Analysis: what was so objectionable about Ahmadinejad’s speech?

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Madison Ruppert
Activist Post
Friday, September 23, 2011

It is clear that Ahmadinejad’s address to the 66th Session of the United States General Assembly was not well met. That is a bit of an understatement, as the entirety of the United States delegation, along with Israel and EU nations, totaling over 30 countries, walked out in the middle of his speech.

He was quickly lambasted in the press for his “anti-Semitic slurs” and “conspiracy theories” but when one takes a look at his address found on the UN’s official website, it doesn’t quite measure up to this picture.

One thing that truly surprised me in his speech was his praise of global governance. If you removed these passages and attributed them to some of the greatest campaigners for a new world order, like many American Presidents and the likes of Kissinger and others, I would not find it out of character.

The passage that stands out most as being clearly pro-global governance and what I would consider strange compared to the rest of his statements is found on page 9 of the transcript of his address. It reads:
“All of us should acknowledge the fact that there is no other way than the shared and collective management of the world in order to put an end to the present disorders, tyranny, and discriminations worldwide.” [Emphasis in original]
He also praises the institution of the United Nations calling it “a great and historical achievement of mankind,” while criticizing its structure by saying that there is an “absence of justice in the current management structures and mechanisms”.

Of course these parts of his speech are being ignored by the Western media because they betray the picture of a Holocaust-denying, blood-sucking tyrant and instead paint a picture of someone who considers “the very foundation of universal human values” to be “Monotheism, justice, freedom, love and the quest for happiness.” While I think that labeling monotheism a universal human value is going a bit far, he clearly said some things which betray the image we are presented here in the West.

Before I go further in my analysis I must make it clear that I do not support Ahmadinejad or the human rights abuses attributed to him. I do not necessarily support the Iranian regime and what they stand for, either. That does not mean that I can’t rationally analyze his words, and it definitely does not mean I will go out of my way to demonize him for his statements like the rest of the mainstream media.

The Jerusalem Post reported today that the moment when many of the delegates walked out was when “he suggested that European countries use the Holocaust as a pretext for giving aid to Israel.” Interestingly, but perhaps not surprisingly, this is not quite accurate.

The point Ahmadinejad tried to make, which seems lost on the entire staff of The Jerusalem Post, is the same exact point made in Norman Finkelstein’s highly controversial work The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering.

Finkelstein argues that the tragedy of the Nazi Holocaust has been exploited for political and financial gain, as well as to silence critics of Israel’s human rights violations and illegal occupation of Palestine.

Neither Ahmadinejad nor Finkelstein argue that “European countries use the Holocaust as a pretext for giving aid to Israel.” The closest one could get to that is the point that criticism of funding Israel is stifled by bringing in the “Holocaust shmata” (shmata is Yiddish for a rag or towel) in order to silence critics.

The Jerusalem Post also fails to bring in the second half of his statement which is wholly logical. I would like to hear a real refutation of his point, if anyone can provide one to me.

Ahmadinejad said:
If some European countries still use the Holocaust, after six decades, as the excuse to pay fine or ransom to the Zionists, should it not be an obligation upon the slave masters or colonial powers to pay reparations to the affected nations?
This statement is based on relatively solid logical grounds. How can you say that Germans (and other Europeans) still have to pay reparations and pensions to Jewish people and organizations for the Holocaust while African-Americans haven’t received a penny? What about the Spanish paying reparations to the native people they displaced, raped and slaughtered? You can’t pretend to stand for social justice but only apply it to one group who has been harmed; that is ludicrous.

I’m not sure how you can demonize someone for calling for real justice and reparations for peoples and nations subjugated and mistreated, but The Jerusalem Post managed to do so.

Another point worth mentioning is that, in that statement, Ahmadinejad effectively silenced anyone who calls him a Holocaust denier. He clearly knows the Holocaust occurred and makes it clear by saying “the Holocaust” not “the alleged Holocaust” or “the alleged killing of Jewish people by Nazis during WWII”. Can we stop pretending he is denying the Holocaust now?

On that note, let’s investigate some of the claims that his speech was anti-Semitic. First we must accept the fallacious definition of anti-Semitism that includes Jewish Europeans who are in no way Semitic other than the fact that Hebrew is classified as a Semitic language. Refuting this definition would take a full-length article unto itself, so let’s just pretend that all Jewish people are Semites but not any of the other Semitic peoples throughout the Middle East.

The spokesman for the United States Mission to the United Nations, Mark Kornblau, said that Ahmadinejad “again turned to abhorrent anti-Semitic slurs and despicable conspiracy theories”.
To analyze this statement and its validity, we must make another assumption: the “official story” of 9/11 is not a conspiracy theory, even though it is a theory involving a criminal conspiracy, solely involving al Qaeda operatives, to commit an act of terror against the United States. While the official story is literally a conspiracy theory in every single way, we must toss that aside and pretend that a spade is not a spade in order to analyze Kornblau’s claims.

Since Kornblau didn’t identify a single of the apparently multiple “anti-Semitic slurs” I am forced to attempt to find “abhorrent” statements that are clearly “anti-Semitic slurs”. This isn’t quite as easy to do as one might think.

Starting on page 2 of the transcript, Ahmadinejad begins down a laundry list of wrongs carried out by the Western world, specifically America and Western European nations. Nowhere does he place responsibility on Jewish people, or even Zionists as one might assume he would.

The closest he gets to a blatant case of anti-Semitism is when he asks:
Who imposed, through deceits and hypocrisy, the Zionism [sic] and over sixty years of war, homelessness, terror and mass murder on the Palestinian people and on countries of the region?
If you read this by itself out of context you very well might think this is an “abhorrent anti-Semitic” slur. However, when you read the points both before and after, you realize that he is not talking about Jewish people but about Europeans.

The question he poses before is:
Who triggered the first and second world wars, that left seventy millions killed [sic] and hundreds of millions injured or homeless. [sic] Who created the wars in Korean peninsula [sic] and in Vietnam?
Then after the possibly anti-Semitic remark he says:
Who imposed and supported for decades the military dictatorship and totalitarian regimes on Asian, African, and Latin American nations [?]
Who used nuclear bomb [sic] against defenseless people, and stockpiled thousands of warheads in their arsenals?
Clearly he is not talking about Jewish people or Israel, or if he is he thinks that Jewish people started WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam; dictated the foreign policy decisions of America and other Western European nations; and he even thinks that Jewish people dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki while also stockpiling thousands of nuclear warheads in their secret Jewish arsenals.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
  • Analysis: what was so objectionable about Ahmadinejads speech?

