Absolute Freedom

This idea of absolute freedom is something that has been polluting the minds of our people for quite some time, especially those of the supposed elite. Jews themselves actually do not believe in it entirely, as we will see through the analysis, but they believe in it from their own perspective. They have to be absolutely free in a world which will not be free. So, they “cheat” on this term “absolute freedom” by still clinging to their own identity. Let us begin by looking simply into the definition of Absolute :

Unrestricted, complete, perfect. Not relative to something else. To set free, make seperate.

Detached, disengaged, pure. Absolute in position. That which is absolute.

This term is very important to understand. We must comprehend it entirely and properly. Nothing may be restricted, incomplete, or deemed not as perfect. It must have no relation to anything else and therefore claims to be free by being separate from everything else – it is in other words – detached, disengaged and in on its own – pure. Now, let us add freedom/free :

Power of self-determination, state of free will. Emancipation from slavery, deliverance. To free, liberate, manumit. To love, think of lovingly, honor. Free, exempt from, not in bondage, acting of one’s own will.

This is currently the plague the Jew has set out into the minds of not only our people – but Blacks and other Races as well – and has done so for each of the Races in a particular sense and manner. Ironically, the people who have been brainwashed by the Jews in this way seem not to be aware of the fact that they aren’t really experiencing the “absolute freedom” at all – having been influenced by another, thus not acting upon their own free will. But, as with everything Jewish, the most important thing to do is to – believe. If you believe in it, then it is true, says the Jew.

Take for example the Absolute Freedom applied on Blacks. The Jew implants into them thousands of Lies which have no historical proof, fact or evidence. The Blacks then demand unrestricted access to everything that is European – they want complete control of our Nations and in order to be Perfect within them – they realize that they will have to Genocide our Race. They cannot be relative to us in any way, so us being alive keeps this Jewish invented relationship (slavery, privilege, we wuz kangz, pharaohs…) also alive. Ironically, they have been set free – but refuse to be separate from us. Their idea of detaching themselves from “Whitey” is to simply annihilate Whitey and return afterwards to Stone Age Africa. Matter of fact, Asians would simply trample over them without mercy and take control of the entire American continent.

Apply now Absolute Freedom to Whites through the Jewish brainwashing of Guilt and White Genocide. There must be unrestricted and complete guilt – nothing White may remain no symbol, no identity, no Race. They must have no relation to any White history or ancestry, which will lead to their salvation and set them free from being a “White supremacist” – they separate themselves from the Whites in order to become an Ally to non-Whites. Being detached in such a manner, they take an absolute position, standpoint and statement. Again, these idiots do not realize that they have been pushed into a certain belief system by the Jew and then within that system are forced to experience “Absolute Freedom”.

In both examples, both of them are not experiencing Absolute Freedom – however, they are applying its theory in relation to something – the White Race. They do not see the irony or logical fallacy in it. Now that we understand Absolute Freedom let us extrapolate it logically unto existence itself.

In order to be Absolutely Free I cannot associate myself with Nature, because it would make me restricted to its Laws and related to it. Therefore, in order to be absolutely free, I need to detach myself from Nature and its Laws. This includes the idea of Hierarchy, Natural Laws and my relationship with it through my Body, Mind and Soul. Since my Body depends on Nature in order to survive, I have to find a way which will allow me to entirely detach myself from Nature – which leads to the production of artificial food and other resources.

Since my Body has certain Natural characteristics and is also defined by its Genetics, I must overcome such a limitation and therefore have to deny my own Racial identity, my own Racial reality and my own Genetics. In order to be complete I must do the unnatural and become detached from its physical laws – the first step here is Race-mixing. However, even if I race-mix, I will still not be separated from Nature entirely – even though I am defying its Laws already. I must go further and become completely detached from it, not be dependent on it.

Therefore, I must develop artificial Life and manage to implant my own Self into it. One part of Nature is Death and denying it, will ultimately lead me to being Complete and Perfect.

Some of you may notice that Christianity offers these points within its Indoctrination system. All are One in Jesusdenying Natural genetics. If you believe in Jesus, you will cheat Death and live life everlasting. The only thing you have to depend upon is Him and his father, Yahweh. So, you apply “Absolute Freedom” through these two guys towards everything else – even Life itself  – Life is a burden in the Abrahamic religions and only the one who hates life, suffers in life and fears it and God, is going to live life everlasting. Absolute Freedom is an age old Jewish brainwashing system.

