Aiden McGrew Mauling Death Ruled A Parental Neglect Homicide By South Carolina Coroner

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Parental neglect led to the dismemberment and death of a 2-month old infant by a dog as the boy’s father slept nearby, a South Carolina coroner ruled Monday.

Aiden McGrew’s death was ruled a homicide and the infant died from blood loss after being mauled last week, Dorchester County Coroner Chris Nesbit said.

Sheriff L.C. Knight said no charges have been filed but he is meeting with the solicitor’s office and may have an announcement in a couple of days.

The child’s body was found in his rural home Friday morning after he was attacked and his leg severed by his family’s pet dog. Deputies said the infant was attacked by a retriever mix the family had adopted a few weeks earlier.

The baby was in a child’s swing while the child’s father was sleeping in an adjoining room with another child at the time, authorities said. The infant’s mother called 911 when she got home from taking a third child to the doctor.

Nesbit, in announcing the death last week, called it “one of the worst deaths I have ever handled.”

Knight previously said the two other children in the home had been taken into protective custody.

The family’s white mobile home is located in a wooded, rural area about 30 miles northwest of Charleston.

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