Army Prepares Tanks For War On America

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Friday, June 22, 2012

The U.S. Army is advising residents of St. Louis to “stay away” from military vehicles driving down highways and residential neighborhoods as part of a training program.

Read the full breakdown: “Don’t Be Alarmed”: Army Trains MPs To Drive Tanks On U.S. Streets

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16 Responses to “Army Prepares Tanks For War On America”

  1. And this crap is supposed to do what, scare me that the troops are driving military vehicles on the same streets that they fly the jets we bought them,


    kerry Reply:
    June 23rd, 2012 at 8:11 am

    yes… yes… go back to sleep, there is no “BIG DEAL” sleep silly one till you are needed to dig “BIG HOLES” around your neighborhoods that will also be no “BIG DEAL” Holes? “SO THE HELL WHAT” make sure you don’t trip when lining up in front of them. We dig holes in the “US EVERY DAY, WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL?”

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    June 23rd, 2012 at 8:52 am



    wiggins Reply:
    June 23rd, 2012 at 9:05 am


    jchance Reply:
    June 23rd, 2012 at 10:04 am

    Super if you are going to criticize them, then you could do so using proper English so you don’t make yourself look stupid. With you, I know that is hard to do but try.

    It is illegible not un legible.

    Not a Drill! Reply:
    June 23rd, 2012 at 10:28 am

    No that’s what Super duper dipshit does best, make himself look stupid, among other things!

  2. the people sould block the roads and what the scum ram through the will of the people so eyes can be open for some of the way blinded patriots of this dcgov of isreal and the hell on earth adgenda

    The time is NOW Reply:
    June 23rd, 2012 at 8:59 am

    In one country a radical politician organized people to slowly walk back and forth on the crosswalks to block traffic. Not much could be done about it, nothing illegal about crossing the street.

    Actually, a bit of coordination could corral them and if they try to make moves to other streets they can be forced to loose ground, eventually shoved back to a smaller area.

    Serious in your face filming going on is not a bad idea at the same time as the previously described action,,,,, just to keep people honest. 10 or so people filming in one location so everytime someone tries to shutdown a camera there are still 9 more filming. Camera operators only retreat one at a time till the heat moves towards somebody else,,,, and camera back on.

    It may be a way to make their activities become fruitless for them,,,,,,, and at the same time motivating on the people’s side.

    The time is NOW!!!

  3. We have so many places that these units can train and NOT be on streets of america. They have training facilities with city blocks, 4 way intersections are there, as are lights, stop signs etc… On a military class A, B, or C facility. This is PREPARATION and desensitizing for police state operations. Army Reserves units are FEDERAL Forces.

    Vote with your wallet and buy more ammo and mags. Why does a police state buy 450 million rounds of pistol ammo? Watch and remember. Listen to Mark Koernke on Liberty Tree Radio. Form militias and prepare for what’s coming.

  4. I live in St.Louis. The news does not report on this, YouTube is pulling everyones videos and pictures down, Fox News, KMOV, KTVI new is dead to it. It is the coming of martial law. Last month there was a caller who said they are doing the same thing 90 miles south of Chicago, another Chinese troops on the border of Mexico and California……martial law is already here! BE PREPARED!

    frontline Reply:
    June 23rd, 2012 at 9:25 am

    your post proof that these traitors have no intension of working the intrest of the people this is totaly dcgov of isreal occupation of the slaves ..we the people….the antichrist of hell is on the streets

    ringo stark Reply:
    June 23rd, 2012 at 9:56 am

    YOU FIND A JOB YET?!!!!!!!

    LAZY SWINE!!!!!

  5. They ought to be stopped and escorted back out of whatever state they enter. This activity is not the troops fault, it is overreach of federal authority and is un-constitutional.

    hellangone Reply:
    June 23rd, 2012 at 10:29 am

    I’m sure they’ll listen to you, waving your scrap of paper about; just as the choir boys “listened” to Piggy wave the conch about before he died.

  6. They don’t want video recording or pictures taken of their action, then do both. Obviously the military and the globalists/elitists running them, know this drill is a sensitive matter, illegal, and would wake up more Americans. Give them a taste of their own medicine and put out videos all over the Internet of these drills. Counter their propaganda with hard proof.

  7. I would be worried about the damage thst the treads do to the roads. Why do they need to go out on the roafs? They have tank simulators for learning terrain and urban layouts.

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