listen to Rev Manning from Harlem!

    Yes the Earth’s people’s were stone-age prior to the introduction of God’s chosen peoples…the Anglo-Saxon Kindred kinds…to serve care-for and BLESS all kinds. See learn from the Practises Preachings of Our LORD, Jesus the Christ.

    Hold yer tongues all heathen atheists! I don’t ask to hear from YOU! You are doomed!

    BTW the topic TODAY is about the NWO payoffs blackmails…ALSO see facts: Climate gate, even Al Gore’s letcher-ies lies profiteering, as also blatantly not practicing what he preaches!

    GOD Made all kinds races types, as He Made Creation, not to hate but to love. Care for and look-after…

    Desiderates….find this musical from about 1973…based upon the Poem Desiderata(try).

    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 9:47 am

    “LUCIFER Is Very Much Alive; He Is OUR God, And WE Are His Chosen People.”

    – Mayer Amschel Rothschild

    storky Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 10:06 am

    Numerous UNINFORMED OPINIONS do NOT trump decades of peer-reviewed studies published in high-impact, refereed, science journals.

    This is why the phrase “unsubstantiated claims” is the biggest fucking joke!

    American Dystopia Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 8:59 am

    Well, we were going back to the moon then a black guy was put in charge of NASA and…..

    Now NASA doesn’t put people in space anymore and their main job is to make Muslims feel good and promote carbon taxes and world government.

    storky Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 9:34 am

    We we’re going back to the the moon, then a bunch of MORONS CRASHED THE ECONOMY and in response to their misleadership, the people elected a black president

    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 9:45 am

    (www.) youtube.com/watch?v=xRkIMG63TVcfeature=results_mainplaynext=1list=PLAE740F61D5DB04B0

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 12:04 pm

    “and in response to their misleadership, the people elected a black president”

    And then what ??

    Heres what happened next:

    And then the Black president + the rest of the Obama adminstration fucked it all up even more with yet more misleadership.

    burntumbra Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 6:46 am

    Midnight basketball in space.

    flaming_red_pill Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 10:21 am

    do any of you guys ever feel like you are time traveling? LOL

    look at this article I wrote yesterday or the day before:

    Even NASA Preaches the Long-Term Evils of CO2 Overload, While Everyone in Authority IGNORES THE DANGER OF Potentially INTENTIONAL METHANE OUTGASSING by irresponsible oil companies!
    Posted on April 7, 2012

    HYPOTHETICAL (Parable!) Question for NASA:

    If there were two asteroids headed for earth, one due to catastrophically intersect our orbit within 5 years and the other is due in 100 years, and the asteroid due within 5 years had a decently significant chance of at least shedding debris into the atmosphere, or maybe even taking a chunk of our atmosphere with it, if that were possible; the one due in 100 years is of course expected to fully strike and likely cause extinctions on a grand scale…

    Would you ignore the 5 year threat and play up the other, knowing full well the disaster might in the span of 100 years of technological freedom be avoided?


    Above is my parable for CO2 vs Methane climate change.
    CO2 might be an inevitable risk in some ways,
    but methane outgassing is a far greater risk to the immediate environs,
    causing more extinction and death at times in the fossil record than the largest of meteors.

    How dare these charlatans posing as scientists, speaking for NASA, ignore the greater threat in order to push covert agendas and receive black ops funding through public taxation that renders the population miserable?

    Who the heck is running that place, the devil? LOL!
    I’d almost think that British Vampires were running NASA,


    Compartmentalization and taxation = HUGE WASTE of time and money
    time and money are symbols of human energy –
    how dare NASA help anyone waste them?

    flaming_red_pill Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 10:21 am

    whoa it was written on the 7th not yesterday

    i lost a couple days in derrrr dark place LOL

    Startover Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 7:12 am

    YES PhilStapley!

