AFP finds suspected asylum seeker boat

Authorities have rescued 32 suspected asylum seekers after their boat crashed onto rocks off the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

The boat had crashed on the Australian territory, halfway between Australia and Sri Lanka, on Saturday night.

The boat is believed to have set out from Sri Lanka, Seven Network reports.

“Either they’ve tried to beach and they’ve stuffed the boat up or the boat was stuffed up before they tried to beach,” Cocos Club President John Clunies-Ross told Seven.

Mr Clunies-Ross said his pub had been converted into emergency accommodation for the boat’s passengers.

“We’re basically left with people stealing my pub every time they need something,” he said.

The passengers are being transferred to Christmas Island, closer to Western Australia, where they will undergo initial security, health and identity checks.

The boat was the third suspected asylum seeker vessel intercepted in Australian waters on Saturday.

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