Attacks leave 14 dead in Iraq

Eight people were killed and 30 others wounded after a bomb went off in a popular Baghdad market on Thursday while another bomb blast killed two people and wounded 15 in Taji, 25 kilometers north of the capital, the officials said.

In the city of Samarra, 125 kilometers north of Baghdad, armed men killed two anti-al-Qaeda militiamen and wounded two others, the sources added.

In the town of Baquba, northeast of Baghdad, two separate bomb attacks left two people dead and seven more wounded, according to the police.

Five people were also wounded in the town of Ramadi, west of the capital, when a car bomb ripped through a downtown parking area belonging to a state-run immigration office.

Nearly 200 people have been killed in Iraq since June 13 while, according to an official figure by Iraqi Ministry of Interior, a total of 132 Iraqis were killed in May.

On June 13, a spate of bombings and shooting targeted Shia processions in the Iraqi cities of Baghdad and Hilla, leaving at least 54 people dead and over one hundred wounded.

On June 16, two car bombs also targeting Shia Muslims killed 32 people in the capital.

Two days later, a bomber killed 22 people in an attack on Shia mourners in Baqouba, north of Baghdad.

Terrorist attacks have decreased in Iraq, but explosions and shootings take place across the country on a daily basis, often targeting Shia-majority areas and local security forces.


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