Amanda Peet 2008: ‘I feel that parents who don’t vaccinate their children are parasites’

May 19, 2012

Amanda Peet, the “actress,” and one of People Magazine’s 50 Most Beautiful Women in the World, is the latest celebrity to promote the United Nation’s and World Health Organization’s vaccination propaganda (otherwise known as the population control/reduction agenda) website [email protected].

According to the site, all the major partners of the “cause” are the same organizations caught numerous times in the past delivering poisonous vaccines and advocating for population reduction: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations), UNICEF, etc. The most recent outrage was the reporting, or lack thereof, of 47,500 cases of NPAFP [non-polio acute flaccid paralysis].

Infowars has exhaustively covered the topic of lethal vaccines. Below are just a few examples.
RELATED: Paralysis Cases Spike in Wake of Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccination Effort in India
RELATED: Bill Gates and 47,500 Cases of Paralysis

Nadine Shubailat
ABC News
May 19, 2012

My office phone rang at 3 p.m. and a soft voice said, “Hi, it’s me Amanda!” That would be Amanda Peet, once named one of People magazine’s 50 Most Beautiful Women in the World. Peet called from Atlanta where she is filming “Identity Theft,” with Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy. She took a break from her schedule to speak to me about her biggest role – being a mother of two.

Peet said that after she came out as a vaccination advocate, she received “enough hate mail to last a lifetime.” (She said she didn’t read it.) Peet stoked the fire in 2008, when she labeled parents who do not vaccinate their children as “parasites” and later apologized for the comment, saying it was “mean and divisive.” However, she maintained her stance on the importance of vaccinations for children, warning that any reductions would lead to a resurgence of deadly viruses. [link added by Infowars]

Peet recently debuted a new public service announcement with the United Nations Foundation’s “Shot@Life campaign,” which highlights how Americans can help save the lives of children in developing countries by donating money for vaccinations.

Read full article

All of this can be dismissed as white-washed population control propaganda. The ugly truth of the matter is, as Aaron Dykes wrote: “There were 47,500 cases of non-polio paralysis reported in 2011, the same year India was declared “polio-free,” according to Dr. Vashisht and Dr. Puliyel. Further, the available data shows that the incidents tracked back to areas where doses of the polio vaccine were frequently administered. The national rate of NPAFP in India is 25-35 times the international average.”

Closing words from Daniel Taylor’s article, ‘Vaccinate the World: Gates, Rockefeller Seek Population Reduction‘ seem fitting: “The war against population is an ongoing effort on part of the global elite. This operation is truly massive in scope, but if we live our lives in fear of what the future may bring, we allow ourselves to be defeated.”

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