Bahraini forces fire tear gas at demo

Protesters held the demonstration against the ruling Al Khalifa family in the northern village of Muqsha, about 8 kilometers (5 miles) west of the capital on Tuesday.

Bahraini activists say regime forces also used live rounds against the protesters in Muqsha, who were mourning the death of the latest victim of the government’s violent suppression of demonstrations in the country.

The main Bahraini opposition group, al-Wefaq, said 27-year-old Sabri Mahfud died due to inhalation of tear gas fired by regime forces during a demonstration near Manama on Sunday.

Mahfud was the second victim of the Manama regime’s brutality since March 17.

The tear gas attack on Bahraini demonstrators in Muqsha comes as King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa claimed on Tuesday the “doors to dialogue were, and remain, open.”

The Bahraini monarch also claimed the government has made “significant progress” in implementing reforms in the sectors of “security, judiciary, social policy and media” since February 2011.

However, Bahraini opposition groups said last week the promised reforms were not enough and that they had made “no change on the ground.”

Bahraini demonstrators hold King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa responsible for the death of protesters during the popular uprising in the country that began in February 2011.


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