    Bolden is just a dumb ass bus driver.
    Wernher Von Braun was a real NASA Director! and damn good Nazi Scientist!
    America is being switched off by NWO Criminals

    Space Shuttle – off
    Auto industry – off
    property rights – off
    border control – off
    Military superiority – off
    Energy production – off
    Manufacturing – off
    Education – off
    your future – off

    PhilStapley Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 8:23 am

    Four years ago, I was working at the US Army Proving Grounds outside Yuma AZ. We had a team from NASA visiting for a test. Of the NASA personal were about a half dozen highly qualified engineers (all White). These engineers were developing the parachute system to be used on a future Mars rover.

    I then noticed a very loud obnoxious black man, blabbing away about his rental car he has been provided. That obnoxious black man was the Project Manager for that team of NASA engineers. NASA has a borderline retarded gorilla overseeing the engineers developing extra terrestrial spacecraft.

    It was very obvious that the project manager was completely incompetent. He was there as a “token” black supervisor. The person placed at the top of that project that draws the highest pay, was completely incompetent and incapable of performing his job function.

    I only worked with a NASA crew that one time, but from what I saw, affirmative action has destroyed our space program.

    Seal Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 9:18 am

    This IS an O)BAMA-thang, yes!??
    Hear Alex opening remarks today!!!

    Startover Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 10:49 am

    I hear you Phil,

    I’ve seen the same thing. And it’s everywhere! In the schools, political positions, police forces, Corporations, and the White House. Inept race based hiring.

    California has finally ended Affirmative action (thank god) and it has stood up to several appeals in court. This is a good start. It may be too little too late because our numbers have diminished our jobs have been displaced and the next generation faces a wall of immigration that is massive. Our Universities are now mostly Asian with an unbeatable 4.0 GPA.

    While whites celebrated diversity (’64) they were hit blind sided with massive immigration numbers (’65) and birth control (’73) that has decimated our next generation. The damage to our population is mathematically more damaged than all of our Wars combined. Subreplacement birth rates + immigration is the end of the USA.

    We need to take the situation seriously
    The good news – simply have more babies
    Start today!

    storky Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 10:00 am

    Space Shuttle – off

    Auto industry – RECOVERED (all domestic brands, profitable and hiring)

    property rights – unchanged
    border control – unchanged
    Military superiority – unchanged

    Energy production – IMPROVED (highest domestic oil production since 2003, rapid renewable growth)

    Manufacturing – IMPROVED (outsourcing reversed, exports rising, job numbers increase first time since 2000)

    Education – unchanged

    your future – IMPROVED (best consumer comfort index since 2008)

    Your assertions are stupid because you are misinformed.

    Startover Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 10:28 am

    property rights – Agenda 21 in full effect

    border control – wall and surveilance system cancelled – elections identification cancelled

    miliitary superiority – F-35 is dysfunctional, scheduled to replace all US aircraft – the end
    Numerous ships decommissioned, billions spent on fantacy tech – China Russsia surpassing US in all catagories

    Energy production- outlawed on federal land, shut down on coastal drilling – foreign owned
    windmills killing 1000′s of birds – nuclear disasters- no hydro electric
    Coal shut down – offshore drilling blocked.

    Manufacturing- – Bay Bridge made in China – imports skyrocketing no sign of stopping

    Education – Green Science – Agenda 21- 100% propaganda

    Startover Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 10:54 am

    Oh and the Auto industy – Chryler is now owned by Fiat – ford and GM import parts from china – Mazda taking over Ford – Rouge steel mill owned by Russia….

    and you call that recovered???

  2. I wonder if they all are not starting to fear the backlashes of the above top secrets they been keeping in our faces for the last 60 years? since people are waking up slowly, more and more question the Apollo missions and the possible scam behind the lies? why do the astraunauts react like guilty faces when questionned about if they realy did go to the moon? if they did, they should not behave like scare puppies when asked to swear on the bible in front of a camera?

    some did try to be polite,but the insistance of the journalist made them loose the calm needed to stay clean from any wrong doing?

    since i was young, i held these people (the astraunauts) on a pedal stall, but when I saw the reactions on there faces, some running away from the camera’s and journalists, I suddenly felt my little inner voice tell me: the truth has broken through the vail……
    Tax payers were ripped off? or was all that money being funneled in the secret government space program?