Now, we have seen how quickly we come to Absolute Trans-humanism when we go for Absolute Freedom. But, we must realize that it cannot exist – this absolute – it always requires some element to which it is opposed to – therefore God in the Bible has his supposed Adversary Satan. God himself in the Jewish scriptures and Kabballah is androgynous – he himself is both Female and Male – he himself is both “the good guy” and the “devil”. Something Christians ignore. And how could they know any better? Jews gave them only part of their stories and mythologies to brainwash them.

Be as it may, we continue – in order to be Absolutely free I cannot be related to anyone – this means that I may not have a family, a brother, a sister, father or mother – nothing. The family must disappear as it ruins my path towards perfection and makes me attached to it. I also must not experience Love because it involves me becoming restricted by another person. Perhaps, only a true Unity of Love where we mold into one Being may be allowed – but since it involves two different bodies – it will never truly set me free and therefore must also be avoided. Love, from the standpoint of Absolute Freedom, is not Pure and does not set free. Interestingly enough, Jesus tells us that only those who hate their mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, even themselves – will be the only ones who can be his followers.

Since I cannot have any relationship to my family or any people for that matter – that means that I cannot have any kin, volk or people. I cannot experience or develop a tribal feeling, which essentially means I cannot be part of a Nation – Ethnicity – Race. Therefore, Nations, Ethnicity and Races must cease to exist in order for me to be completely unrestricted and perfect – absolute in my own position.

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It would be impossible to eradicate all Races – therefore – the best solution to destroy the reality of Different Races is that we mold them all into One mixed race so that we are all then entirely free, complete and detached from having a sense of being part of a particular Race. In that very moment, we will finally experience true freedom in terms of our Racial recognition as there will be nothing to compare it with.

So, we come to understand that Absolute Freedom is a viewpoint in which your Mind wishes to have nothing to compare itself with. You must have an absolute standpoint, be absolute in your position – detached, separate and pure. Ironically, being entirely race-mixed is the opposite of being pure, but this is not as important as the “bigger picture” of absolute freedom. This is also why, for example, the elite people in “Eyes Wide Shut”, wear masks in their ritual sex orgies – to be free from identity and therefore “absolutely free” in their performance. No one basically knows who does what – you are your only “witness”.

In order to experience Absolute Freedom, I must not identify with any gender or sex – I must defy Nature which defines us as Male and Female – by birth, genetically. This means that everyone must be a Trans person in order to be absolute, unrestricted and complete – a Trans person is set free from his Natural imprisonment and boundaries. One might say that Mind over Matter could pop as an “idea” in this train of thought as well. As Jesus would say, there is neither male nor female, you are all One in me.

I must also not be restricted by my desires in any way – whatever I choose to do – must be allowed and must be enabled according to my Will. If I want to have sex with an animalit is my unrestricted absolute freedom to do so. If I want to engage in a relationship with a 5 year old child it is my absolute perfection to do so. If I want to torture someone – I have to be entirely detached from common sense morality and reasoning. I must avoid the Knowledge of Good and Evil completely in order to be set free and do just and only what I will. There must be no questioning of my actions and motives and there must be no prejudice or consequence of it.

I must be absolute in my position.

You might understand now where our World is heading towards, but you might have also realized that “Absolute Freedom” such as it is does not exist for us – we must relate ourselves to something else, that is to say oppose. This is why Jews are applying Absolute Freedom to all Gentiles – in the creation of a Universal BrotherhoodEquality, Fraternity, Liberty. This is why also New Age movements, such as Theosophy, say the following :

To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color.

Notice, distinction :

One of the parts into which something is divided. Separation, distinction, discrimination. Distinctive nature or character, meaning “excellence or eminence” (what distinguishes from others). To separate between, keep separate, mark off, distinguish.

Now, one would say that distinction is the very part and essence of Absolute Freedom – that for example the White Race realizes itself as being separate in comparison to other Races – it being excellent and different. And a White person within a homogeneous society of the White Race will therefore experience Freedom. In an entirely White Nation, which consists of a Race that is entirely different in comparison to the others and is excellent in its lifestyle and creativity – the White people would and could experience absolute freedom.

But, due to Globalism this is not possible. Relations are created, restrictions are made and therefore Freedom itself is dead. This means that Globalism itself is the number one enemy of the idea of Nation States which could achieve Absolute Freedom for their People – and since this global relationship has created a new level of awareness, it has also challenged the idea of Absolute Freedom – and as such – created the necessity to deal with it in a different way. However, we White Nationalist do not engage in “absolute freedom”as we see the degeneracy and downfall of society and civilization behind it.

In order for distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color to cease to exist – one must eliminate the separation, distinction and discrimination of these terms. One must eliminate distinctive natures and characters of those elements; one must destroy excellency.

Therefore, White genocide is the “logical” result of such thinking – of Absolute Freedom.

