Ankara vows to take ‘necessary action’ after Syria shoots down Turkish jet

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Jo Adetunji
London Guardian
June 23, 2012

Turkey’s leaders have warned that they will take “necessary” action in response to the shooting down of one of its warplanes by Syria.

Turkey’s president, Abdullah Gül, said Turkish and Syrian forces were working together to search for the two missing crew of the F-4 aircraft, which was shot down over the Mediterranean on Friday and that any cover-up would not be possible.

“There is no doubt that the necessary steps will be taken.” However, he did not elaborate on what these would be.

Gül said the investigation was focusing on whether the plane was brought down within Turkey’s borders or over that of neighbouring Syria, which the Syrian government claims. “Because the consequences could be quite serious, there will be no clear statement before the details [of the incident] are scrutinised,” Gül said.

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7 Responses to “Ankara vows to take ‘necessary action’ after Syria shoots down Turkish jet”

  1. So the Syrians took down a Nato jet that belongs to Turkey?

    There are two possibilities that need to be considered;

    The Syrians have upgraded their air defenses since Israel repeated penetrated Syria during the Israeli attempted invasion of the Lebanon in 2006,


    the US sells duff aircraft to Turkey.

    GetitGotitGood Reply:
    June 23rd, 2012 at 6:41 am

    F4′s are very old….

    frontline Reply:
    June 23rd, 2012 at 9:32 am

    yes the f4 was a piece of shit viet nam proved that

  2. Appropriate action would be to not fly them over other countries air space. Hey turkeys, quit taking your orders from Israel. They are backstabbers.

    frontline Reply:
    June 23rd, 2012 at 9:39 am

    the dcgov of isreal is a much bigger sellout to the moneychangers and there federal reserve bank of the beast and there temple of hell isreal and switzerland scum countries of financial control scam from hell

  3. Most likely a penetration test for their little CS nato buddies who hope to libyanate Syria…. It’s amazing how easy it is to buy off countries like Turkey. Just shoot-em up with old ottoman empire dreams and they’re hooked…

  4. Was it really shot down? or did it blow up conveniently mid-air thus appearing to be shot down?

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