Abu Marzouk: The US renewed its veto on the Palestinian reconciliation

[ 26/06/2012 – 09:32 AM ]

BEIRUT, (PIC)– Deputy head of Hamas’s political bureau Musa Abu Marzouk said his Movement received confirmed information that the US administration recently renewed its veto against the Palestinian reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah factions.

On his facebook page, Abu Marzouk affirmed that the Palestinian authority was informed lately that the American veto imposed on the Palestinian reconciliation is still effective and unchanged.

The Hamas official demanded the PA and Fatah to be honest with the other Palestinian parties about this veto in order to find a solution together to this obstacle and work on regaining the momentum of the Palestinian cause that was lost as a result of the “peace process” and its futile agreements.

The official noted the PA and Fatah started to invent new pretexts for their failure to form the Palestinian unity government after they used to make excuses regarding the work of the central election commission.

He added that their new pretext is to determine a date for the elections in conjunction with the formation of the government, and at the same time they avoid talking about the formation of this government and keep giving inexplicable reasons.

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