Another Attack on the Second Amendment… UN Small Arms Treaty


The United Nations, that bastion of self-enriching, bloated gas bags, will soon be holding a month-long convention on the UN Small Arms TREATY between
192 nations. Of course, Hillary Clinton is right in the middle of
things in an effort to commit the US to this unconstitutional treaty. ~ Marti Oakley

Because this is a treaty, and not one of those federal corporate contract agreements the presidents are so fond of, it will have to be brought to the states for ratification (See U.S. Const. art. II, § .
Section 3 provides the power to make treaties (with the advice and
consent of two-thirds of the Senate)) except I don’t believe that will
ever happen. 

Some, never heard of before, political sleight of hand
will be given as the reason as to why ratification of the treaty by the
states was by-passed.

Clinton will agree to the treaty on behalf of
the US and Obama will sign it with great pleasure.  For decades it has
been the intent of the federal government to disarm lawful gun owners in
the US… Every possible excuse and reason has been used to try to sell
the idea of striking down the 2nd Amendment by both parties. 

The actual
intent is, by U.N. mandate to disarm private individual gun owners in
America claiming a global treaty banning the ownership of small arms. 
It’s all for world peace!  It will make the military assaults on all
nations far easier if the general population isn’t armed and able to
mount even a limited defense.

Don’t look to the District of Criminals for help!

If you think other than a few Republicans and
even fewer Democrats will half-heartedly object or stand to defend our
constitution or our inalienable rights of any kind, much less the right
to keep and bear arms, you are sadly mistaken. 

Both parties have been
equally active in their assaults on the constitution, with members of
both parties actively promoting the militarization of local law
enforcement against their respective communities. 

Our police and many
sheriffs departments are now para-military organizations capable and
willing to turn on their own communities in subservience to Homeland
Security edicts and orders.  Regarding this, the District of Criminals
couldn’t be happier.


“This is the Treaty that will infringe on the US Constitution, the Second Amendment, and your right to self-defense. The United Nations and
specially invited anti firearms rights groups who want to eliminate our
firearms freedoms will be convening at the UN July 2nd through the 27th
to draft a Treaty to accomplish the goal of regulating firearms and
accessories, and ultimately the disarming all of America.”

Spain agreed with the drafters of the
Treaty, with input from various international and US gun control groups,
who want the “Urgent and essential” Treaty to;

“a) Include a golden rule that prohibits
the authorization of arms transfers where there is a substantial risk
that used to commit or facilitate the commission-¬ – serious violations
of international human rights and international humanitarian law.

b) Allow a comprehensive coverage that
includes controls on weapons, ammunition and related material and on ALL
(emphasis added) transfers.

c) explicit regulation of solid systems of licensing, transparency and reporting.”

We wouldn’t sell arms to the same countries we are fighting…would we?

Supposedly, this treaty will involve only the
sale of small arms and military weapons to other countries.  That’s
never going to happen because the US has been selling arms to
mid-eastern countries for years on end, even as we waged wars on them.

What’s The Impact Of U.S. Arms Deals In The Middle East? (NPR interview between Melissa Block and her guest William Hartung)

For the last three years we have sold military
weapons valued at about $350 million to Bahrain with no questions
asked, including helicopters, guns and ammunition.

The recent uprising in Egypt was accompanied by the use of teargas, the canisters stamped U.S.A.

Host Melissa Block speaks with arms export
expert William Hartung. He’s the director of the Arms and Security
Initiative at the New America Foundation.  From that interview:

Mr. HARTUNG: Well, I think on the low-end,
the teargas probably caused the most uproar. But over the years, a
billion dollars or more every year, we were selling tanks, we were
selling fighter planes, we were selling armored personnel carriers,
things that were used sort of indirectly to close off the square, to
buzz the demonstrators.

So, you know, not to the same degree of impact
as the teargas, but certainly I think causing some ill feelings towards
the United States for supporting the regime for so many years.

This interview only touched on a small number of ongoing arms deals which the US has engaged in for more than 30 years.

WE are the enemy our government fears

In preparation for the disarming of America,
our law enforcement agencies now refer to the general public as
[civilians].  That is a referenced military term.  These same agencies
now carry fully automatic rifles, and in some instance grenades. 

are buying military tanks with ADS systems installed on them and many
are buying drones to spy on their populations; drones which will be
fully capable of being armed.  Who is it they are preparing to wage war

And guess who it is that will show up at your
door in full battle rattle to demand your guns?  The UN?  Not hardly! 
Those who show up at your door (and they will show up) will be dressed
in military gear meant for war. 

Since they will not be in Iraq or
Afghanistan or any other country we are aggressively terrorizing… who is it they are preparing to wage war on?

It appears this will be war on American soil with what used to be
[American’s] dressed for war against the remaining American public.  We
are the enemy our government fears and we currently have the means to
fight back against assaults by our own government.

There is not one of us who possesses the fire
power or weaponry equivalent to what our own government is prepared to
use against us to force us into submission.  Still, this will not stop a
great number of Americans from fighting back.

While this unconstitutional treaty is sold to
the public, they will speak great volumes about how disarming everyone
(except police, the military, special agents, special ops, FBI, CIA,
NSA, and every other corporate federal agency) will help bring [peace]
to the world, I don’t believe it will be quite that easy.

Peace will be the last thing the criminal gang
on CRAPitol Hill will achieve here at home if they do not stand up to
this assault on the 2nd Amendment.


Marti Oakley – June 26, 2012 – posted at FromTheTrenchesWorldReport





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