Ahmadinejad might not be the brightest bulb in the world but is he really crazy enough to believe that? He very well might be but there is no indication that he was talking about Jewish people when he ran down the laundry list of questions. In fact, his target seemed to be mostly America and Western Europe, but not Israel, Zionists, or Jewish people.

I wish Kornblau was able to point to one of his “abhorrent anti-Semitic slurs” as I do not seem to be able to find them.

Ahmadinejad seems to be pointing to a nebulous group of the Western elite who control foreign and economic policy. And in all of the cases where he cites multiple governments, in order for it to be anti-Semitic one would have to say that either Ahmadinejad believes Jewish people run every government he speaks of, or indeed Jewish people run every government he speaks of. I’m not prepared to say either one of those statements is accurate.

For Kornblau’s statement regarding anti-Semitic slurs to be correct when Ahmadinejad says, “Whose economies rely on waging wars and selling arms?” he would have to actually be speaking of Jewish economies, not the economies of America the UK and other NATO countries like one would rationally assume.

Furthermore, when he says, “Which country’s military spending exceeds annually a thousand billion dollars, more than the military budgets of all countries of the world combined?” he must be speaking of America, unless Kornblau thinks that Jewish people are behind the American military-industrial complex in which case it could be construed as anti-Semitic.

Another comment that might have been seen as anti-Semitic was when he said:
They view Zionism as a sacred nation and ideology. Any question concerning its very foundation and history is condemned by them as an unforgivable sin. However they endorse and allow sacrileges and insult against beliefs of other divine religions.
Is Ahmadinejad talking about Jewish people here? He would have to be in order to claim that this is an anti-Semitic slur. Unfortunately for those who might try, not all Jewish people view Zionism as a sacred ideology, nor do all Jewish people unquestioningly support the very foundation and history of Israel.

On the other hand, the government of America arguably blindly supports Israel, and thus the Zionist ideology, along with their foundation and history, along with Israel’s right to “defend herself” even if it means hideous war crimes like the ones committed during Operation Cast Lead.

Again, where are the “abhorrent anti-Semitic slurs”? I was expecting a lot more when I finally sat down to read the text of his address, but I walked away without anything that was clearly an abhorrent anti-Semitic slur. In order to find one I would have to ignore logic, facts and maybe even what he actually said in favor of what I think (or would like to think) he said.

When it comes down to it, Ahmadinejad was not Jew-hating in his speech. He was, however, doing a lot of hating on the oppressive, evil and corrupt history of American foreign policy and European colonialism along with imperialism as a whole.

If the United States Mission to the United Nations wanted to be accurate, they might have opted for the truth instead of pretending there were “abhorrent anti-Semitic slurs” where there clearly are none to cover up the fact that they couldn’t take the heat and simply left the kitchen.

Kornblau didn’t elucidate what exactly he meant by “despicable conspiracy theories” either, but one can assume that it is Ahmadinejad’s mention of September 11th, which he has brought up in the past and is usually quickly attacked for mentioning outside of the context of blind reverence for the official American story.

Ahmadinejad said:
Last year, when the need to form a fact-finding team to undertake a thorough investigation concerning the hidden elements involved in September 11 incident [sic] was brought up; an idea also endorsed by all independent governments and nations as well as by the majority in the United States, my country and myself came under pressure and threat by the government of the United States.
Instead of assigning a fact-finding team, they killed the main perpetrator and threw his body into the sea.
Would it not have been reasonable to bring to justice and openly bring to trial the main perpetrator of the incident in order to identify the elements behind the safe space provided for the invading aircraft to attack the twin world trade towers?
Why should it not have been allowed to bring him to trial to help recognize those who launched terrorist groups and brought wars and other miseries into the region?
Is there any classified information that must be kept secret?
I think that Ahmadinejad makes some great points here which are the antithesis of conspiracy theory.

Justice and the need to identify what exactly happened on 9/11 that allowed NORAD and other defense systems to fail in every way humanly possible are not conspiracy theories. If Kornblau thinks that Justice and the right to a fair trial are conspiracy theories he clearly hasn’t read the documents upon which our nation was founded.

What are some other conspiracy theories pushed by Ahmadinejad?

He said, “They insist on imposing their lifestyle and beliefs on others.” Well, that’s not a conspiracy theory, that’s called the Bush Doctrine. No dice once again, Kornblau.

How about, “They officially support racism.” Is that a conspiracy theory? For decades, that was a legal fact in the United States. Today, it is an irrefutable fact that the state of Israel, also known as the Jewish state of Israel, is a racist state. It’s a bit hard to argue that a “Jewish only” road isn’t a policy of a racist state.

America is still a racist nation, but most of the official support for racism has withered away over recent years. However, one could argue that our official support of the racist state of Israel is officially supporting racism.

However, much of the above was not even heard by Kornblau or the other diplomats who left part-way through the speech. In fact, if The Jerusalem Post is correct in their timing of the exit, most of what one could argue as “abhorrent anti-Semitic slurs” and “despicable conspiracy theories” were brought up after they had left. The point at which The Jerusalem Post says many of the diplomats left was near the bottom of the 5th page, out of the 11 total pages of text.

So, before you take the mainstream media’s word for it and consider Ahmadinejad a rabid anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist, you might want to take a few minutes to read his words yourself.

Like me, you do not need to be a supporter to realize that he is being given an unfair treatment in the media and that some of what he has to say has merit.

One quote that I would like to close this analysis with from Ahmadinejad’s speech — one that I find especially prescient given the expansion of the imperialist crusade to Libya, Somalia and Yemen is this:
Can the flower of democracy blossom from NATO’s missiles, bombs and guns?
What do you think about Ahmadinejad’s speech? Was it like Kornblau made it out to be? Did I miss something? Need to ease your stress and curse me out to make yourself feel better? I’d love to hear from you at [email protected] and I might use your comments in an update or future article!

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113 Responses to “Analysis: what was so objectionable about Ahmadinejad’s speech?”

  1. I support Ahmadinejad because he’s telling it like it is. Fuck the Commonwealth governments!


    maxxxem Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 8:26 am

    His agenda is just to fuel the fire in Americas heart land… then when the government is Busy fighting the Revolution in the heart land .. the Russian and Chinese along with Iran and other eastern allies will strike the western alliances

    AandO Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:58 pm




    Well, it does seem to fit considering what is in the posits of power here.

    Tom Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 1:02 pm

    66th. Satanic numerology.

    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 2:31 pm

    “Analysis: what was so objectionable about Ahmadinejad’s speech?”

    Ahmadine, Baby…

    It’s Not Your Speech, So Much…

    We Have Got To Do Something About YOUR LOOK…’

    Honestly, You’re Butt Ugly (No Offense), So Next Time You’re In Hollywood Get Yourself A Serious Makeover, Will ‘ya???

