Demo against NATO war machine held

On the final day of the two-day summit of the Western military alliance, 200 to 300 demonstrators marched peacefully from Union Park to Boeing’s corporate headquarters to denounce the company’s involvement in building aircraft and missiles for the US military.

The protesters threw paper airplanes and staged a “die-in” in front of the multi-billion-dollar aerospace company and defense contractor, describing it as a “war machine that produces war machines.”

“We started today out at Boeing’s international headquarters. They’ve been making millions and millions of dollars off taxpayers,” demonstration organizer Matthew McLouglin told the crowd.

“They’ve been making money harming people all over the world,” he added.

The protesters were surrounded by hundreds of police officers, but there were no reports of clashes or arrests.

After the die-ins, marchers, joined by anti-Wall Street demonstrators, went to President Barack Obama’s reelection headquarters to protest against the grim economic situation and excessive corporate influence in the country.

On Sunday, thousands of demonstrators protesting against the Western wars in Afghanistan and elsewhere marched through downtown Chicago in one of largest demonstrations the city has seen in years.

Many Occupy Wall Street movement members attended the demonstration as well as US war veterans, who voiced their opposition to Western governments’ warmongering policies.

Many veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, who said they were marching for peace, threw their medals into the street near the summit site in protest over the US-led wars.

Some of the protesters also called for the dissolution of the 63-year-old military alliance while others carried placards and posters reading “War equals Debt” and “NATO, Go Home.”

The Chicago police arrested dozens of anti-war activists to quell the protests.

The 25th NATO summit began on Sunday and ended on Monday


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