Big Brother Transport Bill Set to Advance This Week

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Legislation would empower IRS to revoke passports of accused tax delinquents

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Big Brother transport bill that will empower the IRS to revoke passports of alleged tax delinquents, mandate the installation of black boxes in all cars, as well as a myriad of other privacy-busting measures, is set to take a huge leap forward this week.

Big Brother Transport Bill Set to Advance This Week 65880552

House Republicans are taking heat from Democrats over their passage of a bill that merely extends funding for already existing federal highway programs. Dems such as Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) have been vocal in pushing the House to pass their version of Senate Bill 1813, otherwise known as the ‘Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act’ (MAP-21).

However, MAP-21 represents a complete federal power grab over transportation and includes a number of chilling provisions that threaten to trample constitutional rights across the board.

The one that’s garnered most attention in the press is a provision that empowers the IRS to revoke passports of tax delinquents merely accused of owing over $50,000 in back taxes.

Labeled by prominent newspapers such as the Investor’s Business Daily as a “Stalinist” assault on mobility rights reminiscent of the Soviet Union, the provision is clearly unconstitutional, violating Article I, Section 9, paragraph 3 , which forbids “Bills of Attainder,” and has also been shot down in several Supreme Court cases.

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In addition to the IRS provision, Section 31406 of the bill authorizes mandatory “data event recorders” to be used in all new cars from 2015 onwards. These black boxes could form the basis of a future tax by the mile system which has been aggressively pushed by the Obama administration.

Furthermore, Section 53006 of the bill – the “Vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications systems deployment,” creates the framework for all vehicles to be connected wirelessly to other vehicles and infrastructure (such as the new street lights which are being installed with “Homeland Security applications” and can listen in on conversations), greasing the skids for constant real-time tracking, eavesdropping and surveillance.

Accusations by Democrats that House Republicans are killing jobs by refusing to pass MAP-21 is putting pressure on lawmakers to vote on a House version of S. 1813 that could include some or all of the provisions detailed above.

“Both the House and Senate are expected to appoint conferees to the highway bill as early as this week,” reports The Hill, meaning that once disagreements over the legislation have been resolved in committee, the final version of the bill will be up for a vote.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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24 Responses to “Big Brother Transport Bill Set to Advance This Week”

  1. welcome to the unconstitutional open campus concentration camp.
    450 million hollowpoint bullets for what exactly?
    they’re buying bulletproof “toll booths” to control interstate travel too.

    these high tech nazi SOB’s deserve a guillotine.

    BR549 Reply:
    April 24th, 2012 at 6:31 am

    Here in Rhode Island, he’s known as Sheldon Shithouse. He’s a silver spoon puppet of the NWO and the bigger problem for RI is that the rest of his political brethren are all cut from the same cloth. Rhode Island is doomed if these stay in office, since the average voter here still thinks that being able to shake their hand somehow makes them more capable. A state filled with sheep and only a handful of free thinkers among them.

    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    April 24th, 2012 at 7:14 am

    President Monkey Boy (a.k.a. ‘ BARRY SOETORO’) Responded:

    “Yes We Can!!! Thank You SATAN!!! SUBMIT TO THE MARK THAT’S NOW SOONER!!!”


    far from

    Startover Reply:
    April 24th, 2012 at 8:54 am

    @ Capt,

    At least the Nazi’s wouldn’t do this to their own people.

    The only way out of this now is for a patriotic General to declare Martial law and order the infastructure demolished, and the repeal of all the laws of the last 100 years.

  2. HR 347 passed…….. Unconstitutionally…again!

    Ron Paul voted “Nay” as did Congressman Paul Broun from Georgia. There were several “no votes”.


    We do not have a record of how Rand Paul voted concerning this important issue.



  3. When the people finally wake the F up, you son-of-a-bitches, will wish you had taken your oath to support and protect our Constitution more seriously. Anyone who sides with the Government when Martial Law is implemented will become a target.

    The American people are armed for a reason, because our founding fathers knew full well the perverse nature and propensity of human beings to trying and usurp undeserved power from the working men and women through bribery and/or threats of physical violence.

    Our Constitution was designed to protect US FROM our government, not protect IT from us. It also states that if our government fails miserably at doing the job it was designed to do, then it is the right if not the duty of the citizens to change it. While it also said that undertaking such responsibility should not be taken lightly, it did not rule out by mentioning specifically just how the people were supposed to change their government if it did act so irresponsibly.

    “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” was stated as such, not only so much as to arm a militia in times of great need, but to keep the citizens from being overwhelmed by a government run amok and forced into an enslaved servitude.


    Jefferson wrote: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants” !!!