    I’m Sure Next Time With A New Look And A Little Snap In Your Step, The Jewish Community Will Stick It Out For Your Entire Performance…

    too sexy for
    my computer

    Mortarion89 Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 9:03 am

    I support Tajjys statement. Im an American. and i have been saying this for a long time. even my family calls me a terrorist lol

    Kwai Chang Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 9:46 am

    agree…thanks, mate

    Huggles Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 11:48 am

    Did anyone hear that baboon Benjamin Netanyahu talk about truth? LOL!!!! When he was done, I had the feeling to check that my internal organs hadn’t been pinched.

    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 2:23 pm

    lol Huggles, I comend you for even lasting that long to listen.

    libertyorslavery Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 2:30 pm

    “Clearly he is not talking about Jewish people or Israel, or if he is he thinks that Jewish people started WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam; dictated the foreign policy decisions of America and other Western European nations; and he even thinks that Jewish people dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki while also stockpiling thousands of nuclear warheads in their secret Jewish arsenals.”

    First… a man who knows that his every word will be interpreted as anti-Semitism without their reality checked … would be very very clear about his thoughts.

    Iran is the target of Zionism. Fact. His comments on a means for the world to speak to each other… in a real forum… define it with words as one will… is valid. The problem is that the UN is Zionist controlled largely… that is a… Marxist, Banking Cartel (largely the same thing) construct.

    As for the writers claim that Ahmadinejad can not possibly mean that Jewish power was behind the the World War 1916 through 1945 … sorry my friend… there were many other forces involved besides Zionism/Marxism/Judaism… but the hidden hand of the Jewish Tribe is indeed on most events originating in Europe and America in the 20th century.

    Please read:
    “The Culture of Critique” by Keven Macdonald for an understanding of Jewish tribal efforts in America to control the public’s mind through various ‘critique’/immigration/psychoanalysis… psychic wars.

    Next “The Controversy of Zion,” by Douglas Reed… that will refute the extremely naive paragraph above… TCZ is written by a man who hates no one and was at or near many of the seminal events of surrounding WW1 – 11. The first 130 pages or so are his take on why… but the rest of the book is the how and what… or events.

    And finally, “Under the Sign of Scorpion,” using the information that came available after the timed “fall” of the Soviet Union… to show that the Bolsheviks were in fact almost to a man… in leadership… Jewish and most of the lead killers of Russian Christendom up until Stalin began to “purge,” them… were indeed Jewish and the world masonic network of lodge based Illuminists… were also deeply involved… with Jewish lodges central. The face of Marxism was Jewish although the attempt as always was made to maintain a “Gentile,” “window dressing,” but it was very difficult because generally the ideology and the dominance of Jews in that movement… was not appealing to non Jews.

    Question: does the USA have anything to do with the wars we are involved in now?

    Other than as dumb bruits who fight it without question or protest? These wars are fought centrally for Israeli foreign policy goals with and overlay of “neo-Con,” agenda.

    But remember… the Noe-Conservative movement evolved from Jewish thought in America… and is largely a Jewish movement… with more diversion Goy ‘window dressing,’ that over time was in my opinion… affected by the ideas of Liberty limited primarily to “free trade…” and forced open boarders… all coalescing to the advantage of Jewish business and tribal goals and ending in the same world oligarchy…which on its whole involves… many races but very much centrally controlled by Jewish power more than any other people. Jews left support for Soviet Marxism largely… when Stalin began executing Jews… and Marxism’s efforts… after two or three generations in America appeared to be a dead end… if a real form of world control was to be achieved.

    Being light on the feet is… a quality that we don’t often accede as a strength of the world oligarchical entity we face… but even if the outlines of how technology’s effects… might by seen as they affect humanity… some changes and affects… are too primal … to anticipate… as with the emulation of some cognitive functions of the human brain… and the exchange of information (Internet) achieved and given to the individual during the 90s in America… through political Liberty and its most important purpose… human creativity.

    The tools used by Neo-Cons were to confront and bend the tenets of Libertarian ideas… while continuing to use the old Marxist ideas of mass immigration (America and Europe to dilute European racial power) and various academic efforts, anthropology, Freudian Psychology to undermine the sexual morals of Christians, the Frankfurt School also using Freud to label most “Gentile,” racial and cultural mechanisms as psychologically sick… indeed any racial, ethnic or nation-based racial characteristic etc. as producing sickness, sexual dysfunction and the cause of slaughter… ending in the Post Modern idea that all culture is racial hegemony ultimately… and no opinion of any kind is without the tone or color… of racial (nation state) prejudice and therefore too is aggressively based etc. etc. .

    These criticisms or “Critiques,” were not applied to Jews.

    And in almost all cases they were intellectual movements created by Jews.

    So that the “Jewish Nation,” that is internationally and its integrity… its racial basis… its motives were generally never questioned because of overt deception or self-deception of the academics that proffered these ideas in service of their Jewish Imago… and because the bare raw fact was that Gentile European/American culture/Christianity and its contiguous racial power structures… were the conscious targets.

    Much of this was putatively to prevent “anti-Semitism,” but in fact the reality was there was not much anti Jewish power left in America or Europe after “WW 11″ … meaning the 20th century’s World War and the events before and after… including the “Cold War.”

    As for the idea that Korea was not a Marxist (Jewish) proxy war through China… that too is not historical. All of the important Soviet envoys to Communist China early were Jewish is what I recall and I think verified in, “Mao the Untold Story,” and “Under the Sign of Scorpion.”

    As for the atomic bombs being dropped on Japan… alluded to above…

    World Gov. was the goal of Jewish thought going back to the 19th century and before and to the Illuminati in the late 18th century… historical fact. The League of Nations was stomped on by the American WASP power structures still intact at that time in the U.S. Senate and the American people… after WW1.

    Something was needed to make a world forum salable to the American people and there is nothing like FEAR to motivate… .

    This is why the power behind events… gave the Soviets the skematics of for the bomb and other information it is said… within 3 DAYS of their completion.

    And too shows the function of the “Cold War,” as a tool to keep fear over the heads of the American people… to allow the two levers, American power and Communism… enabling the erection of the world state, to be used. Both sides of the idea… both sides of a conflict etc. is the secret means… .

    When the Fabians idea of gradual change… through institutions, education and deep infiltration by in effect spies and also just people who had gradually had their minds altered through these same methods and media, movie black box emotional imprintation etc. proved superior to violence generally it methods were increasingly used… . The Fabians said the only way to take down the West and create a controlled world state… to remake the West… was through a gradual process of mind alteration and by using the institutions and traditional augments of the West even to the point of taking on many of those ideas as needed, using them.

