Bahrainis protest US support for Manama

Anti-regime demonstrators took to the streets in several villages near Manama on Monday, carrying placards that read, “Death to America” and “Down with King Hamad,” referring to the Bahraini monarch.

The demonstrators censured Washington for ignoring the Bahraini regime’s violation of rights of the peaceful protesters.

The US State Department said on May 11 that Washington will resume arms sales to Bahrain. However, Bahraini opposition groups and activists condemned the decision, saying it could encourage further human rights violations in the Persian Gulf country.

Meanwhile, the 13th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of rights records concerning 14 countries, including Bahrain, started in Geneva on May 21 and is scheduled to continue through June 4.

The first issue the council had scheduled to review on Monday was the human rights records in Bahrain.

Bahraini Minister for Human Rights Affairs Salah bin Ali Abdulrahman said during the Monday session that Manama dropped “more than 1,185 out of 1,416 cases” against Bahraini medical personnel for their alleged role in anti-regime demonstrations.

The Bahraini minister also stated that the country’s public prosecution is currently investigating rights violations committed by “142 officials.”

The council’s report on Bahrain’s rights records will be released in the coming few days.

The remarks by the Bahraini minister came at a time when regime forces continue their crackdown on protests.

Bahraini regime forces attacked anti-government demonstrators in the western village of Shahrakan on May 19. Police also used sound grenades and tear gas to disperse a similar demonstration near Manama a day earlier.

Demonstrators hold King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa responsible for the death of the protesters since the beginning of the popular uprising that began in February 2011.


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