    Either you are a PATRIOT and seeker of freedom and civil liberties, or you are a part of the problem. Remember that making your choice, no matter which side you choose will be as taking your life into your own hands. The lines of the battle are being drawn. If you choose the side you believe to be the strongest, remember Kampuchea and the Killing Fields. The government is no respecter of individuals and will use them as cannon fodder to further its agenda for survival !!!

    No amount of self righteousness by a government in its need to think it must continue will suffice, when the people decide that they have had enough of the tyranny imposed upon them !

    Vic Reply:
    April 24th, 2012 at 6:08 am

    ”Anyone who sides with the Government when Martial Law is implemented will become a target.”

    lets hope the dumbies realise it?

  4. Hey Alex….I don’t know where to post this so…..prison planet was dropped from coming up on “yahoo search”….at least this morning

  5. Google News has long since dropped Prison Planet results… so it might be connected.

  6. The NWO know very well there time is up.They know taxes and income taxes will soon be of the past.SO they vote in bills to scare the people in paying the shylocks and there criminal scam.But might work for some, but it is too late.the Empire of darkness is going down, down,down to the pitts of hell, where they belong bringing with them every trator servant along with them in there downfall.

    HIGH BRASS Reply:
    April 24th, 2012 at 6:16 am

    “”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””HEY VIC!!! I’M STILL WAITING””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””

    Vic says:
    April 23, 2012 at 8:21 am
    can you see there will not be elections in the fall? the dictators are preparing


    HIGH BRASS Reply:

    April 23rd, 2012 at 12:13 pm

    @ VIC!!!!!!

    I will make you a deal Vic. If there are no elections in the fall? I will never again post here on Prison Planet. If there are Elections in the fall? You stop posting here on Prison Planet.

    By no elections, I mean no Presidential elections. Sick of your stupid bullshit, so just how much do you believe in the crap you post???? Come on Vic, answer me…….


    HIGH BRASS Reply:

    April 23rd, 2012 at 6:44 pm

    Come on Vic!! I’m Still waiting!!!!!!! Come Out Come Out where ever you are……

    Scorpion Reply:
    April 24th, 2012 at 8:08 am

    You’re right Vic; the Empire is becoming more desperate by the day. Their attempts to pass all these laws shows they are becoming more desperate. It will be interesting to see what is on the agenda at Bilderberg this year.

  7. The IRS can kiss my ass. I hope they enjoyed the 1040 I files in crayon.

    Scorpion Reply:
    April 24th, 2012 at 8:02 am


    Vengeance Reply:
    April 24th, 2012 at 9:33 am

    I drew a Pony on mine.. 😀

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 24th, 2012 at 9:34 am

    then the BLM shot it and sold the meat to Japan.. *cries*

  8. Yet another reason not to buy a new car. My Texas Senators John Cornyn (R) and Kay Bailey Hutchenson (R) voted for the Sentate 1813 version. They are both huge disappointments. Big Brother / Big Government Guy Cornyn needs to go and Hutchenson needs to retire already.

    Scorpion Reply:
    April 24th, 2012 at 8:04 am

    I haven’t owned a car in like six years 😉 Walking is better for your body and cheaper to.

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 24th, 2012 at 9:35 am

    You oughta see the muscle mass that minin’ diggin’ will give ya.. *flexes*

  9. I’ll say it again Burn all the banks down to the ground, using the paper IOU’s as fire starter material. Armed Revolution 2.0

  10. I feel as if I am a character in 1984.

  11. The Republicans have no balls because Obama is (1/2) Black. McCain gave him the election because he wimped out. These people are useless.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 24th, 2012 at 9:33 am

    How many times did I hear “historic first” after that stinking “election” ?…way too many

    Now the media will ramp up the “your racist” shit if you don’t “vote” for Obingo in November.

    A race war is brewing…as planned by the criminal government syndicate.

  12. By authority of the free people of America
    For Immediate Release
    March 20, 2012
    In Defense Of The Constitution Amendment 001 — to the National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order


    – By the authority first granted in me by our Creator as was written down in our Constitution and as the chief representative with the full consensus from my fellow countrymen, I do hereby include and immediately implement this amendment to nullify each provision of the National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order that comes into conflict with any of the statutes as were set down in our Constitution by our founding fathers. Furthermore from this point on any future policy changes that attempt to supplant the free rights and liberties of the American people as expressed in the Constitution shall also be immediately rendered null and void. Lastly each and every participant convicted of conspiring to again deprive the free people of America any of their rights or liberties shall be hanged until dead.

    Signed, standing Chief Representative of We The People
    Co-signed, the blood of all our fallen Patriots before me…
    March 20, 2012.

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