    But I don’t thing they saw that those ideas would change the conspirators to a degree too.

    We should not think that Jews were too … not changed by the process that has taken 5 or 6 generations and their experience in America. They too have been profoundly changed. Yes their tribes psychic manipulations of Jews is still there and vents itself in support of Israel… but too many Jews understand independent thought and the idea of Liberty and individuality as never before… and the conflict within I suspect is confusing… .

    The problem is that as assimilation with America and Americans… became a deep concern to the Jewish tribe’s in terms of its future survival … a crisis was manufactured centering often and finally on the Middle East.

    I believe that much of this is now semi-conscious… not in Israel so much… but by American Jewry so profoundly has the Jewish mind been changed by its American sojourn.

    But in Israel the Talmudic Orthodox psychosis of self nomination and hatred of Christians and literally belief by a very significant percentage of the Orthodox Jewish that they are beyond racially superior… or the more common morally superior… but actually that they should move towards what they call “separation.”

    That is… into a separation of species. You read that right… .

    These are not the ideas of the majority of Americanized Jews or in the case of the latter… even known by many Jews or if known… they are thought to be extreme religious thought… etc. .

    We … all of us… Jewish and “Gentile” must be aware of a long efforts of humanity to break away from the idea and fact of domination… and its evolutionary purposes… .

    It can be said that on that level… humanity has been attempting to control our genetic loyalties and fears… and to see the human in front of us as a person… and to respect and love them as such.

    It is for the Jews in America especially now… to turn away from tribalism and back… to face humanity without their precious separation. Can you do it??

    julian2209 Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 3:00 pm

    Although Ahmadinejad tells some things like they are, or at least seem to be, he also leaves some things aside where HE and his government would look bad.
    Just because he may be a “hero” for some 911 truthers does not make him a truthful person. He just uses this platform to convince people that also his other agendas are legit.

    What is sad though is that he is the only real, verbal at least, counterpart to the US dominance in the UN! And who has the US in its pocket is also well known, why else are all of the resolutions towards Israel never mentioned anywhere, whilst resolutions towards other nations are strictly followed through.

    And on more thing: the holocaust happened, maybe it wasn’t 6million, nobody counted them, but also 2 or 3 or 4 or 5million exterminated people are considered a genocide! And that leaves ONLY the 911 story as advance for Ahmadinejad and ONLY because he speaks out of the soul of some people in this country in regards to this ONE subject does not make him a good guy! He rather uses (indirectly) this people….like clearly visible today!

  2. Our own Pesident represents our enemies. Our enemies attack anyone who speaks the truth.

    Kwai Chang Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 9:48 am

    for sure…
    no one wants a puppet
    white house = marionette factory

  3. There are those of us who remember that this sorry mother fucker was in on the hostage taking.

    The Iran hostage crisis was a diplomatic crisis between Iran and the United States where 52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days from November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981, after a group of Islamist students and militants took over the American Embassy in support of the Iranian Revolution.

    Just where has that revolution led to? A short time ago, Iranian snipers were picking off Iranian protesters in their capital.

    Thats one reason why protesting in the streets isnt a very good idea.

    We hate Ahmadinejad because he too is a liar. We hate the cocksucker for spreading his lies. And, we hate the stupid mother fuckers who think he is worth believing.

    Got that tajjy? That means you. You are one stupid cocksucker. “I support Ahmadinejad because he’s telling it like it is”. Bullshit.

    Just how fucking stupid are you? Dont bother replying. The question is rhetorical and we could care less what some “brainless fuck” like you has to say. Ya got that?!


    Bullrun1861 Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 9:23 am

    Recon, although you are 100 percent correct regarding Ahmadinejad, you’ve got to give the man credit for having a big set of kahunas. Who else has the balls to stand up to the elitists?

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 9:48 am

    Naw! No balls at all. He knows that he is protected by those who are supporting him. Who would that be?

    It would be the same assholes allowing him to build his nuclear arsenal. obama gave him the nod…..”third party nod”. Iran finances HAMAS. Remember?

    He is a coward and a liar…same as the rest. You shall see this for yourself in time.


    Kwai Chang Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 9:50 am

    I like recon, too…
    but I have to agree…
    a precedent is long overdue
    (none of them are saints)

    dboy225 Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 11:58 am

    ..the ‘elitists’ aka ‘banksters’ are the main ones funding his nuclear WEAPONS project. This has been proven and the most they get is a slap on the wrist (multi-million dollar fees). Recon is dead on. He can’t be trusted, like most national leaders.

    Tom Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 4:21 pm

    His “big” cajones come from having Russia (#1 military in the world now) backing his every play. Plus he’s had the nukes since 2002. So he’s talking the way an Arab would talk who has just found his enemy is a dog chained to the porch….

    DavidGuy Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 2:00 pm

    you’re quite the asshole. Fuck you too.

    macho, out *duh*

    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    Just put him on your ignore radar. He’s got alot of anger issues as you can see.

    If we can’t get along there is no use for us.

    Peace and love to all.

    Kwai Chang Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 3:35 pm

    I need the education…
    I like hearing both sides of the argument…I don’t want to judge…but some of these issues are about to judge us…we are all in it…educating each other would not be a bad thing…we sure cannot rely on our ‘standard’ sources…
    I’m willing to sort and sift before I ever resort to believing ‘reliable’ favorites…

  4. After reading the article I don’t see him praising the global govermence.. Indeed he has uses two very strong words which are ,SHARED and COLLECTIVE. United Nations stands for all nations to get together and decide ,not just for 2 or 3.
    And on the other comment about UN , he says “absence of justice in the current management structures and mechanisms” means what it means..UN is SCUM.

  5. Well, you have to admit that what Ahmadinejad said about 9/11 was spot on.
    My own local “news”paper, the corporate Lexington Herald-Leader, republished an AP article about this speech and included many of his 9/11 comments as a means, obviously, to show how radical he is. Truthers no doubt saw the info as showing how informed he is on the subject. When I commented on the article and included a bit more of 9/11 truth, they removed all evidence of the AP article from their website and archives, as well as the saved record of my comment. All vanished overnight. Of course this censorship happens frequently with this and other corporate papers. The truth of anything of real importance is simply not allowed, even if stated by our sworn enemies.
    Coming to an end soon, though…..


    Lexington, Ky

  6. Iran is, and has been, the kind of police state we are always talking about here to try and prevent the US from becoming…..stop with these crappy articles that do nothing to win hearts and minds…Jeeeesh

    roberth70 Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 10:32 am

    7stringfool, Iran is no more of a police state than your beloved Israel and your arugment has absolutely nothing to do with what’s going on in the middle east. You gotta turn off your TV and get to know what’s going on in the real world. Iran is one of the least dangerous countries in the world. Iran is now looking down the barrel of over 300 nuclear weapons held in Israel alone and far worse prospects for survival if a conflict goes to the next stage. Your too dumb to be a shill for Israel, you don’t even have a basic knowledge of world politics….Jeeeesh.

