A call for massive march in solidarity with Jerusalem in Morocco

[PIC 28/03/2012 – 09:04 PM ]

RABAT, (PIC)– Moroccan political bodies called for organizing the largest march in the Morocco history to Jerusalem, on Sunday. The Moroccan Islamist group Al Adl Wa Al Ihssan (Justice and Charity) called in a statement all the Moroccan people to make Friday March 30 “a day of solidarity and protest in support of Palestine and Jerusalem” by organizing protest marches in all the Moroccan cities.

The Islamic group had organized a massive march for Jerusalem in Rabat on Sunday (25/3) but no political bodies which support the Palestinian issue participated in the march.

The Sunday march (1/4) was called for by several political bodies and parties, left-wing and right-wing, in addition to Justice and Development Party, and its ideological wing Unification and Reform Movement, in order to organize “the largest march in Morocco history to support Jerusalem and the Palestinian cause,” according to “Lakom Kam” newspaper on Wednesday (28/3). The organizers chose Casablanca city as a starting point due to its huge participation. The march came as a response to “justice and charity” march which surprised the observers in terms of participants’ numbers and the movement’s ability to organize.

The newspaper stated that the observers are waiting for the government’s reaction and media in dealing with the next march.

The Authority has allowed for the first time the Justice and Charity group to organize a huge march though it is not licensed to operate yet, but the official media had totally ignored the march that surprised the observers, the newspaper added.

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