9/11 mastermind, co-plotters defy Guantanamo court

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Agence France-Presse
May 6, 2012

The self-confessed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks and four co-defendants defied a military court here Saturday, with one of the accused shouting “you are going to kill us.”

The five were brought into the courtroom to be arraigned for the killing of 2,976 people on September 11, 2001 when Al-Qaeda militants flew hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania.

But the proceedings quickly turned chaotic with the men refusing to respond to the judge’s questions. Defendant Ramzi Binalshibh interrupted the proceedings by suddenly standing to pray, and then alternately kneeling and standing.

He then broke his silence, shouting at the judge, Colonel James Pohl, “You are going to kill us and say that we are committing suicide.”

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s lawyer David Nevin had said his client, who three years go confessed to the 9/11 attacks “from A to Z,” probably would not speak at the hearing because he is “deeply concerned by the fairness of the process.”

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8 Responses to “9/11 mastermind, co-plotters defy Guantanamo court”

  1. I don’t know why the Gov-Mint just doesn’t create these showers that look like showers but could contain something like cyanide. A year later, you have a power failure and everyone escapes, we don’t know were they are. Thus keeping the Boogie man theory alive.

    It doesn’t matter what these guys say or do, the decision has already been made to exterminate them. There is a World Wide shortage of Boogie Men at the moment, We’ve reached Peak Boogie Men. So what will the USA do if the Boogie Men run out before the Oil runs out. Nearly forgot, the CIA/FBI/NSA/TSA/DHS/EPA/FDA will create their own Boogie Men.

  2. Put Cheney, Wolofowitz, Bush on trial and then waterboard them. Toss in Obama. Biden, and both Clintons for torture side sessions.

    flaming_red_pill Reply:
    May 6th, 2012 at 8:50 am

    Indeed, we would learn a lot more.
    after all, even Paul the apostle could teach the CIA something: ten words in english are worth 10,000 in a tongue you cannot understand.

    i would rather hear it from the horse’s mouth.

    besides, the men speak the truth: they are lucky to be alive. maybe God has protected them from succumbing to slow death because by their survival and suffering a greater truth will be known about what Bush’s friends have done to all of us, not just the arab and the jew and the black and the gay, but to all of us.

    fragile X traced back to eli lilly. paxil, PCR
    mefloquine poisoning is provable, dead or alive, you can see it. silver staining at walter reed.
    it will be one of the largest arrows in the quiver of the defense.

    these men need real representation.
    the military has too much power to prosecute and punish.
    why should men without rights have power over life and death?

    these men will die from the torture and inhumane conditions if they are not placed elsewhere.
    i don’t understand overfull prisons and lack of good food and care when america has so much land to spare. we could use the marines to build a couple domestic jails and treat our POWS with respect according to Geneva rules.

    there is a reason Bush doesn’t want the troops to be aware of geneva conventions rules
    they have to respect them

    imagine if our troops were detained and tortured like the gitmo guys
    bush already poisoned the troops with vaccine a, mefloquine, and permethrin

    flaming_red_pill Reply:
    May 6th, 2012 at 8:52 am

    why aren’t any congressmen more outraged?

    even joe biden knows.

    he was one of the 3 people who pushed the anti anthrax vaccine letter through.
    they halted the vaccine regiment right after I got 2/6 shots.

    i would probably be dead if i got all 6.
    people with native american genes seemed to succumb faster

  3. AFP: “The self-confessed mastermind of..9/11..and four co-defendants”

    Between_the_lines: These are fall-guys.
    9/11 was an inside job..
    Video of WTC Building 7 falling perfectly vertically on its own footprint, at freefall speed. NO PLANE HIT THIS BUILDING. Buildings just don’t fall like this by themselves.

    The only way to cause a steel framed building to fall one-floor-after-another in sequence is to sever all the vertical I-beams on each floor simultaneously, one floor after another, in perfect ascending or descending order. That is: a controlled demolition, using carefully-placed steel-cutting explosive charges, connected to a central timer.

    How could cave-dwelling Afghans have gotten inside-access to the building for months, to set it up for such a textbook demolition? And where would they have gotten the expertise and technology from? It takes a team of 12 experts about 3 months to set a building that size up for controlled demolition.

    It had to have been done by insiders with inside access. And if they did WTC-7 they did the whole thing.

    between_the_lines Reply:
    May 6th, 2012 at 10:28 am

    AFP: “The self-confessed mastermind of..9/11..and four co-defendants”

    Between_the_lines: After 11 years of mental and physical torture most people would confess to anything.

  4. It is puzzling how the mastermind can still have a mind after being water boarded and injected with LSD over a thousand times. His brain must have turned to jelly and all he can say is Zeus is great.

  5. 911 was a Zionist sponsored inside job .. the shots of the Pentagon taken immediately after impact and before the damaged facade collapsed, showed a hole about the size of a suburban garage, no sign of a plane at all!

    http: //s60.radikal.ru/i169/100… – Cruise Missile at the Pentagon on 911

    http: //s014.radikal.ru/i329/11… – Guided Missile at the WTC

    No trace of a plane in Pennsylvania, despite continuing assertion that the Happy Schmooligans blasted Flight 93 out of the sky, plenty of paper strewn across the landscape and burn marks in the trees, but no plane!

    “We talked to their private security staff, we talked to people who were there with Larry Silverstein, the lessor of the WTC on 9/11, he got a phone call telling him not to show up to work, he called his daughter and she never showed up either.” Rudkowski, Prison Planet.

    Hey there Honey get rid of them blues
    Daddy’s getting money you’ll be wearin’ new shoes
    Turn on the telly it’ll be on the news
    Stay at home today like the rest of the Jews

    Cause today were gonna blow… Woo Woo /
    Down the freakin buildings go Woo Woo /
    We collect the dough Woo Woo /
    Stay at home and watch the show… Woo Woo Woo Woodledoodledoo Rip it up Frank

    Hey Man you say that four thou were away
    That’s a lotta bodies at the end of the day
    This is the way I see it don’t wanna be crass
    There’s a whole lotta Jews thatta gotta get put on trial ///

    American Securities and Exchange Commission says Israeli citizens, sold short a list of 38 stocks that could reasonably be expected to fall in value as a result of the pending attacks.

    These speculators operated out of the Toronto, Canada and Frankfurt, Germany, stock exchanges and their profits were specifically stated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Christopher Bollyn.

    Alon Pinkas, Israel’s consul general confirmed that three Israelis were killed in the 911 WTC attacks, two in the planes which crashed into the towers, and one who had been the WTC on business. UP

    It was via the buddy system on Odigo software, which allows one to communicate to a large group of people that share a trait, such as the Hebrew language, that thousands of Israelis were warned not to go to the twin towers on 9/11. RBN News

    Odigo and Mossad are based in Herzliya north of Tel Aviv, after 9/11 Odigo was taken over by Comverse Technology, another Israeli company, within a year five executives from Comverse were reported to have profited by more than $267 million from “insider trading.” Rumormillnews.

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