    AandO Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 1:56 pm


    roberth70 Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 2:24 pm

    Is that all you have to say? Indeed another case of zionist intellectual emptiness. Not your fault I’m sure, this is what happens when you live submerged in a closed society.

    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 2:27 pm

    I agree with you robert.

    This is all just a game. All leaders are mere business partners, and play a part in this global governance.

    Tom Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 4:23 pm

    Iran one of the least dangerous country’s? They have nuclear bombs, they hate the West, they will HAVE to react when the NWO attacks them, and they burn American flags in Iran. How the hell do you figure they are not dangerous? AND MUSLIM TO THE CORE!!!

    AandO Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    Great comment 7stringking

  7. Questions: that is what the speech was all about and the questions were taken as “abhorrent anti-Semitic slurs”. One other person that was taken the wrong way was Erich von Däniken’s “Chariots of the Gods” people said he was crazy when his whole book asked many “Questions” not “Statements of Fact” when in fact asking about 9/11 and the facts, Ahmadinejad is only asking questions and people are offended by it. Like, Luke with “We are Change” asking questions and the people shake in fear when asked for the truth. All I want is the TRUTH, is that too much to ask?
    When I saw the people walking out they were shaking in fear and when you are in fear the first response is to run, and that is what they did. Shame on the World Leaders for allowing this tyranny to continue…

  8. Yes. he is correct about a lot of things he says. However, Given the chance because of the way Israel was “Created, Maintained and expanded at the expense of the Palestinians” He would destroy them if he could.
    Make no mistake, this goes way back. There is no true knowing of forgiveness without Christ and that applies to both sides. We can only delay ‘It’ for a while with lobbying and votes and evan that seems to be drawing the line in the sand as we speak.

  9. Why the walkout? Well, if you want to see where the zionist puppet strings lead, just take note of the puppet clowns taking leave at the UN. Everything that zionist touch has strings attached, there are no exceptions. The Zionist have made liars out of everyone they’ve befriended, there are no exceptions. Look at Capital Hill and the long line of groveling apologist for Israel that now seek out the opportunity to be patted on the head by the zionist power brokers. Washington is Israel’s occupied territory, likewise the UN. Jews, if they’re smart, had better understand one thing, the people in charge of this world wide gangster operation are no different than the sociopath Bernie Madoff, a man that was ripping off Jews almost exclusively. You, like the rest of us, have no where to hide as the Zionist take the world down this path. The globalist cannot function without Zionism, it’s a symbiotic relationship.

    Kwai Chang Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 9:53 am

    real gospel…thank you

  10. Global governance ….oh my, you can’t talk about the New World Order, they’re not suppose to be known yet ! Global governance is a secret thing that only the Bilderbergs know about ! Once you talk like that, they’ll walk out on you and call you a conspiracy theorist !

    Kwai Chang Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 9:54 am

    never heard of it!

  11. so why is Ahmadinejad and his speech so important?He could have said anything,the NWO would not let him keep his power plants in function
    I bet they will go into Iran no matter what,just because they dont like him
    Why we have the economic crisis after all???????????its prepairing us for the events to come;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;more wars for profit

    Kwai Chang Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 9:55 am

    they really want Iran to be intimidated into an offensive….preeeeeeeeeeetext against…
    (don’t make me say it…you might walk out on me)

    Tom Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 1:06 pm

    Iran has had the nuke since 2002. The world’s leaders are all cooperating. Islam is fundamentally just powerful enough to be a threat to the NWO, who will persecute the Muslims and Christians hard core starting ALREADY. Until the Middle East goes the way of Western Europe (flying the same flag as each other, spending the same currency as each other, and not bothering with their borders anymore), you can expect attempted regime change until there IS regime change(d).

  12. Article: “Ahmadinejad..Holocaust-denying..”

    between_the_lines: Denying anything until it is proven true to you is correct logical procedure. In logic, law and science an assertion is always assumed to be false and denied, until it is proven true.
    The “Holocaust-denying” label is based on a logical fallacy called “Shifting the burden of proof”..
    [[Shifting the burden of proof
    The burden of proof is always on the person asserting something. Shifting the burden of proof, a special case of Argumentum ad Ignorantiam, is the fallacy of putting the burden of proof on the person who denies or questions the assertion. The source of the fallacy is the assumption that something is true unless proven otherwise.
    “OK, so if you don’t think the grey aliens have gained control of the US government, can you prove it?”]]

    When the “Shifting the burden of proof” logical fallacy is enforced by law, the denial becomes heresyy, the law becomes a Heresy law, and the “denier” becomes a “Heretic”.
    • Shifting the burden of proof is:
    “What authority says about something is true until somone proves it false”
    • Heresy is:
    “What authority says about something is true and if somone trys to prove it false, authority punishes them”.
    Today Heresy laws exist enforcing the Judaic doctrine of “Holocaust”. And in the Middle-ages Heresy laws existed enforcing the Christian doctrine of “flat-earth” (which Heretic Galileo famously fell afoul of).
    Intellectually free people have the right to deny anything until it is proven true to them, and not to be forced to accept something as true because some authority says it is true.
    A Jewish guy called David Cole produced a video where he examines the evidence for “Holocaust” objectively from first principles, and finds the evidence unconvincing. Ironically he was later charged with heresy and labeled a heretic, within the Jewish community, and forced to recant..

    [[David Cole produced video: “One Third of the Holocaust”]]

    Kwai Chang Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 9:58 am

    FIERCE…like the ratel
    (honey badger…meanest on the planet)

    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 10:20 am

    Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense.

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:01 pm

    Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense. Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense.
    No doubt about it, “betweenthebuttcheeks’, you are definitely one fucked up mother fucker. Its no wonder why no one here is buying into your brand of horse shit, except those who are just like you.
    Hows that for a ” Ad-hominem reply”?

    Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense
    Stick your “Ad-hominem replies” up your ” Ad-hominem” ass.

    Oh…….and be sure to have a nice “Ad-hominem” day, shit for brains.

    Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense

    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:33 pm

    Instructions to Jews on defense tactics:
    1. change topic
    2. insult
    3. filibuster
    4. iggy …

    1. change the topic by talking personal trivia or play music. …
    2. insult the speaker; assign preconditioned labels like “anti-semite”, “nazi”, or assign emotional motives like “hate”, “jealousy”…
    3. filibuster by talking irrelevant trivia or personal insults
    4. call for a room iggy
    … NOTICE that by using these techniques you never need to rebut the specifics of any charges.

