Banshees said to warn of impending doom

Every culture has its legends about supernatural beings that are considered harbingers of death. The Celts, particularly in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, boast a rich and varied lore that recounts various encounters with spirit beings, including the dreaded banshee. The banshee is generally a female figure, sometimes young and beautiful, but some describe her as a withered hag. The banshee makes a keening or moaning noise to warn of approaching death. Irish legend often associates banshees with certain family lines and multiple banshees have been heard before the death of a particularly important or well-known public figure. Sightings have been reported well into the modern era.


Banshees are said to dress in white and have long blonde hair, which they brush with a silver comb. Irish legend says that if you ever see a comb lying on the ground in Ireland you must never pick it up or the banshees, having placed it there as a trap for unsuspecting humans, will kidnap you and you will never be seen again. Alternate versions of the legend claim that great misfortune follows anyone who takes one of these combs. Other stories portray banshees as dressed in green, red, or black with a grey cloak.

The banshee is heard wailing as she approaches, usually around twilight or dawn – the “in between” hours when the veil is thin and magic is strong – and she is sometimes seen perching on the windowsill two to three hours or even several days before a death. There are tales of far-flung family members and friends appearing at the home of a dying person in time to say farewell because they listened to and acted upon the warning of the banshee. When she moves off into the darkness, witnesses describe hearing a fluttering sound, similar to a flock of birds.

This video, by Irishman “MokongX3M,” provides additional chilling details about the enduring legend of the banshee.

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Banshees said to warn of impending doom

Every culture has its legends about supernatural beings that are considered harbingers of death. The Celts, particularly in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, boast a rich and varied lore that recounts various encounters with spirit beings, including the dreaded banshee. The banshee is generally a female figure, sometimes young and beautiful, but some describe her as a withered hag. The banshee makes a keening or moaning noise to warn of approaching death. Irish legend often associates banshees with certain family lines and multiple banshees have been heard before the death of a particularly important or well-known public figure. Sightings have been reported well into the modern era.


Banshees are said to dress in white and have long blonde hair, which they brush with a silver comb. Irish legend says that if you ever see a comb lying on the ground in Ireland you must never pick it up or the banshees, having placed it there as a trap for unsuspecting humans, will kidnap you and you will never be seen again. Alternate versions of the legend claim that great misfortune follows anyone who takes one of these combs. Other stories portray banshees as dressed in green, red, or black with a grey cloak.

The banshee is heard wailing as she approaches, usually around twilight or dawn – the “in between” hours when the veil is thin and magic is strong – and she is sometimes seen perching on the windowsill two to three hours or even several days before a death. There are tales of far-flung family members and friends appearing at the home of a dying person in time to say farewell because they listened to and acted upon the warning of the banshee. When she moves off into the darkness, witnesses describe hearing a fluttering sound, similar to a flock of birds.

This video, by Irishman “MokongX3M,” provides additional chilling details about the enduring legend of the banshee.

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