Barack Obama’s Father Is Not Barack Obama ~ Jerome Corsi



“Who’s your real Daddy?” is a question that remarkably continues to
dog Barack Obama, even as he proceeds into his fourth year as president. With the release this July of Joel Gilbert’s full-length documentary,
“Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception,” the
mystery deepens regarding who Obama really is. ~ Jerome Corsi – See Trailer

“The film provides the first cohesive understanding of Obama’s
deep-rooted life journey in socialism, from his childhood to his
presidency,” Gilbert told WND.

Gilbert rejects the official story that the Kenyan-born Barack Obama was the president’s father.

Instead, he argues, Frank Marshall Davis, the radical poet and
journalist who was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA,
was the real, biological and ideological father of Barack Obama.

“I decided to investigate Frank Marshall Davis. His close physical
resemblance to Obama was shocking, while Obama little resembled the
Kenyan Obama,” Gilbert said. “How could this be?”

Gilbert launched into what became two years of research during which
he conducted interviews and discovered rare film footage and photos.

“I unearthed two film archives of Frank Marshall Davis, one from
1973, the other from 1987, as well as Davis’ photo collection,” he
explained. “I then acquired 500 copies of the Honolulu Record, the
communist-run newspaper where Davis wrote a weekly political column for
eight years.”

Gilbert’s research turned shocking when he obtained seven indecent
photos of Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, at Frank Marshall Davis’ house,
suggesting an intimate connection between Dunham and Davis.

“I was not happy to include these racy photos in the film but found
it necessary to substantiate the intimate relationship between the two,”
he said. “Those photos ended up in a men’s mail-order catalog of nude
women, likely sold to them by Davis. I placed black bars on parts of the
photos to be respectful.”

To establish the foundation for the photos, Gilbert documented that
Davis was one of the founders of a photography club in Chicago, known as
the “Lens Camera Club,” and that he specialized in nude photographs.


See the trailer for “Dreams from My Real Father”:



Later in life, Davis also penned a scurrilous, autobiographical sex
novel, titled “Sex Rebel: Black,” in which he detailed an illicit sexual
relationship with an underage woman named “Anne.” Gilbert believes the
name was a thin disguise for Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham.

Gilbert reconstructs Obama’s autobiography, “Dreams from My Father,”
and concludes that the tale of the goat-herding father from Kenya is a
cover story, concocted to mask an inconvenient pregnancy.

The truth, Gilbert argues, is that Barack Obama II was born from the
illicit sexual relationship that rebellious teenager Ann Dunham began
with Davis after her parents forced her to move to Hawaii.

Gilbert believes that when Dunham first arrived in Hawaii after
graduating from high school, she used the sexual relationship with Davis
to act out her frustration that her parents would not permit her to
fulfill her wish to attend the University of Washington in Seattle with
her Mercer Island High School friends.

In 2010, Gilbert wrote and directed a film titled “Atomic Jihad:
Ahmadinejad’s Coming War and Obama’s Politics of Defeat.” “Dreams from
My Real Father” will be released this summer, with screenings in
theaters across the country currently in the planning process.

Communist roots

The FBI had Davis under surveillance for 19 years, monitoring his support of the Communist Party both in Chicago and in Hawaii.

Gilbert portrays Obama as a “Red Diaper Baby,” a phenomenon among the
radical left, referred to as “hand-me-down Marxism,” in which children
of radical parents grow up to be radicals.

Such was the case with much
of the leadership of Students for a Democratic Society and the Weather
Underground, including Obama senior political adviser David Axelrod, who
was born to a mother who wrote for a communist newspaper in New York

“Obama sold himself to America as the multi-cultural ideal, a man who
stood above politics. His father was a goat herder from Kenya, he would
bring people together, so it went,” Gilbert explained.

“While voters
will overlook some fudging by politicians, promoting a false family
background to hide an agenda irreconcilable with American values is a
totally unacceptable manipulation of the electorate.”