In order to destroy Race, we have to mix them all into one brown piece of shit and through it there will be no more distinction of the races and with it, the individuals of this future race will supposedly experience absolute freedom. In order to destroy creed we have to destroy belief and live by Truth – this is what I stand for as well, this was our European “faith”. Caste is an interesting term because it involves not only hierarchy but also race – it literally means “unmixed race” – therefore to destroy castes, there must be no pure Races.

Color itself relates again not only to race, but also all types of modern degeneracy and politics – and even though we Nationalists understand that there shouldn’t be a “left and right wing”, that is to say “red and blue” – we cannot agree with the rest of the idiocy that Theosophy suggests. We stand for Truth and Nationalismbut also for the Purity of Race, Nature and Logic.

These people actually believe that a future filled with transgender faggots is capable of advancing itself on any level and experiencing some kind of “enlightenment”, whereas the Truth couldn’t be more opposite from that. We see what these degenerates look like. We see what they stand for. There is no future with them. In fact, there can’t be any future with them – they are faggots, for crying out loud.


But, this is where the “Absolute Freedom” company kicks in and says – in order to be complete and free from natural boundaries – we must be able to create children in an artificial way, which will allow us to be absolutely free without risking the extermination of Life itself. You might as well become the lowest form of Gnostic and simply say at this point – Life itself does not set me Free, it is a boundary, it restricts me and relates me to Death and therefore to be entirely free from it I should simply kill myself and become detached from this vicious cycle.

Notice how the biblical God and Jesus aren’t Absolute either. They depend on human worship – which is a relation and attachment. Our belief is connected with their existence and work. They supposedly operate over Hell and Heaven which means they are attached to our Existence and Restricted to our Lifetimes – therefore not Pure and Complete. God chose one particular tribe as his special people – which means he is attached to them, engaged into their actions – he is not Pure or Absolute in his Position. Therefore, if you look for an Absolute Entity which you will call God – it isn’t the Biblical Yahweh.

An absolute being must be unrestricted, complete, perfect, in relation to nothing, separate, detached, disengaged and pure. It must be above and beyond time – therefore it experiences no such thing as a “prophecy”, neither is it restricted by certain “requirements” in order to “fulfill” some kind of “messianic return”. It would literally do as it Wills and its Will would be impossible to control by outer sources – it also means that “Christians” would not be able to define their Biblical God as “good”, because an Absolute being is not defined by such moral human polarities. From our Knowledge he must have both “good” and “evil”, but he is not limited by them. Therefore, Yahweh, is a Tribal God/Archetype of the Jews – and – whoever follows this Archetype begins to live by his image – Jews, Muslim, Christians – are all deluded lunatics who live according to Yahweh’s pattern. Jews, of course, as “chosen people” benefit from this every single time.

It is like a Central Bank controlling the entire Money flow of the World – whoever uses Money anywhere in the world – it benefits the Central Bank. This is the Jewish God. By this same analogy, the more people believe in the Bible, the more powerful the Jews become.

There are 2 branches which basically attempt to be part of this “absolute freedom” and “dislike”, to say the least, the Jews and their Bible. Luciferianism and Satanism. Now, there is a problem with both of these branches – both are basically following a Jew. Satanism says that Satan is the Creator of the White Race and that he created it unto his image – that he himself is the “only God” and that he wishes us to be Free. They also seem to worship Hitler and National Socialism.

Since Jews call their adversary Satan and wish to annihilate the White Race – one might even say – well, that’s it, I’m a Satanist. But, the person who “resurrected” Satanism was Anton LaVey – a god damn Jew. Being a Satanist also means that you actually believe in the Bible, but simply oppose it, which means you are yet again giving power to the Jews. Therefore, Satanism could very easily be controlled opposition – even though it has many valid points, it is too fishy to be taken entirely serious. They also ignore the fact that Jewish scriptures describe “God” as an androgynous being that is basically both Satan and Yahweh.

Another point – which ironically unites them with CI folk – is the “synagogue of Satan” situation where Jesus is talking to Jews who are of the Abrahamic seed line, but aren’t worshiping Yahweh properly. In case of Satanism, we’d conclude that those Jews were White people because Jesus refers to them as Satanists, but they are also of Abraham. In case of CI, Jesus the real Israelite who came for the real Israelites is talking to Abrahamic people who somehow aren’t the real Israelites and calls them Satanists – but why would he then attempt to “convert” them? All in all, a fucked up story in both cases.

