Bahrain arrests two female activists

A group of Bahraini women gathered in front of the US Embassy in Manama on Tuesday to hold a demonstration against the detention of Khawaja.

Bahraini police arrested two activists as they tried to disperse the demonstrators in Manama.

Meanwhile, Bahrain Center for Human Rights said on Tuesday Khawaja’s health has deteriorated as he entered the 55th day of his hunger strike in jail.

The prominent Bahraini activist was given a life sentence in June last year.

On April 2, the Court of Cassation in Bahrain refused to release Khawaja and 13 other detained activists. The court said it would announce its verdict on the case of the 14 activists on April 23, according to Bahrain Center for Human Rights.

The Tuesday demonstration in Manama was held at a time when Bahrainis continue protests against the ruling Al Khalifa family.

On Monday, Bahraini regime forces used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse anti-government demonstrators in the northwestern village of Diraz.

Bahraini demonstrators hold King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa responsible for the death of protesters during the popular uprising in the country that began in February 2011.


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