Israel Becoming Impatient with Iran, Threatening Military Strike Before November

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
June 19, 2012





World leaders are in Moscow, discussing Iran, nuclear power and how the United Nations (UN) should deal with making demands succinct to Iran. The proposition is to encroach more sanctions on Iran through diplomacy and economics.

Israel, unsatisfied with the direction of the talks, is pressuring the international community with threats of military action against Tehran unless they see visible proof that Iran’s nuclear endeavors have ceased.

An official speaking for the Israeli government stated: Our position is that the international community needs to do three things for the talks to be successful. Make its demands crystal clear and tied to a clear timeline for implementation, ratchet up the economic and diplomatic pressure, and augment that pressure by making clear there is a credible military option.”

The official clarified by saying that Iran will not make the decision of halting their nuclear program; but rather the threat of violence will do so or else the threat will become reality. “We would like the international community to say that these are our demands, these are our sanctions, comply…or else. Just as we think the sanctions have to be beefed up, this position must be clearly stated.”

While all options are on the table, was the cliché used by the Israeli official, the point was well made.

Israel is very upset with how the US and Obama have been approaching Iran.

The UN and its participants have been discussing how they want to proceed with Iran and its nuclear program. With the public knowledge of Iran’s nuclear program (although distorted in the media), some governmental leaders (such as those from the US, France, Britain and Germany) have made their position clear – to force the sovereign nation of Iran to stop their enrichment of uranium . . . if need be.

Yukiya Amano, the head of the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is “concerned” about what they refer to as a “clean up at a military site” where the IAEA claims Iran is hiding nuclear weapons related “activities”.

Using satellite images obtained from US government commercial satellites at the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), the IAEA assert they have enough circumstantial evidence that Iran is hiding a nuclear base.

Israel, wanting to usurp complete control over Iran, demands that they stop enrichment of all uranium; as well as the call for Iran to transfer all uranium already cultivated to the underground nuclear facility in Qom. Israel would like to have oversight as well as over-reaching authority over Iran’s uranium.

Iran contends that they are not in violation of international treaty when they mine for uranium. The believe they have the right to cultivate nuclear power for the purpose of installing nuclear reactors in their country to use for electrical power.

The ISIS have been tracking Iran’s nuclear program. Based on the findings of the IAEA ISIS has declared that Iran is pursuing uranium enrichment, which is a violation of the UN’s resolution demanding that the sovereign nation of Iran suspend all activity.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister, continues to demand that the US Congress and Obama to stop their negotiations with Iran.

Netanyahu’s demand comes just prior to Obama’s implementation of stricter sanctions against Iran, and the European Union’s (EU) embargo of Iranian oil.

Obama, who heads the UN Security Council (UNSC), as well as serving as President of the US, has been involved in covert cyber-attacks against Iran’s Natanz nuclear power plant. The virus known as Flame was deployed to steal secret and sensitive information from Iranian computer servers.

With the assistance of Israel, Obama ordered the continuation of the cyber war against Iran that the Bush administration had begun with the virus Stuxnet.

Flame’s capabilities, such as remote control of PC microphones, compromises to data collection, makes it the perfect infiltrator for Iran’s most sensitive digital information. Regardless of the lack of evidence that Iran was building nuclear weapons, the US continued to sabotage Iran’s progress. Experts came forward to assert that Iran’s enrichment levels were far below those necessary for the creation of a nuclear warhead.

Obama’s commitment to Israel is clear with the introduction of the United States – Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012 (USIESC). The US House of Representatives passed the legislation that gives Israel:

• Unlimited funds through the Federal Reserve Bank
• Expanded US assistance of NATO troops supporting Israeli military missions
• US protection from the UNSC, which is headed by Obama, should the UN hold Israel accountable for their terrorist attacks of surrounding nations
• Pledging the US and its resources in unwavering support for all Israeli actions and schemes

The USIESC claims the US government will “repeatedly affirm the special bond between the United States and Israel” and that the two countries have “shared values and shared interests.”

This legislation supposes “Iran, (3) which has long sought to foment instability and promote extremism in the Middle East, is now seeking to (4) exploit the dramatic political transition underway in the region to undermine governments traditionally aligned with the United States and support extremist political movements in these countries.”

And goes on to assert: “At the same time, (5) Iran may soon attain a nuclear weapons capability, a development that would fundamentally threaten vital American interests, destabilize the region, encourage regional nuclear proliferation, further empower and embolden Iran, (6) the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, and (7) provide it the tools to threaten its neighbors, including Israel”.

Obama and Netanyahu met last month at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to discuss how they want to proceed with Iran. Obama has not publicly acknowledged a secret alliance with Israel against Iran; however while Israel promised Obama not to intervene militarily with Iran before the elections in the US this year, they have gone back on their word.

Shimon Peres, Israeli President, has publicly announced that unless the US acts quickly, they view the time for diplomacy with Iran as “running out”.
Peres sees Iran as toying with the UN while lying about their nuclear weapons program, claiming it is just a nuclear power plant. Peres threatened: “You cannot provoke the world, assuming the world is made of fools only.”

Peres is not in attendance of the meetings with the UN and other world leaders, yet he believes that “there must be a credible threat of a military strike . . . to be successful. If the Iranians will understand seriously that this is an option, maybe we shall not need it. If they think this is a bluff, then it may lead to a war.”

Under such pressure and threat of violence, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian president, has stated that if the US and its allies will supply Iran with the 20% enriched uranium it needs, the Iranian government will cease its enrichment .

Ahmadinejad stated on his website: “From the beginning the Islamic Republic has stated that if European countries provided 20 percent enriched fuel for Iran, it would not enrich to this level.”

Israel has clearly taken the stance that they will require little more to use violence to force Iran to submit to them. Obama, who has pledged to support Israel whole-heartedly, will no doubt back up the nation when they strike Iran.

The rhetoric concerning desires to have peaceful talks and diplomacy through the UN is quickly being exposed as a crucial piece of propaganda needed to justify their decisive move toward attacking Iran.

As they have stated, Israel will strike Iran before November of this year.

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