Luciferianism opposes Christianity and Yahweh and sees them, to my own surprise, as the Borg – I found it quite amusing to see that they used the same analogy as I do. But, they also follow the idea of absolute freedom of thought – which means they go beyond the analysis of Good and Evil and regard anything and everything as right, which essentially leads us to the Jew Crowley and a society of transgenders. Ironically, they also seem to be based on another Jew – Ayn Rand.

Luciferanism is based on the Individual and therefore cannot entirely function. Such movements basically ignore simple facts of life – that you will die. That you cannot pretend to strive for your personal, individual benefits forever. That you are dependent on your fellow kin and Volk in order to survive. That you would be dead within one week if all on your own in the wilderness, especially in its most harsh times of Winter. That you cannot develop technology and advance without having a Society. You cannot do all of that alone. You would be God in the most perfect sense.

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You need a Society, your People, your Race – which will enable certain Individuals then to transform themselves into Gods. And since this relationship between our people existed throughout history – this “Godlike person” then becomes responsible for the Society which enabled him to become so special. In individualism, even if you were to attain such a status, you would feel absolutely no obligation whatsoever towards anyone. It drives the Ego and therefore Projects essentially nothing.

Many of you who have read my articles so far will remember the analysis of the Feminine and Masculine principle of Reality and of our own Nature. There is another important definition of it – the Masculine part is regarded as “Order”, while the Feminine is regarded as “Chaos”. Chaos in terms of it being the “Creative” principle, which has access to everything and anything, but without the “Will” of the “Order” will never really develop, invent or achieve anything. All these Jewish movements are leading towards a world of either entire Chaos or entire Order.

Which means, in both cases, the world will stop developing. It will enter a Dark Age for eternity, just like it did when the Church – the “Order” – conquered Europe. We left the Dark Age with the resurrection of a little bit of Chaos, that is to say the Feminine Principle. Abrahamic religions wish to kill the Feminine Principle entirely – which also means that they wish to kill the Lady and the Woman – entirely. Currently, the Jews are killing the White females in both these polarities – Feminism – which is entirely Chaos – Religion – which is entirely Order. Our females are being raped on both sides, but our own feminine principle (of men and female) is also being destroyed.

This is why one of the oldest sayings is “order out of chaos”, which in its true form and essence would mean that Creativity and Truth develop through the Masculine principle out of the Feminine principle. This, however, has been corrupted by the Jew and applied as Communism/Christianity or any other of their “revolutionary” movements – where they see the current system as Chaos that must be brought into Order – but, here lies the ironythey wish to create a new type of Chaos which will then lead to their desired Order.

The Jew is currently creating Chaos in every White nation and hopes that this will lead to his desired Order. How pathetic it is, to see the world being run by these low-IQ, mentally deranged rats who have no knowledge, wisdom or understanding of anything they have ever stolen or laid their eyes upon.

You might notice one contradiction in terms within the Occult here – that of the relationship between the Sperm and Egg. Now, it is indeed the “Male aspect” which “wills” itself unto the “Female aspect” who then “creates” the Baby. But, notice – the Sperms themselves are Chaotic. Any of them could be the “winner” – they basically represent the Female principle which then is turned to Order once one of them reaches the Egg. It is important to understand that once the Male principle projects something – that something is being operated by the Feminine principle. Once the Feminine principle of the recipient receives this projected “will” – it then turns it over to the Male principle of the recipient. It might sound confusing at first, but you might find it easier to understand if you draw it out with a pen and paper.

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Be as it may, this leads us to the final part of this analysisthe image of Baphomet. Done by Alphonse Louis Constant, a French occultist who renamed himself into Éliphas Lévi – basically a Cuck who wanted to be a Jew. Whether or not he really was a racial Jew, I couldn’t find definite evidence. However, the image itself is very interesting.

It shows us an androgynous being which is supposed to represent both the masculine and feminine principle. We also see that it portrays the rising of Kundalini from its basic chakra and seems to tell us to observe the laws of hermetics “as above, so below” – and that all this combination will essentially lead to acquiring of Knowledge – that is to say the Wisdom of “Fire”. The hidden meaning behind it is also Solvite corpora et coagulate spiritus, which means dissolve the body and coagulate the spirit; the body basically being an impurity which needs to be fixed through the spirit – which again is related to the rising of the Kundalini. It is supposedly something that the Templars uncovered in Jerusalem and something that made them rich through Usury and Magic – ironically, Templars are also supposed to vow to protect and advance the Jewish people and nation – so who gives a fuck about them.

