All Signs Point to the Possibility of a Staged Terror Event at London 2012

Patrick Henningsen
July 3, 2012

As the seventh anniversary of the 7/7 London Bombings approaches this week, past reminders coupled with new revelations are prompting fresh concerns for the summer ahead.

A number of preliminary indications point to the possibility of a staged false flag event being carried out at this year’s London 2012 Olympics.

Then during an interview with Britian’s Liberty Tactics’ Lou Collins Radio Show early yesterday, “Lee Hazeldean” revealed his true identity as film producer Ben Fellows explained the fears for his safety from the interests involved in his exposure of the international Olympic private security firm G4S. The show’s host and guests break down in detail the possibility of a false flag staged terror event at the Olympics, and compare today’s geopolitical environment with that of other false flag events throughout history…


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