Arpaio calls Congress to move on Obama eligibility

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David Isaac
Washington Times
July 18, 2012

At the conclusion of a press conference led by Cold Case Posse chief investigator Michael Zullo that detailed the reasons the long-form birth certificate of President Barack Obama is a forgery, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said it’s time for a higher authority to investigate the issue.

Mr. Arpaio said he would like Congress … “someone” … to look at the material his investigative team had gathered. As he had told WND earlier: “Although I am having a difficult time deciding who to forward this information to given the fact that the obvious choices report directly to the president, I cannot stand by and hold on to information that threatens to weaken national security.”

The press conference held Tuesday clarified some of the issues discussed in an earlier press conference held in Phoenix on March 1, at which the Cold Case Posse presented its initial findings of a six-month-long investigation into the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate. “I cannot in good faith report to you that these documents are authentic,” Mr. Arpaio said at the time.

Tuesday’s press conference added weight to the Cold Case Posse’s earlier findings. In addition to the electronic evidence that the president’s long-form birth certificate had been altered, the investigators introduced supporting evidence related to a box titled “Race of Father.”

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7 Responses to “Arpaio calls Congress to move on Obama eligibility”

  1. Do ya think he’ll submit the evidence to Harry Reid of the Senate ?
    …..maybe John Boehner (nah, he’d cry too much) ?

    I know ! Nancy Pelosi, besides she’s the leader of the Obama Party which he belongs too ! I’m sure the Attorney General will truly seek Justice, he says so all the time ! Yeah, they’ll move it right along to the Supreme Court, there is where justice will be served, just like your local courts.
    Hey, maybe we can have it televised on the Jerry Springer Show ? His commentaries are so prophetic. —geeze.

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 18th, 2012 at 1:41 am

    no doubt. about all of DC knows the stuff,
    but wont dare say a word because they’ll be busted too.


  3. Yes, Obama probably was born in Kenya. So now what?

    Look at this, from the Continental Congress 2.0 this past July 4th is Philadelphia.
    Grievance #88 Stop Perpetual Wars for Profit:
    Paragraph 6.
    6. Reinstate the Grand Jury Process to represent the People of America, call for the arrest and extradition to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, any person indicted or charged with War Crimes on or upon probable cause for intentionally and knowingly engaging in warfare based upon a false premise or pretext. 9/11/2001 represents probable cause for action by a special Federal Grand Jury to indict government officials who are implicated
    The United States government must sign and ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
    People,take back your inalienable right to try government officials in your own court. Don’t expect the Judiciary or the Congress to do it. The people can investigate probable cause and in found, require criminal chargers be filed and arrest, and jury trial to follow. We need to do it.

    GetitGotitGood Reply:
    July 18th, 2012 at 6:05 am

    Why? The US already belongs to the International Criminal Association called the UN, NATO, et all….

    The Treaty you speak of would make the US Constitution subservient and thus be unconstitutional but HEY,,, most of the other treaties ie; WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA and SHAFTA are unconstitutional so what the heck…

    Go for it!

  4. “Arpaio calls Congress to move on Obama eligibility”

    Asking all the crooks to toss out the Don……roflmao.

  5. Congress is full of criminals as well. They already know he’s a fraud but are powerless to do anything lest they are exposed for their own criminal deeds.

    They are all (well 99.9%) derelict in their duties and deserve to be tarred and feathered and driven into the sea.

    The system is compromised.

    Armed rebellion IS the only solution.

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