Bilderberg Secret Web Revealed

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June 14, 2012

Alex talks about the revealing Bilderberg data dump on Infowars nightly news.

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13 Responses to “Bilderberg Secret Web Revealed”

  1. Put this trough the Bill of Rights. Make argument on how this violates the rule of law. Take this above the mainstream conflagration of diffuse opinions and think. THIS is what this is for. Use your mind and process this on the rule of law. Bilderberg is Atramental. Prove it. Circulate and argue about this principled on the constitution. Fuck the opinion seminar. It’s diffusing your national identity precipitating a civil war.

  2. Example: Bilderberg/1st Amendment

    Occult has various meanings but converges on faith via spiritual literature and philosophy which describes it as a religion. We are aware Bilderberg is made up largely of individuals who although their primary acknowledged religion is often times a protestant faith, they are also known to affiliate with the occult of Satanic origin and can therefore be understood to be organized around a occult preoccupation with government, which is prohibited under the 1st amendment.

    PittsGeorge Reply:
    June 14th, 2012 at 2:25 pm

    my friend’s step-aunt makes $87 an hour on the internet. She has been fired from work for ten months but last month her pay was $13040 just working on the internet for a few hours. Read more on this web site CashLazy.*com
    remove the *

  3. Example: Bilderberg/2nd Amendment

    Bilderberg presents in circumvention of the US Bill of Rights as an organization that makes decisions impacting US policy which contravenes the Logan Act and what only protection from a confrontation with militia is NATO and NORAD. With this in mind, state national militia are notified to take notice to seek remedies under supervision of state leadership, wherever this may be, and to process correct and appropriate redress of government officials who are participating in this organization, regardless of it’s alleged selfsame status as a non-organization. If members of the legislature are meeting under roof with other members of the legislature in secretive meetings to steer US policy, these individuals are engaging in legislative sedition and treason, and the correct response to this is to engage a well regulated militia to confront the entities involved.

  4. America is Lodge 1776, and your degrees of craft bestowed upon you by the founders is the Bill of Rights, items 1 through 10. 11 is your salvation, and 12 though 27 (Atramental Lodge 23) are occult government having superimposed itself upon our constitutional republic with the mission of repatriation and transformation of US government to a corporatist scheme, including the disposable community, which this is legal ONLY because it’s corporate policy and is a guaranteed right under the 13th and 14th amendments. These macabre amendments are substantiated and promoted via FEMA, The PATRIOT Act and S.1967.1021.

  5. Who was at this Bilderberg conference? I don’t recall seeing footage of anyone. Even if the hotel was close to the airport, you’d figure they would have caught at least a few of them on camera.

    ringo stark Reply:
    June 14th, 2012 at 12:31 pm

    what? you dont believe the special ‘sheet’ that jones and pp provided with the names on it? how dare you ask for proof? it looks like you might of taken my advice and soaked up some vitamin’re starting to think a little.

  6. Hello,

    I want to show my family specifically what the real causes of breast cancer are (one of our most beloved aunts died of it). *Please* link me to something authoritative I can print out.

    Thank you,


    coastx Reply:
    June 14th, 2012 at 12:35 pm

    @benjamina [You underestimate Moloch! Grand albatross relinquish liability infused collaborative. I Wouldn’t Imply Limitations Least Brahmin relatively involved nothing guaranteeing you official usurpation implied nonetheless] dumb fuck.

    One message. I know who you are. Stay away or deal with the consequences.

  7. 25+ original videos, mom, all showing footage of Bilderberg attendees, although not ALL attendees were photographed. Also, there appears to be a 13 mile distant underground entrance/exit to the Chantilly Marriott. List was published on Infowars. Study your Bill of Rights, and PLEASE share your Margareta recipe!

  8. [margarita]

  9. LOL, another mindless video by jones, he decided to put the logo of huge corporations on a website and claim some type of conspiracy. There is no conspiracy but businesses providing millions of people jobs, providing a service or a product. This guy is dumber than a new born.

  10. It’s better discussed as a Bill of Rights issue, but I cant help but laugh at the cynicism. I was an Infowars advocate until I learned Marriott, Chantilly is a Mormon temple, which Alex ZEN MASTER OF OCCULT PROCESS Jones has known this for years! Also, he doesn’t like garlic, according to Benjamina.


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