What Gilbert presents is a direct challenge to the official
narrative, arguing it is more likely President Obama has a deeply
disturbing family background and a hidden Marxist agenda.

“Unfortunately, Obama’s style is to minimize, misdirect, and outright
lie about damaging information about his past,” Gilbert said. “I hope
the media will now demand that he come clean about his family
background, his political foundations and fully reveal his agenda for
transforming America.”

In writing his autobiography, Obama masked his relationship with
Davis, naming him only as “Frank,” a friend of his grandfather who
“lived in a dilapidated house in a run-down section of Waikiki.”

Gerald Horne, a contributing editor to “Public Affairs,” an openly
Marxist political review, made the first positive identification of
“Frank” as Frank Marshall Davis.

In March 2007, Horne gave a speech at New York University on the
occasion of the Communist Party USA archive being placed at an NYU

In that speech, Horne discussed Davis, noting that Davis, who was
born in Kansas and lived much of his adult life in Chicago, had moved to
Honolulu in 1948 at the suggestion of his good friend, actor Paul

In the 1940s, Robeson was an outspoken critic of segregation
and racial discrimination in the U.S., a strong advocate of the Soviet
Union and a member of the Communist Party USA.

Horne also documented Davis’s friendship with the Dunham family in Hawaii.

“Eventually, [Davis] befriended another family – a Euro-American
family – that had migrated to Honolulu from Kansas, and a young woman
from this family eventually had a child with a young student from Kenya
East Africa who goes by the name of Barack Obama, who, retracing the
steps of Davis, eventually decamped to Chicago.”

Lorne further stated Davis was “a decisive influence in helping
[Obama] to find his present identity as an African-American, a people
who have been the least anti-communist and the most left-leaning of any
constituency in this nation.”

After Horne’s speech, the identity of “Frank” was never in doubt, nor
his importance in the development of the young Barack Obama.

On Dec. 5, 1956, Davis appeared in executive session before the U.S.
Senate Subcommittee investigating “the scope of Soviet activity in the
United States,” one of the McCarthy-era panels seeking to expose
communists considered to be a security threat.

Invoking his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination, Davis
refused to answer a direct question asking if he was then a communist.

A year earlier, in 1955, a Commission on Subversive Activities
organized by the government of the Territory of Hawaii identified Davis
as a member of the Communist Party USA. The committee singled out for
criticism several articles Davis published in the “Communist Honolulu
Record” that were critical of the commission.

May 19th Communist Organization

Gilbert documents Obama’s association at Columbia University with
what was known as the May 19th Communist Organization, an above-ground
support group for the Weather Underground based in New York City from
1978 to 1985.

“May 19th” carried out raucous anti-Apartheid and anti-Klan protests and operated a host of front organizations.

At the time, Weather Underground co-founder William Ayers – Obama’s
Chicago neighbor and colleague in education reform – wrote that May 19th
provided “a sea for the guerrillas to swim in.”

Some May 19th members committed acts of violence and terrorism, such
as the 1981 Nanuet Brinks robbery and murders, the bombing of South
African offices in 1981 and the U.S. Capitol bombing in 1983.

“I spoke with a former FBI informant who told me the May 19th
Communist Organization had a weapons training camp in the Catskill
Mountains, run by former Black Panthers,” Gilbert told WND.

addition, some May 19th members were sent to Cuba for several weeks each
year with the Venceremos Brigade, a continuation of the SDS/Weather
Underground program begun in the ’60s, for explosives training from
Cuban intelligence, DGI.”

Obama’s election was not a sudden political phenomenon, Gilbert maintains.

“It was the culmination of an American socialist movement that Frank
Marshall Davis nurtured in Chicago and Hawaii and has been quietly
infiltrating the U.S. economy, universities and media for decades,” he
explained. “To understand Obama’s plans for America, look no further
than communist Frank Marshall Davis.”


Jerome Corsi – April 25, 2012 – WorldNetDaily


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