    I suspect they did go to the moon, but not those suppose heroes we all know? but more unknown astraunauts part of the secret space program that went to the moon and still go there but we just do not know it?

    trouble8696 Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 7:46 am

    Why do the astraunauts react like guilty faces when questionned about if they realy did go to the moon?…Maybe they were under the influence of Lethal Mushrooms @ Vic…lol…People can believe in what they want to in life, but once your crazy beliefs or …feelings… never any real debates affects the world than let the science prove you wrong… Have heard people say they have seen for themselves the ice falling, crashing into the ocean… Could it possible be that the ice has been falling for Millennia…If one were to have never seen nor-heard of Niagara Falls, and you were brought there than told the earth was flooding, would you not believe it…Global Warming scam, a Fraud, a CULT of sorts.. A religion to those that believe we nasty people have caused this, and with this belief also having the ordasity to think we could fix it… Definitely a belief in something…With believing in any thing you have to have Faith correct… Yes, a faith that we peoples have caused this, being their apocalypse, not mine as with many others that look and study history, in correlation with science… Do not just take someone’s word for it, study for yourselves…even if those words come from someone considered creditable…A student of history, and history can prove that there is a natural accordance in climate change… that this spike in temperature or lack of it in the oceans has happened before… Known as …The Big Chill … Little Ice Age… Seeing this SCAM getting more and more attention makes me sick… A lot of funds also being diverted to fix something that does not need fixing…And how many tens of billions have these crackpots at GISS cost the taxpayers?…This would be theft on a grand scale … to plunge a hand into peoples wallets with the people of today having lost so much due to the greed of ELITES …the NWO thugs ,Globalists whatever You wish to call them…one thing for sure…these thugs Objective… to Enslave the population of this Planet …the covers of this Book are to FAR Apart…

  3. This is excellent news, I hope this reach’s the mass’s but Im sure it will be overlooked/suppressed.

    BTW this retard “PhilS” is in no way associated (philosophically) with the vast majority of people using this site so please ignore his message, he was dropped as a child and suffers extreme brain damage.

    Woods Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 5:14 am

    Well said !!!

    Glen Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 5:40 am


    TheShiftyOne Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 9:15 am

    LMAO, the same ignorant bastards staining the comment sections, as always. Half the time they just fight with each other. Some are clearly trolling this site to make us look bad, as a whole

    storky Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 10:08 am

    Naw, you make yourselves look bad on your own.

  4. N = Never
    A = a
    S = straight
    A = answer

    NASA is a cover for a much larger, secretive space program. It was meant to be a public relations arm of the NSA. It knows UFO’s are either extraterrestrial, or demonic. The “official” space program is designed to keep the public in the dark, so as not to scare them! Are you afraid of the dark?

    Thoughts for Incurable Kinds of Images.
    Click hotlink.

    Glen Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 5:40 am

    Shill Elsewhere Dipshit

    bumper sticker Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 6:04 am

    N(A)SA troll.

    storky Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 10:09 am

    Take your useless SPAM and JAM IT UP YOUR ASS!

    Purple Squirrel Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 11:30 am

    Storky, Take your head out of the sand and put it back up your ass!

    Dandroid Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 5:48 am

    Perhaps…or perhaps its just another agency that they funnel trillions of dollars into for some clandestine purpose.

    OliverKlohzoff Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 6:09 am

    I would tend to agree with Dandroid. Billions of dollars have been funneled from NASA to either the criminal banksters or the military industrial complex. Where did all the money go when the CIA hired Stanley Kubrick to film the fake moon landing footage ? Of course, they later killed Stanley Kubrick.

    burntumbra Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 6:49 am

    Yeah right, and I also heard JFK’s head exploded because he liked to huff helium.

  5. This pretty much makes it controversial to me. Government should not be making decisions based on controversial science.

