Abbott says he’s earning his keep

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott believes he is earning his keep as an MP by campaigning against the federal government’s carbon tax.

Federal politicians have been awarded a three per cent pay increase by the independent Remuneration Tribunal, which is almost double the current rate of inflation.

Mr Abbott will get an extra $10,267 to take his salary to $352,527, but he will be $91,834 better off than a year ago after a salary review just three months ago.

“I never forget that the taxpayers in Australia pay my salary. That’s why every day I am working for their benefit,” Mr Abbott told reporters in Adelaide on Wednesday.

“Right now, I am working to save them from a carbon tax. That’s how I justify my salary, by working for the benefit of the Australian people every day, by saving them from this toxic tax, this bad tax based on a lie.”

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