Argentina sends Britain letter ‘repudiating’ desecration of Falklands war cemetery

César Trejo, head of the commission of families of combatants who died in the
conflict, told the Daily Telegraph that the glass is being checked for

“At first we thought the damage was caused by bullets, but we now believe the
perpetrator used an axe,” he said.

Police in the Falklands are investigating and the islands’ government has
called for anyone with information to come forward.

Argentine war veterans yesterday denounced the violence as a “breach of

In its letter, the foreign ministry also insisted: “Deplorable actions such as
these can be avoided through dialogue”.

Cristina Kirchner, the Argentine president, repeatedly called on Britain to
discuss sovereignty of the disputed archipelago as tensions rose in the
build-up to the 30th anniversary of the Falklands War in April.

The walled cemetery, located in East Falkland, names the 649 Argentine
soldiers who died in the 74-day conflict.

Mrs Kirchner has also requested the Red Cross work with British authorities in
order to identify 123 soldiers buried there with anonymous plaques.

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