Armed gangs damage area in Homs

The video clip shows damaged buildings in the Jib al-Jandali neighborhood in Homs.

Clashes continue in Homs between the Syrian troops and armed gangs who reportedly use the building rooftops to fire on people.

The Syrian interior ministry has expressed determination to end the terrorist acts across the country, especially in Homs.

Public transportation has also become risky in Homs as unknown armed groups threaten vehicles carrying passengers in the area.

Syrian residents in Homs have been witnessing difficulties in transportation around the city over the past weeks.

Garbage collectors also face threats and difficulties due to the presence of armed men across the city. The streets of Homs have increasingly been littered over the past weeks.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March 2011, with demonstrations being held both against and in favor of President Bashar al-Assad.

On February 20, Assad said “some foreign countries” are fueling the turmoil in Syria by supporting and funding “armed terrorist groups fighting against the government.”


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