This all was of course the attempt to see a benevolent point behind the image of Baphomet. He is sometimes also referred to the idea of Absolute Freedom – which we already described in detail. It also describes the Order out of Chaos we mentioned. We could conclude that it is describing basically how to use your brain and mind in order to create clear and precise thoughts. We might also say that it is attempting to teach you how to raise your Kundalini by “solving the Light” through “coagulation of Darkness”. But, let us look into the meaning behind Solution :

A solving or being solve. Division, dissolving. Explanation, payment. To loosen, untie, solve, dissolve. Liquid containing a dissolved substance.

Which leads us to solve :

To disperse, dissipate, loosen. To loosen, dissolve; untie, release, detach; depart; unlock; scatter; dismiss; accomplish, fulfill; explain; remove.

Which leads us to lose :

Be lost, perish. Destruction, loss.

Whereas coagulation/aggregation means :

Number of persons, things, etc., regarded as a unit. United in a flock. Lead to a flock, bring together. To cause to curdle, collect. Necessary, urgent.

Therefore we realize the relationships of Payment – Collect. Division – Unite. Loosen – Bring together. Basically, Sheep – Shepherd. The Masses – Jesus. Chaos – Order.

One of the most simple ways to describe this relationship is through Blood – when you are bleeding, it will be stopped through coagulation. If your body can’t coagulate the wound, you will bleed to death. If your Mind can’t coagulate its Thoughts, you will go Insane. But, as with everything, these symbols have sinister Jewish implications.

Since the relationship Payment-Collection is of significant importance here, we realize that the Jews applied this through their monetary system. Offer a Solution to the Goyim and their monetary problems and unite the flock of sheep into your central banking system where you will collect all their money. Turn this money now again into a liquid state in order to make more sheep dependent on it and therefore collect even more of it. This is why in our modern times the “flow of money” is more important than anything else.

But, this system, as we all know – has been figured out, identified and exposed – one wonders therefore how the hell it is still in use. We should have removed all these Jews hundreds of years ago. In its essence, they do not allow for the “coagulation of money” to exist, because they immediately turn it into a fluid asset – a system which we call Usury. Bleeding us dry. But this is the very nature of the Jew in regards to everything – do not heal the people, make them dependent on our system (big  pharma) – do not teach the people, make them mindless and depend on our suggestions (choice) – do not secure the people, make them afraid and depend on our system (big brother). All Jewish ideologies and systems want to take care of you by bleeding you dry and making you enjoy the process – until – you are finally destined to die.


By this same principle they created the Heaven belief system for the Goyim. It never “coagulates” their spirituality, soul or mind. They are in a constant state of Fear and Submission throughout their whole and entire life and therefore are “bleeding out” spiritually and basically, eventually going insane.

The Jew has this also applied to the White Race directly – not only has he applied the terminology of “solution” on us by simply declaring to “destroy us” – but he has brought into our lands “coagulants” of every non-White type in order to “flock us” into “one”. This image is interesting and will also better explain the theory.

They regard us way too free, which to them is an “unclean” element that has to be “put down” in its place by “coagulating” us with the dark races of this planet. If you wish to simply see the image of Baphomet in that way – he basically tells you to Solve the White problem, Coagulate them with the Black races.

There you have it – the analysis of Absolute Freedom and a quick overview of the main branches it is associated with. Read very carefully now. There is one important conclusion here – as we have seen from the analysis and all that is required to achieve Absolute Freedom, Absolute Freedom is basically the same as Chaos. Now, this statement is important from the metaphysical/occult perspective – because it means that whoever has Willpower in a world of Chaos can reshape this world entirely to his Will and Submit this World to his Will.

In other words, the Jew wishes to reset this entire planet by turning it into complete Chaos with no Willpower, and then shape this Chaos after his Liking. A New World “Order” out of that Chaos.

But, there is only one thing that truly is Absolute. There is one element in this reality that we cannot escape as the Absolute which we must live by and follow – Truth. Truth exists “out there” all the time, it has merely not yet been discovered. Electricity was there always, but it wasn’t yet discovered. The same with all the technologies the White race has developed. It is therefore this simple fact that shows why the White race is so important upon this planet – it lives by the Truth, it searches for the Truth, and it understands the Truth – and it found it in Nature and continued onward to develop this realization.

It is absolute as it does not depend upon us. It isn’t restricted by anything, neither is it related to anything. It is free and separate from all – detached and pure. Absolute in position. It is us who are restricted to it, who need to relate to it and who are engaged in the search for it. However, we become more Free every time we understand a new portion of Truth – it changes our perception and our reality.

The Jew is returning the world to Darkness and wishes people to lose their connection to Truth – therefore he wishes to eradicate the White race from the face of the Earth. Because, there is one additional thing we have learned in our search for the Truth :

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Source Article from http://www.renegadetribune.com/absolute-freedom/

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