AP Report on WH Bus Tour Plans Reads Like a Campaign Press Release

Tom Blumer's picture

It seems that there will be little reason for the Obama campaign to bother issuing press releases as long as Julie Pace of the Associated Press, aka the Administration’s Press, is around to breathlessly relay the information for them as some kind of exclusive, insider report.

If there’s any difference between campaign hype and what Pace wrote in a theoretically objective news piece, it must be really subtle, because I didn’t see it. Here goes (fawning and/or obsequious word choices are in bold):

AP source: Obama to make first campaign bus trip

President Barack Obama is ramping up a fresh phase of his re-election bid with a bus tour next week, focusing more on direct engagement with voters and less on ritzy fundraisers.

Obama’s two-day road trip through Pennsylvania and Ohio, two key battleground states in the November election, kicks off July 5, a campaign official said. It will be the president’s first bus tour of the 2012 campaign.

… While Obama has been running for re-election for months, his efforts thus far have focused largely on hauling in cash from supporters in dozens of fundraising events across the country as his campaign seeks to compete with energized Republican donors. He spent the early part of this week on a two-day, four-state fundraising blitz that brought in more than $5 million.

The president will still headline campaign fundraisers through the fall, but the official said Obama’s schedule would start to include more of a mix of campaign rallies and other events focused on speaking directly to a wide swath of voters in the states Obama needs most in order to hold the White House.

Obama has turned to bus tours before when he needed to reconnect with voters. Last summer, after a bruising fight with congressional Republicans that brought the government to the brink of fiscal default, the president hit the road for a Midwestern bus tour aimed at refocusing his presidency on the economic issues affecting the middle class. He followed it up with a fall trip through Virginia and North Carolina.

Rolling through swing states on a campaign bus allows Obama to engage in more of the informal, retail-style politics that can be hard to achieve in the highly scripted White House. Between his scheduled events, the president is sure to make surprise visits to restaurants and small businesses or stop to greet voters gathered on the side of the road to watch his motorcade.

Obama’s itinerary for the bus trip was still being finalized, but the official said the president probably would hold events in northern Ohio and western Pennsylvania. The official insisted on anonymity in order to discuss details of the trip before an official announcement from the campaign.

Oh sure, Jules, the person feeding you this info is running all kinds of risks in disclosing it to you. Who do you think you’re kidding?

As to the itinerary, it hardly constitutes going “through Ohio and Pennsylvania.” In choosing northern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania, what may really be at work is that the areas in the two states where the President’s people can feel reasonably confident that their guy will still get a warm reception are contracting significantly.

No one can possibly imagine Julie Pace doing a similar write-up for a President Mitt Romney four years from now, if that is indeed what come to pass.

Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com.

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