Batman cinema shooting: James Holmes ‘told police he was The Joker’

He carried four weapons, a Remington 12 gauge shotgun, an AR15 assault rifle
and two .40 calibre Glock handguns, but began his attack with a tear gas
canister that some cinema-goers mistook for a special effect until they
began to feel the sting in their throats. He fired at least one round into
the air before turning his weapon on the crowd and methodically opening

Within moments Aurora Police, who are headquartered less than a mile away,
began to receive frantic phone calls from victims pleading for help. Chief
Dan Oates said that officers arrived within “a minute and a half”
but not before Holmes allegedly fired dozens of rounds – hitting 71 people,
including a victim in an adjacent theatre and a three-month-old child.

“He pointed the gun at my face. I was like a deer in the headlights. I
panicked. I thought, ‘I’m going to die if I don’t do something,'”
Jessica Seeger, 22, told CNN. ” I just saw dead bodies everywhere.”

Of the 12 people killed, ten died on the scene and a further two succumbed to
injuries in nearby hospitals.

Among the victims was Jessica Ghawi, a 24-year-old aspiring sports journalist
who narrowly avoided being involved in another shooting in Canada a month
previously. In a harrowing final blog post, written in June, she said: “I
saw the terror on bystanders’ faces. I saw the victims of a senseless crime.
I saw lives change. I was reminded that we don’t know when or where our time
on Earth will end.”

Chief Oates said he was “confident” that Holmes had acted alone and
his officers were not seeking any other suspects. However, he said
explosives experts were involved at an “active and difficult scene”
at Holmes’s apartment at 1690 Paris Street and that it could take days
before they were able to safely disarm the devices they found there.

Holmes himself told detectives about the explosives after being taken into
custody but was reportedly refusing to cooperate beyond that. Chief Oates
refused to speculate on the motive for the killing.

The suspect is due to appear in court on Monday but already a picture began to
emerge of him as a highly-educated young man who had never previously been
in trouble with the police, save for a single parking ticket.

Raised California, by his parents Arlene and Robert, he moved from San Diego
to Colorado after graduating from The University of California, Riverside,
in 2010 with a degree in neuroscience.

In June 2011 he enrolled in a PhD course in neurosciences at the University of
Colorado, Denver. But last month he began the process of withdrawing from
the course, the university confirmed.

Shortly before he dropped out, Holmes had taken a class on psychiatric

Even more recently, just a few weeks ago according to the building manager, he
moved to apartment 10 on the third floor at 1690 Paris Street, Aurora. On a
rent application he described himself as “quiet and easy going”, according
to the Denver Post.

Unlike many previous massacres, where signs of a motive have been immediately
apparent, Holmes appears to have gone “under the radar”. The authorities
said that he was not on any watch list nor was he a member of any terrorist
organisation. He apparently bought all the weapons legally.

His family released a statement saying: “Our hearts go out to those who were
involved in this tragedy and to the family and friends also involved.”
They said they were fully cooperating with the police investigation.

John Hickenlooper, the governor of Colorado, said the killer had a “deranged

Both President Barack Obama and his Republican rival, Mitt Romney, called off
their campaigning for the day, giving only short and sober speeches
reflecting on the tragedy.

“If there is anything to take away from this tragedy, it is a reminder
that life is fragile,” Mr Obama said. “Our time here is limited
and it is precious. What matters at the end of the day is not the small
things, not the trivial things that so often consume us.”

The President cut short a campaign trip to Florida and returned to the White
House where he chaired an emergency meeting of senior law enforcement
officials. Flags on government buildings and military bases across the
country were flown at half mast.

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