Actress banned from Iran for nude shoot says it was a ‘symbolic gesture’

“This video clip is a symbolic gesture to remove the common taboos that exist
in various societies and does not aim to promote nudity or sex,” it
said. “By taking part in these photo shoots the people taking part wish
to demonstrate their redemtion from these taboos by the way they act and

“The objective is to liberate their soul and bodies at the same time. As
long as an individual has no power iver her or his body and their soul does
not have the command of the way they wish to think, then they do not have a
true freedom.”

“Although I do not think looking at the nude photo of another human may
have an attraction, but it is certainly far more enjoyable than looking at
the fully covered and burqa and hejab wearing body of a woman who has been wrapped
and imprisoned by her man. So much for not looking at women as sex symbols
as the fundamentalists want us to believe!”

The Paris-based actress left Iran last year in protest against restrictive
Islamic codes that the Iranian cinema industry has to follow under
Ahmadinejad’s conservative cultural policies.

The agency revealed Iranian officials had been shocked by her decision.

“It was first assumed that this might be yet another plot by the enemy
but the disaster dawned when she herself published her nude photo on her
Facebook page,” it said.

“By doing so she has now diminished whatever popularity of her that had
remained in Iran. It seems that her action is a short film and in line with
the Western plots to challenge the Islamic Awakening movement that is
sweeping the region.”

A second website, Sarat, which has links to radical elements of the clergy,
published a poster showing Miss Farahani burning in the fires of hell –
where it said she would reside for eternity. The text said: “Those who
turned infidels have been misled by the despots who have managed to turn
them away from the light and lead them to darkness. They belong to the fires
of the hell and shall always stay in there.”

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