Asylum seeker boat approached oil platform

Australian authorities have gone to the aid of another boat carrying asylum seekers after it approached an oil and gas platform.

The vessel, with 58 passengers and three crew on board, was assisted on Monday morning around 180 nautical miles northwest of Darwin.

The boat initially approached an oil and gas installation in the joint petroleum development area between Australia and East Timor.

“The (installation) reported this to Border Protection Command (which) conducted aerial and surface surveillance to monitor the progress and safety of the vessel overnight and into the morning,” Customs said in a statement on Monday night.

The asylum seeker boat subsequently requested assistance which was provided by HMAS Pirie.

The passengers will now be taken to Darwin where they will undergo health, security and identity checks.

Authorities on Sunday intercepted an asylum-seeker boat carrying 51 people about 14 nautical miles from Christmas Island and came to the aid of another carrying 49 people about 81 nautical miles from the island.

Earlier on Sunday merchant ship Atlantic Hero went to the aid of an asylum seeker boat 173 nautical miles northwest of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. That vessel was believed to be carrying 27 asylum seekers.

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