Bashar al-Assad: we will ‘annihilate terrorists’ in Syria

“When you eliminate a terrorist, it’s possible that you are saving the
lives of tens, hundreds, or even thousands,” he said, referring to last
month’s massacre in the village of Houla in which more than 100 people,
including women and children, were killed.

Battling to crush a 16-month uprising against his rule, the 46-year-old
Alawite leader demanded international observers speak out more about the “terrorist
operations” they witnessed.

He also firmly rejected any solution imposed from outside the country,
emphasising his own commitment to reform instead.

“We will not accept any non-Syrian, non-national model, whether it comes
from big countries or friendly countries. No one knows how to solve Syria’s
problems as well as we do,” he said.

“We are moving forward with political reforms. But for terrorists and the
governments that support them, reforms have no meaning.”

Mr Assad accused Syria’s foes of trying to interfere in his country’s internal
affairs with UN resolutions and by bringing about the failure of Kofi
Annan’s peace plan.

But he said he did not believe the crisis would result in military action in

What happened in Libya was “not a solution to be copied because it took
Libya from one situation into a much worse one. We all now see how the
Libyan people are paying the price,” he said.

He had harsh words too for Syria’s neighbour Turkey, relations with which have
worsened following the shooting down of one of its military planes by Syrian
forces last Friday.

“The policies of the Turkish officials lead to the killing and bloodshed
of the Syrian people,” said Mr Assad.

While the United States and its allies have called for Mr Assad to step aside
to help bring an end to the bloodshed, allies Iran and Russia have continued
to support the Syrian leader and criticised what they say is foreign
interference in the country.

In recent years, Iran’s Shia theocracy has allied itself more closely with
Syria’s nationalist secular government to widen its opposition to Israel and
to act as a counterweight against Sunni powers in the region such as Saudi

Western diplomats say Tehran has boosted its support for Mr Assad in recent
months, supplying training, weapons and communications expertise to assist
his forces fight rebel groups.

However, Mr Assad was scornful on Thursday of reports that Iranian forces and
fighters from Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah resistance movement had been
helping direct Syrian army operations.

“This is a joke that we hear many times in order to show that a rift has
been created within the army and that therefore there is not an army,”
he said.

Thanking Iran for being such a loyal friend, he said Damascus would repay such
loyalty. He said: “We are on the same front and the name of this front
is being independent and making national decisions.”

Iran has voiced its support for the Annan peace plan and has offered to
participate in crisis talks, but Western diplomats say its motives are
purely to safeguard its own interests.

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