Bennett Backs Off Birther Issue As Hawaii Sends Arizona Obama Verification Document

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Secretary of State says he didn’t open email before making announcement

Steve Watson
May 23, 2012

After suggesting that he may keep Barack Obama off the Arizona ballot in November owing to questionable eligibility, the Secretary of State Ken Bennett is backing away from the issue.

In an interview with an Arizona conservative radio host Friday, Bennett said it would be “possible” for him to leave President Obama off the Arizona ballot in November until he received official “confirmation” from the state of Hawaii that Barack Obama was born there.

The Secretary of State says he has now received information from Hawaii that “proves President Obama’s American birth and satisfies Arizona’s requirements for having the president on the upcoming election ballot.” reports The Arizona Republic.

“I’m happy that we got what we asked for and that’s what I was expecting all along,” Bennett said Tuesday night, without clarifying exactly what he had received in an email from Hawaii officials.

Bizarrely, Bennett said he had not actually opened the email as of 7 p.m. Tuesday, but was confident it contained the information he asked for, reports

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“I can now report to thousands of constituents that we did what can be done and he is qualified to be on the ballot,” Bennett said.

Aloha State officials had initially told Bennett over three months ago that he had to prove he needed the records as part of normal business.

In a further statement, Joshua A. Wisch, special assistant to the attorney general in Hawaii, elaborated.

“We have received information from Secretary Bennett that satisfied our requirement and have therefore provided his office with a verification of birth for President Obama,” Wisch wrote.

Bennett was due to appear at a press conference today to discuss the issue. However, the event has now been canceled.

Bennett has distanced himself from the birther movement that believes Obama is not a natural born citizen and was born in Kenya. Nevertheless, he has received a great amount of criticism and ridicule for even addressing the issue, despite the fact that he says he was attempting only to satisfy the demands of a volume of Arizona residents who asked him to investigate the matter.

“What is so sacred or untouchable about this question that you can’t even ask the question?” he said

“We were simply doing what over 1,000 constituents asked me to do so they could have confidence the people on the Arizona ballot are entitled to be there,” he added.

“I feel like I was just trying to glue the far little corner of the carpet down,” Bennett said. “And as soon as you just touch the carpet, the whole floor buckles.”

“If I embarrassed the state, I apologize, but that certainly wasn’t my intent,” Bennett said in an interview with Phoenix radio station KTAR. “He’ll be on the ballot as long as he fills out the same paperwork and does the same things that everybody else has.”


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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34 Responses to “Bennett Backs Off Birther Issue As Hawaii Sends Arizona Obama Verification Document”

  1. “Weird Stuff” is all I can call it ?

    Dandroid Reply:
    May 23rd, 2012 at 8:57 am

    He was simply told to stfu.

    Rebelfromtheburg Reply:
    May 23rd, 2012 at 9:06 am

    Exactly. They (elite) were probably like woah okay someone send an assassin team to his house and give him a “heart attack” haha. He definitely got scared by something. Maybe losing his career, his life, his money. In the end these rich, powerful people have too much to lose if they stand up for the people. Sad.

    ….. Reply:
    May 23rd, 2012 at 1:05 pm


    Dandroid Reply:
    May 23rd, 2012 at 9:58 am

    Where is hellangone?

    AZ doing what the other pussy states have done! Nothing

    TimOsman Reply:
    May 23rd, 2012 at 9:37 am

    “If you know of a lie,
    and do nothing of the lie,
    then you become the lie.

  2. Oh yea I got confirmation….haven’t looked at the email yet but I BELIEVE. What ever it is. It’s sort of like voting Yay on a bill to see what’s in it.



    A 3RD FAKE ?

  4. wimp folds

    the sage Reply:
    May 23rd, 2012 at 9:35 am

    He got his hundred grand pay off from Obama.

  5. Laughable. He must be psychic, he has not opened the email but he is confident it is the information he requested? and they call us “theorists”

  6. He got a confirmation that he would be destroyed if he kept rockin the boat, so like a good politician he caved in to bribery, threats or blackmail. He could care less what’s in that email!

  7. “Bizarrely, Bennett said he had not actually opened the email as of 7 p.m. Tuesday, but was confident it contained the information he asked for, reports”

    LOL! So if I send in my proof like this to the judge he will just do the same thing, right?

    I’m telling you these parties have their hacks in and they OWN the polls! This is ludicrous!


  9. Yep, same old crap.

    “They have verified that Barry was born in Hawaii”. But, I am hard pressed to see how they
    verified this. I won’t be waiting for the reasonable news article that describes the process in
    reasonable detail.

    It’s right up there with: “my dog ate my homework”.
    Or, “we need a Trillion $ to bail us out or the world will end”.
    We can’t tell you in any kind of detail why the world will end if we don’t get the loot but, trust us”.


    Vic Reply:
    May 23rd, 2012 at 10:10 am

    let the world end we will see who makes it and who doesn’t?

    Vic Reply:
    May 23rd, 2012 at 10:11 am

    let this NWO world end then we will see ?

    lark garage Reply:
    May 23rd, 2012 at 1:38 pm

    Well, the deck is stacked against regular people.
    They have the underground military bases and the rail system and tons of food and probably slaves that do the heavy lifting.
    The good news is that the global conflict will continue below ground.
    These people don’t know how to live in peace.
    They have severe personality disorders.
    My best guess is that everyone is tunneling and trying to Eff each other at all costs.
    I don’t find any comfort in the thought of living underground with the strong possibility that someone is tunneling under my tunnel and ready to blow it or flood it with ocean water.
    Eff them all Vic.

