Angry Birds Code Used for Flame Cyber Weapon
May 31, 2012

The “Flame” computer virus, which wreaked havoc on several major Iranian computer systems, is related to none other than the “Angry Birds” game, Fox News reported Thursday.

According to the report, “Flame” – dubbed “the most sophisticated cyber-weapon ever” – was written in LUA computer language, which the incredibly popular game was written in.

Fox quoted cyber experts as saying Flame’s complexity indicates that it contains some 250,000 lines of code or more, yet it was constructed using LUA, which is favored by game programmers due to its ease of use.

“The people who developed the malware found an ingenious way to use a code not part and parcel of a hacker’s normal arsenal, and that made it harder to detect,” Cedric Leighton, a former Air Force Intelligence officer told the American news network.

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