Assad may be offered clemency by Britain and US if he joins peace talks

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Patrick Wintour
London Guardian
June 21, 2012

Britain and America are willing to offer the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, safe passage – and even clemency – as part of a diplomatic push to convene a UN-sponsored conference in Geneva on political transition in Syria.

The initiative comes after David Cameron and Barack Obama received encouragement from Russia’s President Vladimir Putin in separate bilateral talks at the G20 in Mexico.

A senior British official said: “Those of us who had bilaterals thought there was just enough out of those meetings to make it worth pursuing the objective of negotiating a transitional process in Syria.”

With daily reports of civilian deaths and the conflict apparently taking on an increasingly sectarian hue, Britain is willing to discuss giving clemency to Assad if it would allow a transitional conference to be launched. He could even be offered safe passage to attend the conference.

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3 Responses to “Assad may be offered clemency by Britain and US if he joins peace talks”

  1. Assad shouldn’t believe the Zionist liars. They only speak lies.

    ISRAEL did 911, attacked USS Liberty, and controls politics in DC with the Israel Lobby.
    Also look up Jim Stone’s website, on what the Israeli “security” at FUKUSHIMA were doing when there was the “meltdown”.
    Now Israelis have the “security” contract for the Olympics…… We have to stop another false-flag!

  2. Clemancy for what ??? He’s better than ALL western leaders put together !!!

    Time to execute all the western criminals !!!

  3. Clemency

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