    [[Hasbara Handbook, Promoting Israel on Campus
    Page 8

    julian2209 Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 3:13 pm

    I agree with you Between, criticism of jews is a no-no, I tried it a few times a long time ago and it is and was very obvious. And who does not believe it, give it a try. Don’t be surprised though if your comments will be censored or in direct chat, see above….

    dboy225 Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:17 pm

    I’m trying to understand wtf I just read. So are you (between_the_lines) saying there was no Holocaust as well? And that it was perhaps just some disinfo bullshit to make us hate the Nazis and feel bad for the Jews? My grandfather was in the liberation force and I have authentic pictures he took from inside one of the camps. There is NO denying it happened. Wtf is your point in that rambling, incoherent post? Or maybe it’s just over my head??

    Ad-hominem my nuttsack.

    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:39 pm

    Intellectually free people have the right to deny anything until it is proven true to them, and not to be forced to accept something as true because some authority says it is true.
    A Jewish guy called David Cole produced a video where he examines the evidence for “Holocaust” objectively from first principles, and finds the evidence unconvincing. Ironically he was later charged with heresy and labeled a heretic, within the Jewish community, and forced to recant..

    [[David Cole produced video: “One Third of the Holocaust”]]

    dboy: I’m trying to understand wtf I just read.

    between_the_lines: It is quite clear and easy to understand. You just don’t want to understand. Watch the video and get back to me.

    dboy225 Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 2:01 pm

    I will, only in the interest of the quest for the truth. All sides deserve a fair trial I guess

    AandO Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 2:12 pm

    Nah, no video required.

    Your words locate you as one of Satans useful fools.

    It is clear and easily understood that you are sold out to the cause. See: CAUSTIC

    julian2209 Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 3:44 pm

    Well Between, here you are right and wrong, of course you have the right to deny whatever you want, but how much proof do you personally need to be convinced? If a guy named Cole says something, makes a video, you believe it, if others say it with hundreds of videos you don’t! Is that sense? Did you ever ask that Cole maybe just made that video, report, whatever, so he got some attention, because its a very sensitive subject?
    And don’t forget, in 1940 there were no cellphone cameras who allow you to record everything…if you know what I mean.

    Like I stated above, maybe the numbers are a bit incorrect and there were only 5million dead people, but nevertheless it is and shall be considered a genocide!
    That the jewish people and their supporters use the holocaust for their purposes and agendas is another subject and is totally true, but the main reason for it, is GIVEN! It just should not excuse the actions almost 70years later!

    BTW, ever visited a former concentration camp? I saw two…and its not a nice place to be!
    And Between, this planet is flat….forgot the name, but someone made a video that proves it… we were colonized by aliens who transported us as slaves from Tiamat, before it blew, you gonna find that video too……you get what I mean? Or do you believe that as well?

    Tom Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 4:26 pm

    There are literally THOUSANDS of photos of the Jews once they were found in the concentration camps. Check out the Pictorial History of the Holocaust at your local library. Those pictures PROVE beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Holocaust happened. That is absolutely undebatable…..!!!

    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 2:31 pm

    Im questioning original story also. It is more of the divide and conquer story. That is all this illusion is. And so many fall for it.

    Peace and love to all.

  13. recon: scum like this little shit have been around for years…they disguise their bullshit in some cloak of reasonableness but the reasonableness only applies to people who hate 1:Jews 2: Americans 3: white males…etc. etc…this fuckbrained little punk will be hiding under the sofa screetching like the rump ranger he is when the trouble comes and he’ll be down on his knees sucking hard on the u.s. soldiers that risk their lives to save his perfectly meaningless and useless waste of DNA.

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 9:49 am

    You sir, are correct.


    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 10:25 am

    wildmangreen: “people who hate 1:Jews”

    between_the_lines: That it is an example of a particular kind of ad-hominem called “appeal to motive” or “motive questioning” where an argument is dismissed by calling into question the motives of its proposer. The “anti-semite/antisemitism” response to an argument is another (slightly disguised) example. The Jewish the ADL defines antisemites as “people who hate Jews”.

    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 10:39 am

    One’s innermost motives are unknowable, even to oneself. If somone tells you they love you or hate you, they probably don’t know themselves. Probably sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t. It’s just an emotional feeling.
    Even the Jewish Bible concedes this point:
    “Ecclesiasted 9:1 ..their deeds, are in the hand of God; no man knows whether it is love or hatred;”

    And the legal position in American and English law is well established: judging men’s actions is the domain of the law, and judging men’s motives is the prerogative of “god”(whether you believe in supernatural beings of not! ☺). President Bush reiterated this position when he rejected last-minute calls for clemency for a Texas murderess based the fact she had recently become relifious. He said her case had been thoroughly reviewed and
    “I have concluded judgements about the heart and soul of an individual on Death Row are best left to a higher authority. May God bless Karla Faye Tucker and may God bless her victims and their families.”

    In debating too “judgements about the heart and soul of an individual” presenting an argument are red-herrings, you must respond to the individual’s argument.

    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 11:05 am

    When the law says “the MOTIVE was robbery”, by MOTIVE the really mean INTENT. When somone intentionally kills somone there is no knowing their INNERMOST MOTIVE – people kill people they say they love all the time.

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:11 pm

    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 10:39 am
    One’s innermost motives are unknowable, even to oneself.

    What a bunch of bullshit!


    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:18 pm

    You wrote; “between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 10:39 am
    One’s innermost motives are unknowable, even to oneself.

    Wanna know about all that do you? Well, if you’re a homo, take Bromo, and you’ll wake up “FEELING YOURSELF”.
    Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense. Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense What a bunch of bullshit!

    You sound just like the broken record you are. Get fucked!


    Tom Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 4:28 pm

    I think you worship logic class in the extreme. Try taking something at face value for a change instead of thinking life is “between the lines”…..

    Tom Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 4:30 pm

    The Bible concedes nothing: you are interpreting Ecclesiastes wrong.

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 10:55 am

    @ between_the_lines

    Are you “recon”?!! Get the fuck out of our posts. What kind of a response is that again?

    Thats right mother fucker! He was addressing me…not you, so go get fucked asshole!

    Post your horse shit some where else.

    You Fucking retard!


    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 11:14 am

    recon: He was addressing me…not you

    between_the_lines: This is a PUBLIC forum, anyone can respond to any post at any time. If you want to have a private chat with your buddy go the PM(PRIVATE messages).

    BTW: There is also the issue of good manners. Your parents probably never taught you: it is rude to have a private conversation to the exclusion of the others at the supper table.

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:13 pm

    The only one here doing any “eating” will be you eating “crow” Set anther plate for yourself dip shit. You’ll have plenty of crow to feast on.

