7 hurt at Syrian refugee camp in Turkey

Confrontations erupted among the Syrians seeking shelter in the area during the late hours of Friday.

Three of the wounded were in serious condition.

On July 25, a Turkish official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Ankara would close Turkey’s border crossings with Syria until further notice.

Separately, Syrian security forces continue operations to clear the northwestern city of Aleppo of foreign-sponsored armed gangs.

There have also been reports of clashes between Syrian troops and rebels in the northern province of Idlib.

Meanwhile, calm has been restored in the capital, Damascus.

UN Under Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations Herve Ladsous said on July 26 that the observer mission in Syria will contribute to finding “Syrian-owned and Syrian-led” solutions to the turmoil in the country.

Many people, including large numbers of security forces, have been killed in the turmoil in Syria since March 2011.

Damascus says the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country and that the security forces have been given clear instructions not to harm civilians.


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