KSA-backed group mass on Syria border

According to a recent report published by the Arabic Nakhel news agency, the Salafists have been stationed in Mafraq and Ramtha under the “pretext of receiving medical treatment” in Jordan.

The report also mentioned one of the reasons behind the resignation of former Jordanian Prime Minister Marouf Suleiman al-Bakhit on October 17, 2011.

Bakhit had disagreed that Jordan join the (Persian) Gulf Cooperation Council because the council required that the Jordanian territory be used against foreign countries “including Syria.” Bakhit had refused to agree to the Arab requirement despite pressures from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United States, Nakhel said.

However, reports said last year the former Jordanian premier had stepped down due to “accusations he had failed to implement reforms” in Jordan.


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