    Now, bend over and put a smile on your toothless face.


    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 11:19 am

    reconscoutsniper: Get the fuck out..mother fucker!..get fucked asshole! shit..Fucking retard!

    between_the_lines: Abusive ad-hominem response to avoid the argument.

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 11:28 am

    “Abusive ad-hominem response” just for you.

    Get fucked up your stupid asshole by the fucks you endorse. Then take your “pubic” forum else where asshole. No one here has any use for a scared chickenshit mother fucker like you.

    Never answer posts directed at some one else. When posts are made directly to some else, learn to keep your intrusive fucking nose out of their conversations. What the fuck are you? A busy body? Is that it? Go get fucked!

    You claim to be a gentle man using this bullshit “ad-hominem”. You fucking liar! You fucking hypocrite!

    Get the fuck out of my face you cocksucker.


    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 11:54 am

    reconscoutsniper: You claim to be a gentle man

    between_the_lines: Strawman argument and ad-hominem.
    ..because he is to stupid to respond to my argument that the “people who hate..Jews” line, is utter nonsense.

    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 11:57 am

    reconscoutsniper: “stupid asshole.. the fucks..asshole..scared chickenshit mother fucker..fucking nose..Go get fucked!..fucking liar!..fucking hypocrite!..fuck out of my face..cocksucker.”

    between_the_lines: Abusive ad-hominem..
    ..because he is to stupid to respond to my argument that the “people who hate..Jews” line, is utter nonsense.

    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 11:58 am

    TYPO, S/B: “TOO stupid”

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:02 pm

    Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense. Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense.
    No doubt about it, “betweenthebuttcheeks’, you are definitely one fucked up mother fucker. Its no wonder why no one here is buying into your brand of horse shit, except those who are just like you.
    Hows that for a ” Ad-hominem reply”?
    Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense
    Stick your “Ad-hominem replies” up your ” Ad-hominem” ass.
    Oh…….and be sure to have a nice “Ad-hominem” day, shit for brains, cocksucker.

    Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:10 pm

    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 11:54 am
    reconscoutsniper: You claim to be a gentle man
    between_the_lines: Strawman argument and ad-hominem.
    ..because he is to stupid to respond to my argument that the “people who hate..Jews” line, is utter nonsense.

    Bullshit! My beef with you is due to the fact that I was addressed by wildmangreen…not you, you rat fuck bastard. Your straw man argument is that this is a public forum, which it is, but, when some one calls upon another by name, keep your stupid retarded fucked up useless drivel out of it.

    Hows that for another “Ad-hominem reply” you homosexual?

    Dont like it much huh? Tough shit. Butt out, asshole.

    Hey! Wanna suck my dick? Hope that you will still be giving me head after this. No “hard” feelings….right? LMAO!!!!!!!!!


    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 3:38 pm

    between_the_lines: This is a PUBLIC forum, anyone can respond to any post at any time. If you want to have a private chat with your buddy go the PM(PRIVATE messages).

    BTW: There is also the issue of good manners. Your parents probably never taught you: it is rude to have a private conversation to the exclusion of the others at the supper table.

    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 4:03 pm

    reconscoutsniper is as bad as the the guy who uses these forums for free advertising. reconscoutsniper uses these forums for free email! ☺

    Deatbeat carpetbaggers both of them!

    julian2209 Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 4:18 pm

    Between, of course you are right about manners, but on this site you have to overlook that, as you probably experienced. Further, it is enough now!
    You have your opinion, others have different ones, where I am from, we accepted others and caleld it tolerance….and if you don’t accept that, like others, you put yourself in the very same category!

    And Sniper….sorry pal, you fell for it….how could it happen that you got soooo carried away!??? I know that the level of tolerance is very little here by some, or even non existent, but from you especially I expected a bit more since you usually do your “homework”.

  14. achoomadinejad another gay who likes little boys hates human beings more misinformation
    remember osama dead sometime now was on ice till his body was needed again

  15. Gotta say, I have no problem with Ahmadinejad. Iran only wants to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth, and for that they should get favored nation status. If I were president, I’d give them all the aid we’ve been giving Israel, so that Iran can install the world’s largest self lighting parking lot on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean.

    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 10:19 am

    Israel has no right to exist as a JEWISH state. Just as South Africa had no right to exist as a white Apartheid state. Israel must become a state for all it’s citizens, owned and operated by all its citizens.
    Not all Israeli citizens are Jewish nationals.
    Not all Jewish nationals are Israeli citizens.

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:03 pm

    What have we here?!!!! Oh No! Is it….No! Can it be? No! not another

    Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense. Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense.
    No doubt about it, “betweenthebuttcheeks’, you are definitely one fucked up mother fucker. Its no wonder why no one here is buying into your brand of horse shit, except those who are just like you.
    Hows that for a ” Ad-hominem reply”?
    Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense
    Stick your “Ad-hominem replies” up your ” Ad-hominem” ass.
    Oh…….and be sure to have a nice “Ad-hominem” day, shit for brains.
    Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense Ad-hominem reply, and nonsense

    AandO Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 2:30 pm





    What we see occurring on the planet right now is the birth pains of the coming judgement against fools such as between the lines and company.

    Boy are you fools in for a surprise.

    AandO Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 3:16 pm

    Above is to between lines.

    Tom Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 4:32 pm

    Spot on!! A Jew is one who is one inwardly. Joint heir with Christ. Spot on.

    Tom Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 4:33 pm

    Israel is the Promised Land that Moses started leading the Jews to back in Old Testament times. They sinned, backslid, and got punished time and time again for it, wasting away 40 years in the desert (years to us is a blink of an eye to God), and finally brought home in 1948. If you don’t like it, don’t go there. Israel has enough troubles without more hate coming INTO their land….

  16. To the those genocidal psychopaths who waked out – don’t come back. Enough of their
    lies and deceit that is blatantly used on the US citizens. The US and UK are a criminal
    cabal. Long live Ahmadinejad.

  17. Well, if you stack one tyrant on top of the other end to end and then scale them by their deeds, Ahmadinejad doesn’t even tip the scale. So why is that racist like recon-my-ass coming out against Ahmadinejad so heavily? Is it because the fool drank the cool-aid in basic training or is he just another run of the mill zionist shill supporting that lost cause known as Israel? Come on recon-my-ass, tell us why you find Ahmadinejad such a horrible guy. Saying you saw it on CNN with Mouse Blitzer doesn’t count.

    The time is NOW Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 11:41 am


    You are right, reco is a govscum writer, or more accurately one of the names used by a gov scum writer.

    Pay attention, there are several “personalities” here in the comment sections of PP that are the same govscum piece of sh!t. “recowriter” is just one of them.

