95 killed, 45 missing in China rains

Over the past four days, at least 95 people, including 37 in Beijing municipality, died from the rains and flooding, Xinhua quoted officials at the Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs as saying on Monday.

The natural calamity caused by the torrential rains have affected some 6.23 million people in 264 counties of 17 provinces and forced the authorities to evacuate about 567,000 people, the ministry said.

The rain storms have also caused the collapse of 29,000 houses and damaged another 55,000 houses.

On Sunday, flash floods in the northern city of Baoding swept away a bridge, which left 70 tourists stranded over a mountain resort.

Rescue efforts are underway to save the lives of the trapped tourists, Chinese media reported.

China regularly suffers from summertime flooding, which usually wreaks havoc in regions along the central Yangtze river and in the south, but heavy rains and floods are not a common phenomenon in Beijing.


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