Ayutthaya hosts Thai, Iranian artists

The event presents handicrafts and works by Iranian and Thai artists as well as rituals, traditions and customs of both countries.

A group of 35 Iranian artists attended the cultural gathering performing traditional music pieces and introducing the ancient Persian Sport of Heroes.

The rituals of the Sport of Heroes date back to the Parthian era and symbolize Persian ideals about spiritual growth, masculinity, religious devotion and physical prowess.

The unique sport is a combination of pre-Islamic Persian culture and the spirituality of Sufism which is practiced in a gymnasium called Zurkhaneh (house of strength).

Visitors can also see different types of Persian handicrafts such as kilims, rugs, miniatures, calligraphy works, traditional outfits, jewelry, pottery, and sculptures.

The cultural event is held in an area spanning about 5,000 square meters in the center of the city of Ayutthaya, Fars News Agency reported.

Iran’s Cultural Office in Thailand organized the event in collaboration with Ayutthaya Municipality.


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