    As usual throwing out a lot of BS, without facts or totally lopsided arguments which are actually supportive of what many here consider our enemy the NWO. Trying to be a bully here is just stupid, and the writer who uses “reconscoutsniper” (among other names) has proven how stupid he/she is in the past.

    Regarding Ahmadinejad, you are right even if I was to believe the MSM stories about him and the Iranian gov, they are far nicer than what we got here in the west. Just a simple body count comparison shows that the western govs are much more murderous than the Iranians.

    I have been reading Ahmadinejad’s speeches for years. For the most part he is accurate. His accurate descriptions of some of the political realities are frightening to the western banksters and their NWO lackies. Thus, some piece of dung like the recowriter is paid to run him down.

    The time is NOW!!!

    Hey reco, flip flop, flip flop,,,,, too bad you took the bait, hook line and sinker, you are now just a fish, exposed in the light of the truth.

    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:13 pm

    roberth70: ..there are several “personalities” here in the comment sections of PP that are the same govscum piece of sh!t. “recowriter” is just one of them.

    Between_the_lines: Could be!
    New precedent: one nation’s government within another nation’s government
    [[Office To Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Office To Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism is a part of the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Affairs (DRL) at the United States Department of State. It is headed by the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism (SEAS). The office “advocates U.S. policy on anti-Semitism both in the United States and internationally, develops and implements policies and projects to support efforts to combat anti-Semitism.”

    The Office was created by the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004.

    Gregg Rickman(JEWISH(1)) was sworn the first SEAS on May 22, 2006.[1] The office has remained opened since the beginning of the Obama administration.[2]

    On November 11, 2009, the government confirmed the nomination of..

    Hannah Rosenthal(JEWISH), former head of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs..

    The American nation has established within its American State, an office staffed by Jewish nationals, to combat criticism of Jewish nationals, the Jewish nation and the Jewish state within the American state.

    Now the Jewish nation needs to reciprocate and establish within its Jewish State, an office staffed by American nationals, to combat criticism of American nationals, the American nation and American state within the Jewish state.

    And in the interests of evenhandedness,
    ..the American nation needs to establish within its American State, an office staffed by Chinese nationals, to combat criticism of Chinese nationals, the Chinese nation, and the Chinese state within the American state..
    .. AND..
    ..the Jewish nation needs to establish within its Jewish State, an office staffed by Chinese nationals, to combat criticism of Chinese nationals, the Chinese nation and the Chinese state within the Jewish state.

    It is an old worldwide tradition for a host nation to grant within its state, a small territory (an embassy) to a foreign nation to promote its foreign national interests within the host state.
    That is: one nation’s territory within another nation’s territory.

    It is a new precedent for a host nations to grant within its government, a department to a foreign nation to promote its own foreign national interests within the host nation.
    That is: one nation’s government within another nation’s government.

    (1) Gregg Rickman’s Biography

    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:14 pm

    And they could be working for the ADL or JDL, they run internet monitoring operations too.

    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:15 pm

    They are certainly using techniques described here
    [[Hasbara Handbook, Promoting Israel on Campus
    Page 8

    between_the_lines Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    Instructions to Jews on defense tactics:
    1. change topic
    2. insult
    3. filibuster
    4. iggy …

    1. change the topic by talking personal trivia or play music. …
    2. insult the speaker; assign preconditioned labels like “anti-semite”, “nazi”, or assign emotional motives like “hate”, “jealousy”…
    3. filibuster by talking irrelevant trivia or personal insults
    4. call for a room iggy
    … NOTICE that by using these techniques you never need to rebut the specifics of any charges.

    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 2:39 pm

    Thanks for the info btl.

    There is no doubt this is what’s happening all over the internet. Nobody could be that literally stupid.

  18. The fucker is a lunatic… talks about, “the shared and collective management of the world in order to put an end to the present disorders, tyranny, and discrimination’s worldwide.” Anyone that talks about a world government is a satanist… period.

    dboy225 Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:53 pm

    careful Dildo, you might be labeled a government disinfo agent like Recon :O

    AandO Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 2:18 pm

    Screw BLT and it’s god “satan”

  19. first thing he does at the UN is prays for the coming of the Mahdi )or 12th Imen) and when the Mahdi comes he will exterminate everyone in the world who does not become muslims. Unless your muslims I can’t see anyone sided with this guy. He is just another psychopathic human satanic hater who wants to exterminate populations. Just because he appears to be a different side of the NWO does not mean he is. They have the same master allah = Satan.

    roberth70 Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:09 pm

    Please say something that is intelligent enough to call an argument. All this mumbo jumbo stuff about Muslims being the boogy-bear is so off into the twilight zone. Makes me wonder, where the hell you get this garbage? Were you raised in a kabbutz with your head in the sand?

    AandO Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 1:47 pm

    Very good and well thought out comment Rick.

    Thanks for taking the time to post.

  20. but EVERYONE..has the right to exist..I know the history, and it may not be fair, but where the hell are they supposed to go? The Moon? If he could he’d wipe them off the map and it would be no different then any other genocide we’ve seen in history. There’s got to be a compromise, otherwise we lose our humanity.

    The time is NOW Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:34 pm

    Was your comment about “wipe them off the map” referring to the mistranslation the MSM did a few years ago?

    His real statement was far from that.

    Did you know that?

    dboy225 Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:45 pm

    I wasn’t “quoting” him

    BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 3:16 pm

    No you weren’t because that’s not what he said. prove it.

  21. between_the_lines: this “public” forum is for the believers, not the pieces of shit that think they belong here to shut us down. Go write a book that no one wants to read. Your rhetoric is sad and pathetic.

    dboy225 Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:54 pm

    if ANYONE is a paid government disinfo agent, it’s you.

    AandO Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 1:49 pm


  22. “It is clear that Ahmadinejad’s address to the 66th Session of the United States General Assembly was not well met.”

    The United States General Assembly? That sounds more like it, actually.
    And it was not well met by the guilty felons who planned the evil wicked event.


  23. *is shocked at how much Reconscoutsniper uses the F-word lately*

    Let’s all try to be at least half-way civil when posting replies. Come on people, grow-up a little bit…

  24. Wow! Nicely done! Two government shills; roberth70 and The time is NOW. Fair to say 2 more have been outed.

    I see a minute between some of those posts, hardly enough time to type up a reply but they manage. Look at that tag-team action. Suspicious as all hell.

    Government shill? Pot calling the kettle here!

    AandO Reply:
    September 23rd, 2011 at 2:22 pm

    Good observation ragnar. do I recognize your name from THR? or GB? Maybe both?

  25. how is it you came to believe that roberth70 has any respect whatsoever for fuckrael?

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