  6. I cant stand the “greenie-weenie tax scam pushers”.

    the millions of gallons of jet fuel used daily, spewing TONS of toxic carbon MONoxide,
    to poison the air, land, and water with BArium and ALuminum (BAAL!),
    is far worse than carbon DIoxide that plants convert to oxygen.
    the dimming of the sunlight is harmful to plants, so is the aluminum!

    the demand for the fuel for the chemtrail flights,
    is also reflected at the pumps WE use to get to jobs, that pay far less,
    in an economy that was deliberately sabotaged!

    not that its great (NASA), they cancelled a space program,
    but they sure as hell havent cancelled a CHEMTRAIL program!

  7. If the opened up the massive studio where they filmed the landings to the public they would make a killing in dollars, lol

  8. GISS response letter: All 50 of you will have a mandatory Phsyc Eval on Monday morning. And this WILL effect your pensions.

  9. Never happen…

    Asking the PTB to give up their CO2 scam would be equivalent to asking them to give up central bank fiat money.

    Both are to be used to control the little people…

  10. NASA’s great reputation,,,,ha,,,yeah,,,,,,,faking mans greatest supposed achievement,,,,,,they have no reputation to stain,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Did you see stars?????,,,,ahhhh,,no ,,,I,,,,don’t,think,,I,,,AHHH,,,did you???,,,nah,,,

    HAAAAAAA,,,,,BULLSHIT,,,,,when will the people wake up?????

    storky Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 10:11 am

    You start out the conversation by proving yourself an idiot!

    grewuphere Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 12:20 pm

    You quote Wikipedia and NASA as your sources to refute my claim that they faked it to the moon,,,,,,,and I am the idiot????,,,haaaaaaaa,,,,,,turn off the TV storky,,,your education is complete,,,

  11. The same lying asshole agency that claims we went to the moon, Van Ryan Belt be damned.

    grewuphere Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 7:30 am

    Van “Allen” Belt

    storky Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 10:25 am

    . . . that is intense at the equator but, diminishes to near-zero at latitude ±65°. Apollo missions exited Earth orbit at 30° latitude, avoiding high energy fields and passing quickly through the low energy ones.


  12. Well, this is one logical conundrum. If you wait for the “science to be settled” you might as well wait for “definite proof the NWO is driving poverty”. You don’t wait for the science to be settled on that one!

    It ain’t gonna happen that you will get the scientific proof that global warming is being driven by man-made emissions. On the other hand you are not going to get the proof that carbon dioxide emissions are HARMLESS either.

    Have you EVER entertained the notion the notion that the NWO actually WANTS global warming? They actually WANT huge population dieoffs? And they WANT huge energy consumption because it gives control?

    It’s just too easy to fall into the CO2 is a scam trap. You might as well say that “Banksters are corrupt” is a scam as well.

    If you find yourself debating “either or” you can pretty much you are doing what the NWO want you to be doing as they are playing both sides of the debate. To find the truth you need to look further and take a step back.

  13. Sounds like a perfect time to drop this hammer on all the local city council “sustainability” agendas. LIke ICLEI, US Economic Development Administration (EDA)

    Oh and a note to forum.infowars.com admin I just tried to logon for this story on infowars and my account under the name “sacxtra” is gone, I won’t bother to sign up with a new one, unless I hear an anouncement that you deleted your user database on accident. According to my KeePassX I’ve had the account at least since 2009. I haven’t angered anyone recently cause I haven’t posted in quite awhile. So it just doesn’t make sense.

  14. Nasa = Nazi We pay for the research they keep the results. Our moon and mars missions were research projects for illuminatis. They give a blurry pictures and back hand us.

    storky Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 10:28 am

    Most NASA patents are granted free to US citizens. More complex and sensitive ones are negotiated.


  15. Every planet in our solar system is heating up right now, not just Earth. Research it.

  16. Hansen must be fired long time ago

  17. I do not think people need the astraunauts and scientists to know the global warming taxes are all a scam.

    THose astronauts and scientists have been keeping things top secret from us all knowing the tax payers were being lied too?

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