    Wisconsin Task Force…..


  10. then where does that none citisenship all originate from?

    does he, or does he not have a real official certificate?

    who is saying the truth and who is lying?

  11. I think this guy was either paid off or threatened. I dont believe this crap for a moment. You know its just like a patsy with a busted piece of shit for a rifle with a bad scope who couldnt qualify as a marksman in the Marines got off 3 shots and knocked off JFK…..

    Yeah, and I have a couple of bridges to sell you…..

    I remember quite well the JFK assasination and I remember that an FBI SHARPSHOOTER tried to duplicate those same shots with a similar rifle and he couldnt do it……but Oswald could…..what the FUGG?

  12. Barack Obama = No proof of Osama Bin Laden kill – just you must believe me stories.
    Barack Obama = No proof of Birth Certificate – just you must believe me stories, along with forged presentations.
    Barack Obama = The Emperor has NO clothes – just you must believe in the fantasy.

  13. Somebody in the White House got to this Secretary of State Ken Bennett and he’s been told that he more than likely will join Bin Laden or as they say “swim with the fishes” if he doesn’t shut up and shut down this investigation, and now, you’re all warned he’s been warned to lay off this issue.

  14. Hawaii is a bunch of g-damned liberals that will do anything to let this f-ing imposter go free and not tell Americans that this guy was not born here. It’s all lies and smoke mirrors. If you believe this you are just as bad as this administration is – lying, cheating, SOBs who only want to exterminate us and let NWO Elite control this country! Liars! Hawaii – tell the truth. Obombya isn’t a citizen of the USA! Kenya is his home!

  15. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

    Yo, Arizona public servant SHOW US THE PROOF.

    How stupid do you think 60 million of us are? Not dumb enough.

    jeffglobal Reply:
    May 23rd, 2012 at 11:47 am

    We didn’t ask YOU to make the DECISION for us.

    WE asked you to get their answer.


    Dandroid Reply:
    May 23rd, 2012 at 12:01 pm

    Its an open record.

  16. Well those there conservatives down in Arizony is sure showing those damn Liberals a thing or two.
    Wait a minute, that guy folded faster than a house of cards. We don’t have a government kids. They either take the payoff’s, get rubbed out or get politically destroyed. Zionist banker mafia scum at work.

  17. Sheriff Joe is sending an investigative team to Hawaii. They were on their way before this clown made his announcement. I wonder if Sheriff Joe’s guys are going to get the same documents ?? From what I read his guys are packin and I would be too if I was out there snoopin around……….what a piece of shit this administration is along with all the porch monkey’s followers……..They gotta go come November…better yet sooner if somebody grows the balls to impeach him………

  18. You almost have to hate him for being a Political scum but “NOTICE” what he did. He sent you all a message. He didn’t have to say I haven’t opened the e-mail yet. He could have waited to open it and then made his statement or just lied and said he did. By telling you I’m sure it is all ok and Hawaii has complied but I haven’t looked at the evidence yet he “IS” saying;

    Sorry I can’t do this, they have threatened my wife, my family, my dog and promised to destroy my life if I pursue this. “They” don’t have to buy you with money. They give you an offer you can’t refuse. Done deal!!! I can’t say I blame him!!! Really do you want to be walking down the street one day and drop like a sack of potatoes and your kids have no dad for the rest of their lives to help and support them when they need it most? Just a thought!!!

    sbee1441 Reply:
    May 23rd, 2012 at 1:50 pm

    @Jafo2me: Well I BLAME him. I am sick and tired and really surprised to think that all 3 branches of our government, the government at the state level down to the local level have the character of Dr. Smith in Lost in Space. Remember him? That waste of human protoplasm. Is that all there is?

    Ps 53:1-3
    A The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God,”
    They are corrupt, and have committed abominable injustice;
    There is no one who does good.
    2 God has looked down from heaven upon the sons of men
    To see if there is anyone who understands,
    Who seeks after God.
    3 Every one of them has turned aside; together they have become corrupt;
    There is no one who does good, not even one.

    Always turns out God is right.

  19. I once traded Dracula gold bars for his beautiful daughter but she was also very difficult and I never got over her nature or her beauty….

    VanHelsing Reply:
    May 23rd, 2012 at 12:33 pm

    Every inch of her was really Magnificent….

  20. This was clearly a a staged ploy to discredit the Sheriff and any of those who believe that the birth certificate released was a fake along with Obama being born in Kenya. This Attorney General is a complete sellout no differently then Kelly Ayotte was here in New Hampshire before becoming a US senator which was her reward for selling out as much of this state as she could to interests outside of it. Watch this ass has plans to move his career towards politics. It is so obvious he does.

  21. Kudos to Alex for fair reporting !

    Flew in from Arizona today and when got off the plane heard news report that Az official had received the verification info from Hawaii that had been requested. Of course I assumed the news report was accurate (mistake) and was curious about how well Alex would eat crow.

    Read the above article – which I thought was real fair and professional – and well I guess its just more of the same from Obamney …surprise, surprise ….

    Kudos to Alex and his team !

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