Bahrain forces strike anti-regime rallies

The regime forces on Thursday attacked the protesters in the village of Dair, located on the northern coast of the Muharraq Island, as the demonstrators were staging the “Self-determination 12” march against the ruling Al Khalifa regime.

Elsewhere, in the northwestern village of Bani Jamarah, heavy clashes broke out between security forces and protesters. There have been no immediate reports of casualties.

On Monday, Sayed Hadi al-Mousawi, the head of the country’s main opposition Al Wefaq party, said security forces have attacked over 300 homes across the country over the past two months.

He also said the regime forces recently attacked two Shia clerics in the towns of Sitra and Diraz and forced them to take off their turbans.

Last week, Bahraini security forces also attacked protesters in Sitra and injured several people. The Saudi-backed Bahraini forces used teargas canisters and rubber bullets to disperse the protesters.

Anti-regime protests in Bahrain continue, despite the heavy-handed crackdown by the Western-backed monarchy.

Scores of people have been killed and many others injured or arrested in the campaign of suppression.

Bahraini demonstrators hold King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa responsible for the killing of the protesters during the uprising that began in February 2011.


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