Aliens? We’ll probably have a close encounter this century says leading physicist who warns governments to be ready

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Fiona Macrae
Daily Mail
July 16, 2012

It’s a scientific prediction that will get dollar signs pinging in Steven Spielberg’s eyes: We could make contact with aliens in less than 100 years.

But according to one of our leading physicists, it is a matter for governments – rather than Hollywood – who should start preparing for our first extra-terrestrial encounter now.

Speaking at the Euroscience Open Forum conference in Dublin, Jocelyn Bell Burnell said: ‘I do suspect we are going to get signs of life elsewhere, maybe even intelligent life, within the next century.

How well prepared are we? Have we thought of how we approach them? Should we put them in a zoo, eat them, send in GIs to bring them democracy?’

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9 Responses to “Aliens? We’ll probably have a close encounter this century says leading physicist who warns governments to be ready”

  1. Any one who thinks aliens are here or could visit us do not truly know how big the galaxy really is. Even if there was a million space faring civilizations in this galaxy right now, they would still average about 100 light years apart. Unless there is some magical way of traveling, it would take thousands of years to get there and hundreds of years just to talk by radio. Its just not happening.

    down with the clown Reply:
    July 16th, 2012 at 5:06 am

    ok if you say so. it must be true. what an ass.

    Stiffmeister Reply:
    July 16th, 2012 at 5:14 am

    “Unless there is some magical way of traveling”


    “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an Act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity…Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.”

    Ben Rich – the second director of Lockheed’s Skunk Works from 1975 to 1991

    Menzoberranzandweller Reply:
    July 16th, 2012 at 6:42 am

    Even at light speed, it’s 4 years to the nearest star other than our sun. God put considerable distances in the universe for some reason. I seriously doubt we have any black projects that can push a craft to the speed of light, much less beyond it. I’m sure they can fold space or create a time warp though, lol. We cannot even launch a space shuttle without tremendous effort and it sure was not effecient.

    American Dystopia Reply:
    July 16th, 2012 at 5:35 am

    I don’t think interstellar travel need be “magical”, but your right though the chances an alien race is close enough to have picked up on our radio emissions or seen us in a telescope are very small. Our radio emissions have only been propagating for about a hundred years and detectable signs of our industrial revolution for about a 150 years.

    On the other hand, an intelligence that could manipulate the laws of physics to allow interstellar travel and wanted to find primitive, backwards races of sorta intelligent people probably could find us.

    My guess is they probably would want to give us a wide birth, after all you don’t see Mensa sponsoring the special Olympics. We would be no threat to them and we’d make for painfully boring conversation.

  2. they would probably want to commune with the highest intelligent species like whales, govts i doubt they qualify

  3. Is the Daily Moron really publishing these prompts, so frequently, – in order to read comments from Genuine Closet encounters of ‘The-First-Kind’?

    There’s a lot of stuff I can’t tell you on here. I just couldn’t risk the consequences, let alone the Fusion-Centre and Disbelief Detraction Agent prompted Feedback.

    Why do you really think Star-Trek ‘Enterprise’ was cancelled in 2004, at the end of only 4-series, when all previous offerings had run the Full 7-Series. Official Explanation: ‘Viewing Figures were low’.

    No! It’s because ‘Shock Awe’ on Baghdad and the Columbia Shuttle Accident the previous year had refocused the Fluoridated Feckwit’s Average ‘murican ability to appreciate uplifting, messages that were for the most part doing honour to the all important ‘Ascent of Man’.

    It was for decades, (before you lot of pseudo-intellects were born, and left hi-school full of Bug-Eyed anticipation of a brawl down the public Bar), accepted that the discovery of an ‘Extra-Terrestrial’ intelligence or sentient life-form(s) beyond our Solar-System, should offer a new hope for mankind:

    — “We’re Not Alone!”; wonders, imagine it. Travel, Science, the Glories of the Universe, Nebulae, Stars, Galaxies, – can we too one day venture there?

    And if such an encounter were to GENUINELY occur, moreover then, we could maybe no longer claim that our propaganda is the very essence of what seeds from the centre of the Universe!

    That’s why you WON’T be seeing any genuine Aliens for a long time, most likely.
    — When you do see them, it’s as my old RAF buddy said, : ‘I think they’re us’.

    Governments know about them. I know about them. I too look at the human race and I say:
    What would happen if we, our current militarist driven, conquer all by violence mentality were to be drafted onto a serious Deep Space-exploration Program? Disaster! Most probably to 99.9%.

    And that’s another reason why you won’t be seeing any GENUINE alien visitors any time soon.

    You’re the Problem!!!! And whilst hundreds of Millions of Humans feel Alienated on their own planet, there’s not going to be any GENUINE alien attack that provides another convenient solution (in this perpetual power modeling Methodology of the Elites).

    So, they may have to create their own. False-Flag. To keep humans, without aspiration, without an ability to look to the stars as I did as child and have Dad say: ‘That’s where your Mummy is now’ (She died of Cancer when I was 6½ yrs). So I don’t look to the heavens in Fear.

    And before you set about replying to this, with all the standard claptrap:
    You watch your 2-Dimensional F·u·c·k·i·n·g mouths, …
    — Or I’ll truly give you something to worry about.

    Elijah Reply:
    July 16th, 2012 at 7:02 am

    I am so sorry to here about your mother, it does make me feel sad. It saddens my heart to hear about the many children of this world that have lost either their father and or mother.

    The Father God is not going to allow mankind to advance much further. As stated by the begotten son of the one and only living God, “man’s heart is naturally wicked.” [Satan does not make anyone do what they do, he just amplifies it].

    The sad part is, what man does not understand, man destroys. Jesus Christ is a fine example of what happens when man does not understand. [Jesus Christ himself had warned me about prophesying in my own nation, that I would not be understood nor accepted].

    It does not matter who God is or what God is, he could be a little green man called Paul. All of mankind is to love him and one and another and all of you are to keep the commandments to ALL man. There are no ands, ifs or buts, and there are no exceptions.

    * The Cherubim’s have the wings not the Angels, so, how does man think that they are moving and flying about?

  4. Oh, you all are so funny. There will not be an attack on mankind, what you will witness will be all of the Holy inadvisable’s showing their selves to all of humanity; when the seventh Angel sounds its trumpet, the third and last woe. We are in the sixth trumpet and the first through fifth have already sounded.

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