Bil’in 7th Annual Conference on Popular Struggle, Next Week (Incl. Program & Press Info)

08-04-2012,08:43 – Al Qassam Website

Al Qassam website – The Popular Struggle Coordination Committee the Bil’in Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements will hold the 7th International Conference for Popular Struggle next week, April 10-13, 2012.

This year, the conference will be dedicated to discuss the growth of the popular struggle, and will include panel discussions, field trips, strategic analysis on the current situation and speeches by Palestinian and international dignitaries.

Over the years, the Bil’in annual conference has become a platform for debate to the popular committees, as well as local and international activists, and a great opportunity to learn about the challenges, strategies and milestones of the popular resistance.

The conference will be opened on Tuesday, April 10, in Bil’in village, with speeches by Palestinian Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad, representatives of the PLO and by recently released prisoner, Naji Tamimi, on behalf of the popular committees. Speeches will be followed by panels to discuss Palestinian-Israeli relationship in the context of popular resistance and the struggle in the so called Area “C”.

The second day, April 11th, will be held in the Old City of Hebron, and will discuss various topics including the International solidarity movement, social media and the role of Palestinian political parties in popular resistance.

The third day, April 12th, will be held in Silwan, Jerusalem, and will discuss resistance in Jerusalem and the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

On Friday, April 13th, Bil’in will host press conference and a central demonstration as a closing event.

Detailed program:

Day One (Bil’in)

08:30-09:30 Registration
09:30-12:00 Opening

Presenter: Abdallah Abu Rahmah
Opening remarks on behalf of the popular committees: Naji tamimi
Opening speech on behalf of the Palestinian Authority: Dr. Salam Fayyad
Speech on behalf of the PLO: Abbas Zaki
10 minutes video presentation of the popular struggle
Announcement of the winners in the Popular Struggle photography contest

12:00-12:15 Coffee break
12:20-02:30 Panel: We resist to exist Area C and the struggle for development
02:30-04:00 Lunch
04:00-06:00 Panel: Palestinian-Israeli relations, Between joint work and normalization

Evening Program

06:00- 08:00 Movie screening and discussion: The Law in These Parts

Day Two (Hebron, old city)

Hebron, from expulsion to resistance

08:00 Organized transportation from Bil’in to Hebron
09:30-10:00 Opening remarks

Speakers: The Governor of HebronSpeaker on behalf of the Hebron Popular Committee

10:00-11:20 Panel: Palestinian political parties and popular struggle, Between theory and practice

Participated by Representatives of the Palestinian political parties

11:20-11:35 Coffee Break
11:35-12:50 Panel: Lessons from the ground, achievements and failures of the popular committees
12:50-02:00 Panel: The global IntifadaThe international solidarity movement and its role in resistance to the occupation
02:00-03:00 Lunch break in the Old City of Hebron
03:00-05:00 Panel: Media, new media and citizen journalism

How new forms of mass communications imact and can be utilized by the popular struggle

05:00 Departure and Return to Bil’in

Third Day in Silwan (East Jerusalem)

Resisting the quiet deportation from Jerusalem

08:00 Organized transportation from Bil’in to Silwan
10:00-10:30 Opening remarks
10:30-11:30 Panel: Resisting the silent deportation in Jerusalem
11:30-11:50 Coffee break
11:50-01:30 Panel: Boycott Divestments and Sanctions (BDS)
01:30-03:00 Lunch break
03:00-04:00 A political tour of Silwan
04:00 Departure and return to Bil’in

Media contact:Abir Kopty  +972-546782420 

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